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Played Character Lapis Layline

This character is actively played.


Nov 29, 2019
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Rabbit's Foot
Character Information
Full Name: Lapis Layline​
Heritage / Culture: Remet Asha, Regalia​
Age: 22​
Gender / Pronouns: She/Her​
Religion: Baskarr, Ra' mut​
Occult: N/A​
Character Occupation: Evangelist​
Knight: Lothar | Sudzhennya
Appearance Information:
Eye Color: Grey​
Skin Color: Dark Blue/Gray​
Hair: Dark Blue/Gray​
Height: 5"4'​
Body Type: Slim
Additional Features:
Lapis usually wears a white tunic adorned with golden symbols, expressing her worship of Ra' mut. She also wears a white Satoor, similarly adorned with symbols, but they're instead cyan colored. She wears a small living metal cuff on her left wrist and always wears a golden cross necklace around her neck.​

Skill Information:
Hobbies and Talents: Weaver, Traveller, Robotic Engineer​
Mechanics: Remet Asha​
Remet Asha can control a special substance called Living Metal, which is a solid Metal that becomes liquid by their thought and imagination, and can be reshaped to whatever they can imagine, and telekinetically moved around.​
Remet Asha have perfect night vision, capable of seeing in dark and low-light environments without needing external lights. Additionally, their claws when struck together create flint and steel like sparks that light up.​
Remet Asha have a natural bodily reaction to non-combat Magic in their proximity. This can for example cause the fur in their neck to stand upright. It can also be used to warn of a magical presence before it is spotted.​
Remet Asha have a heightened sense of smell, sight, and hearing out of Combat. This is fairly flexible and should be discussed with people in a scene in terms of what advantages this may give an Asha in varying scenarios.​
Remet Asha either through a combination of excellent acrobatics, or shock-dampening limbs, or using their claws to slide down buildings, never take damage when falling from heights, so long as this fall is below 50 Blocks.​
Languages: Common, Sign, Oortaan​

Backstory: Find out in RP

Lapis is very religious and also happens to be an evangelist. She will try to convince those closest to her to follow her religion. She dislikes specific religions greatly but will try to remain polite and respectful to the followers of such religions unless provoked.
Lapis has lived in a small area of Regalia for most of her life, working on trinkets and gadgets to fight the occult. However, she has recently decided to travel more of Regalia to express her passions as a knight and evangelist.​

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 7
Defense Stat: 4
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
Strength: 0​
Constitution: 0​
Intelligence: 7​
[Puretek reload]​
[Puretek antimagi]​
[Puretek burn]​
[Puretek wrath]​
[Tech assimilate]​
[Tech auto]​
[Tech hook shot]​
[Adapt Wardrobe] (Asha Free)​
Wisdom: 0​
Dexterity: 3​
[Deadeye luckshot]​
[Deadeye barrage]​
[Deadeye crit]​
[Deadeye quickshot] (Asha Free)​
Faith: 4​
[Prayer desperate]​
[Prayer kneeling​
[Prayer guidance]​
[Prayer faithwall]​
Magic: 0​