Preserved Sheet Lavani

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@Caelamus reinfected with werebeastism and changed one of her prior mutations to Compassionate Sorcery, exchanged her remaining arcane spell into an elemental spell
@Caelamus heavily redid the aesthetics of the sheet and touched up her lifestory detailing her experience in the war, but nothing major besides that. Unfortunately, I lost the approved tag while editing oop
@Caelamus werebeast update, included the werebeast form along with chosen abilities, also invested those 6 free points into lightness sorcery
⎔ Grace of the Moth
@Caelamus new year, new trauma! got cured and infected with the cratos bloodline! also changed around prof, dumping bodycare into vocal singing and changed her life story around to fit the slizzar lore
@Caelamus no longer a vampire, also i took half (10 points) from finecraft and placed it into architecture
@Caelamus Updated lzali to fit the new sorcery and metallurgy update, also rewrote her life story to fit these changes
Also if it's possible I'd like every past response to this page to be cleared so i can dump extra aesthetic info in this post
@Caelamus prof update! updated her lifestory very lightly to much with the profs as well
@Caelamus updating again! rehaul her points around entirely as i no longer find the clockwork/jeweler theme for her suitable, moved most of the points into sorcery and linguistics. changed life story accordingly to fit such changes
@Caelamus added two engineering packs, made it magitech. Messed with her points to fix such changes and added it into her life story!
also updated linguistics per the new update
@Caelamus updated to the new format! i made a pretty big change as i found myself with a few points to spare after removing a few sorcery spells and the schooling being removed! i added two alchemy packs for a better 'witch' vibe to her, invested the remaining amount into caster ranged and with my one free point - i added gardening
@Caelamus looking over her spread of points, I felt I had spread too much across a lot of areas - so I had removed alchemy and placed it into engineering and sorcery. Added mending and darkness 2
@Caelamus Finally added progression talents to her sheet, changed her backstory according to fit her core character idea and changed around her points to better fit 'a former bureaucrat turned engineer'
@Caelamus Updated to the new Slizzar lore - a lot was changed and retcon for a better narrative of my character.
- Biggest thing - Sorcery was purged entirely, everything magic related was retcon because I see no reason why a Slizzar who lived through and seen what magic can do to the world would fall down that path, didn't want to go with Devata because I felt Mauli was more appropriate
- Changed Magitech over to Crystaltech, as being an engineer has always been the core concept of her before everything else came along
- With the removal of sorcery, I switched her Caster Ranged to Heavy Ranged and turned those leftover points into the Weapons pack for engineering
- added the new ritualism because it'll be a great alternative to the story telling rp I had given in the past and still like doing now
- Changed one of the languages (Suvial) to Shalota given how my character had interacted with the Maraya
- Updated everything else to the new lore standard and also removed the progression talents because I'm not getting involved with progs till the next prof update
Sorry for a big chance like this, but this is the future narrative I see her being in that sticks to what I had done in the past and plan to do in the future
Consider the interaction at the Citizenship application retconned then. I was acting on old app information.
@Caelamus snake update! with all the new changes, I did some touch ups to Lavani. Removed Weapons Pack from Engineering and added Amontaar Wisdom as she had been in the Allorn Empire for a hot few hundred years. Added magic again (primal), removed two points from (of the previous 7) Charisma to fund magic points. Added Stupid Luck because I still had points.