Archived Language Plugin

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Goblin Babe (Local Hotsexy)
Dec 14, 2013
Reaction score
T-Bones Hearthrobbs
So, jeep3r had this idea for a language plugin for massive (duh), but, for whatever reason, couldn't sign up. So I'm here. Anyhow, the idea was that for the local chat, you could use a command to select the languages your character knows, something like /language a {language} and another one for the language you're using, Like /language u {language}. And everything that was in a language you didn't know would be run through an RnG. Basically reduced to gibberish. If you wanted to take it a step further, you could also add the strength you've got in a language, which would encrypt words based on your level. This plugin would be a bit of a flavor thing, to add a bit of depth to the way text based roleplay looks.
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Well... its not a bad idea, but in my opinion u can improve english in this server.
And practicing english is good for any job in the future its like universal lenguage.

There are more things to improve that lenguage plugin btw.
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Well... its not a bad idea, but in my opinion u can improve english in this server.
And practicing english is good for any job in the future its like universal lenguage.

There are more thing that improve that lenguage plugin btw.

Could you please elaborate on that last part?
There are more problems to solve inside the server that add a new plugins.

Thats what i meant before.

Just an opinion...
Well... its not a bad idea, but in my opinion u can improve english in this server.
And practicing english is good for any job in the future its like universal lenguage.

There are more things to improve that lenguage plugin btw.
English is not a universal language mate, there are more Spanish speakers than English speakers.
English is not a universal language mate, there are more Spanish speakers than English speakers.

Native speakers perhaps, definitely not speakers.

But to the topic, I think language roleplay as whole is used only to roleplay cliques and close out people from random conversations. Not really something to be supported with plugins.
Native speakers perhaps, definitely not speakers.

But to the topic, I think language roleplay as whole is used only to roleplay cliques and close out people from random conversations. Not really something to be supported with plugins.
Do you even understand what is being proposed?
Do you even understand what is being proposed?

Yes, I do. I merely oppose the idea of bringing language to roleplay. It's part of the lore, but from an OOC sense, it limits fun and promotes cliques. Understood?
Yes, I do. I merely oppose the idea of bringing language to roleplay. It's part of the lore, but from an OOC sense, it limits fun and promotes cliques. Understood?
I disagree, I believe it would add a new and fun aspect to RP, If we were in Regalia then we would be hearing dwarvish, elvish, klien, etc...
Someone else suggested something just like this not too long ago.
Anyway, it'd take a ton of writing up languages for staff, and everyone would have to use it too, change it for chars, etc.
Someone else suggested something just like this not too long ago.
Anyway, it'd take a ton of writing up languages for staff, and everyone would have to use it too, change it for chars, etc.
There wouldn't be anything written per say. It would really just be encrypted.
I disagree, I believe it would add a new and fun aspect to RP, If we were in Regalia then we would be hearing dwarvish, elvish, klien, etc...
I can't help but agree with Medvekoma on this one. Establishing cliques would probably be the most frequent use for the plugin.
There wouldn't be anything written per say. It would really just be encrypted.
Hmm, true I guess, I was thinking more like the other suggestion.
Anyway, it would still be a lower priority, and likely never happen. It would also just help to seperate the small reserved RP community further.
Eh, I don't see the need for it. I prefer the good ol fashion talking in Elvish by "<E> Talking like this", less miscommunication.
The only thing I'd want is an officiated list of language abbreviations and their usual speakers'.

Because E can be Elvish and Eroque, D can be Daendroque and Ithanian, T can be Thylan or Tatsugo exc. , I usually do the first three letters to solve that. But it'd be nice to have a list anyway, just so people could know what languages are out there.
Eh, I don't see the need for it. I prefer the good ol fashion talking in Elvish by "<E> Talking like this", less miscommunication.
The only thing I'd want is an officiated list of language abbreviations and their usual speakers'.

Because E can be Elvish and Eroque, D can be Daendroque and Ithanian, T can be Thylan or Tatsugo exc. , I usually do the first three letters to solve that. But it'd be nice to have a list anyway, just so people could know what languages are out there.
I think a plugin like this would be cool, it would add more mystery and realism to the game, and all RP games try to make stuff as real as possible exept for unreal things, they still try to make those things as real as possible though.
I think a plugin like this would be cool, it would add more mystery and realism to the game, and all RP games try to make stuff as real as possible exept for unreal things, they still try to make those things as real as possible though.
In my opinion, the greatest problem is not how such plugin would affect the Role-Play community and the gameplay as a whole, but simply how such a plugin could be created. Languages are not something simple and differ from one another. You might have experience with, for example, Google translate or oder translation sites on the web. They might work for most words, but are not really able to translate whole sentences if all the words and expressions in them aren't directly connected to each other and something strange may be the result of this. So I suppose if such a plugin was actually coded, it would probably have to be limited to the simplest expressions and would have to avoid phrases and any other more complicated forms. This would be even harder because many Alorian languages are actually really similar to real-world ones, so you couldn't reduce them to gibberish, and those who are not should still follow some rules since it would make no sense otherwise, as anyone can reach the gibberish level in a few days at most.

However, I'm not against this idea. I just don't believe that the Massivecraft community is capable of something like this since it hasn't been accomplished even by the world's largest corporations. Issues with cliques could perhaps simply be solved by sending out two messages, one in English and the other one in the set language. Anyways, I wish you good luck and support this, although I believe it's nearly impossible.
In my opinion, the greatest problem is not how such plugin would affect the Role-Play community and the gameplay as a whole, but simply how such a plugin could be created. Languages are not something simple and differ from one another. You might have experience with, for example, Google translate or oder translation sites on the web. They might work for most words, but are not really able to translate whole sentences if all the words and expressions in them aren't directly connected to each other and something strange may be the result of this. So I suppose if such a plugin was actually coded, it would probably have to be limited to the simplest expressions and would have to avoid phrases and any other more complicated forms. This would be even harder because many Alorian languages are actually really similar to real-world ones, so you couldn't reduce them to gibberish, and those who are not should still follow some rules since it would make no sense otherwise, as anyone can reach the gibberish level in a few days at most.

However, I'm not against this idea. I just don't believe that the Massivecraft community is capable of something like this since it hasn't been accomplished even by the world's largest corporations. Issues with cliques could perhaps simply be solved by sending out two messages, one in English and the other one in the set language. Anyways, I wish you good luck and support this, although I believe it's nearly impossible.

The idea was that you would have selected the languages your character knows, and everything that wasn't spoken in that language would be randomized gibberish.
How would it make cliques? just explain you'r reasoning anyone who has mentioned cliques.
Now, what would be /really/ cool would be if the plugin swapped vowels and consonents with others, respectively, but did so consistantly, using some saved array for each language. That way each language would actually be recognisable, even if it weren't understandable. If you don't know what I mean, look to the way Space Station 13 handles alien languages. Same idea.
The idea was that you would have selected the languages your character knows, and everything that wasn't spoken in that language would be randomized gibberish.
That's what I'm saying. Most languages in Aloria are actually real-world ones or are similar to other fantasy languages (Elven, Klein). So they couldn't simply be converted to gibberish. Also, what's the point of changing them to gibberish? You can always create your own gibberish and write a message that's in gibberish and then translated to English. Such a plugin would actually prevent creativity at making your own gibberish and would actually make little sense. I don't see a reason for implementing a gibberish generator, as gibberish is actually meant to be a "language" that can be spoken by anyone. But if the purpose of it is that others don't understand it, than that actually would promote cliques. It might prevent people from language god RP, but they could, however, still add every language or at least the ones that are most commonly spoken and there would actually be almost no changes. Also, I believe that it's better to encourage something rather than enforce it.
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That's what I'm saying. Most languages in Aloria are actually real-world ones or are similar to other fantasy languages (Elven, Klein). So they couldn't simply be converted to gibberish. Also, what's the point of changing them to gibberish? You can always create your own gibberish and write a message that's in gibberish and then translated to English. Such a plugin would actually prevent creativity at making your own gibberish and would actually make little sense. I don't see a reason for implementing a gibberish generator, as gibberish is actually meant to be a "language" that can be spoken by anyone. But if the purpose of it is that others don't understand it, than that actually would promote cliques. It might prevent people from language god RP, but they could, however, still add every language or at least the ones that are most commonly spoken and there would actually be almost no changes. Also, I believe that it's better to encourage something rather than enforce it.

As misleading as the title is, our goal was never actually to establish any languages. The whole point of the plugin would really just to make you only able to "understand" languages you "speak". Let's play make believe to clarify:

I birth a character into this world who can speak elvish and klein for whatever reason. To fortify this statement, I type commands /language a elvish and /language a klien respectively. Boom, character speaks elvish and klein. So, I chat with these elves and kleinfolk and such and so, and nothing appears to of changed. However, we've got some other guy on the other side of the tavern, speaking thylan or whatever. On my screen, this would be encrypted and displayed as random gibberish, because my guy can't speak the lingo. However, my boy klein over here speaks thylan, so it doesn't come out as gibberish on his screen, 'cause they're in the know. So, they translate to me what the thylan just said, because they speak thylan. To elaborate a bit further, the klein wants to talk to the thylan, because they look more interesting/exotic than my legolass-esque cleche elven nerd. So the klein walks over and does the command /language u thylan. Now they're making merry, and I'm over here crying behind my drink, asking what they're saying because my character in-character don't speak thylan. Then say all the elves I was talking to also happen to speak thylan for whatever reason. They abandon me and my 'u treid star' character, who now sits staring mutely into my drink, "afk" as I use the command /language a thylan so I can at least can at the very least know they aren't sassing this sorry elf. I then attempt to message them OOC to bring the merry here, but they refuse because I conveniently don't speak the specific language that they use, and that they don't want to have to do the arduous language flipping. I cry myself to sleep, the end.

The second half also serves as an example of one of the many ways this plugin could be harmful, as opposed to the benevolence and immersiveness as the original intent had been.

@jeep3r @vidivo understand? Or do we need more make-believe?
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As misleading as the title is, our goal was never actually to establish any languages. The whole point of the plugin would really just to make you only able to "understand" languages you "speak". Let's play make believe to clarify:

To elaborate a bit further, the klein wants to talk to the thylan, because they look more interesting/exotic than my legolass-esque cleche elven nerd. So the klein walks over and does the command /language u thylan. Now they're making merry, and I'm over here crying behind my drink, asking what they're saying because my character in-character don't speak thylan. Then say all the elves I was talking to also happen to speak thylan for whatever reason. They abandon me and my 'u treid star' character, who now sits staring mutely into my drink, "afk" as I use the command /language a thylan so I can at least can at the very least know they aren't sassing this sorry elf. I then attempt to message them OOC to bring the merry here, but they refuse because I conveniently don't speak the specific language that they use, and that they don't want to have to do the arduous language flipping. I cry myself to sleep, the end.

The second half also serves as an example of one of the many ways this plugin could be harmful, as opposed to the benevolence and immersiveness as the original intent had been.

@jeep3r @vidivo understand? Or do we need more make-believe?

Ohhhh, so that's how a cliques would be developed, why cant the non thylan speaking elf ask everyone to speak common?
Ohhhh, so that's how a cliques would be developed, why cant the non thylan speaking elf ask everyone to speak common?

In a new and slightly unsurprising development, everyone lowkey hates this cliché elf dork and are using this as a means to get away from the presumptuous nerd.
In a new and slightly unsurprising development, everyone lowkey hates this cliché elf dork and are using this as a means to get away from the presumptuous nerd.
Ya know Role play is supposed to be as real as possible, there are cliques in real life and so there should be cliques in game; after all what's fun without boredom, or whats anything without an antithesis.
Ya know Role play is supposed to be as real as possible, there are cliques in real life and so there should be cliques in game; after all what's fun without boredom, or whats anything without an antithesis.

Cliques are bad because they bind people together while forcing other people out, making it much harder for newer individuals to roleplay. Also, the key to pretty much existing is to remove as many negatives as possible. while things tend to form antitheses, it's simply never a good idea to actually attempt to create them. this server has a friendly, open community and I believe that it is in our best interest to keep it that way.
Cliques are bad because they bind people together while forcing other people out, making it much harder for newer individuals to roleplay. Also, the key to pretty much existing is to remove as many negatives as possible. while things tend to form antitheses, it's simply never a good idea to actually attempt to create them. this server has a friendly, open community and I believe that it is in our best interest to keep it that way.
Screw it I have nothing further to add to this conversation.
After discussion, this idea has been rejected. In the long run, these plugins aren't worth the coding time and require extremely complex language algorithms that take months to perfect.
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