Langlais - Tucker Family


Staff member
Nov 6, 2012
Reaction score
Langlais-Tucker fam words.png
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Basic Information
Champagnard Ithanian and Colonial Ceardian mix
Poor Commoners
d'Ithanie and Common
Old Gods and Unionism
A great oak with an eye carved into it
"A Tucker's hands are never idle"
Physical labor and Craftsmenship
(Think: Farming, Blacksmithery, Painting, Pottery, etc.)
Family, Honesty, Work, Borgonde
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A More Detailed Overview

Family History
The Langlais-Tuckers have two separate origins from near opposite ends of Aloria, and only recently came together.
The Tucker side of the Family's name can be traced almost all the way back to the destruction of Old Ceardia, when the first of the Tuckers migrated from their Old Ceardian home to New Ceardia, and settled in the more temperate portions of the continent. From then on, the Tuckers stayed on Essalonia, and worked their lives as simple farmers and herdsmen. The Tucker side of the family is
patriarchal, and predominantly follows the old god faith; even after the rise and spread of Unionism.
The Langlais side of the family stems from the Ithanian countryside. Unlike the Tuckers, who were much more prideful of their heritage and origins, the Langlais never recorded their origins or lineage in depth. It's not known where the Langlais came from or how and where they moved. However, the Langlais specialize in both creation and trade of artistic goods - be it woodcarving, painting, or pottery. Langlais aren't typically Pious, and only loosely adhere to Unionism. Like most other Ithanians, the Langlais are a matriarchal family.
The Langlais and Tuckers came together only recently; after the marriage of Mayson Tucker and Camille Langlais, the Langlais-Tuckers came into existence. The Langlais-Tuckers based in Lebbard, a small coastal town in northern Ithania. There, the Langlais-Tuckers made a small living off the small farm they owned, and the arts and crafts produced by the family. Langlais-Tuckers are typically pious, but do not all worship one religion - Old Gods worship and Unionism mix within the family. After the bone horror crisis, the Langlais-Tuckers now predominantly reside in mid Ithania and Regalia, seeing as Lebbard was completely destroyed.

General Appearance
Due to the mixing of dis-similar cultures and lines, the Langlais - Tuckers don't have an extremely defining 'look'. Though, all Langlais - Tuckers have pale / pinkish skin. Freckles are common, though not all Langlais - Tuckers have them. Hair and eye colors vary, with the most common eye color being brown , though blue and green are not unheard of. Similarly, brown and blondes are common - usually in diverse spectrum. There is only one exception in the family when it comes to hair color, and that is Rosette, who has Auburn hair. No other Langlais - Tucker has this. Build wise, the Langlais - Tuckers are all over the place - Camille is mildly short, and Mayson towers at 6'1. Typically, Langlais - Tuckers trend toward average heights, with some being short. Over all, the Langlais-Tuckers are extremely diverse in look. This diversity causes even siblings to look quite different.
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Family Members and Family Tree
As of currently, only the Langlais-Tucker line is playable. I may open for just Tuckers and just Langlais to be playable in the future as extended family.

Main Line
There are 10 people in the main line - Mother, father, and 8 children.
The 'Main line' is the first generation mix between the Tucker line and Langlais line, they take the last name 'Langlais-Tucker'
This is the line that allows the least amount of creative freedom to the players, as I have certain expectations for characters and such.

Note; Yevgeniy is not able to be applied for, as he is a character outside the family and is played by @sacricolist

Family Tree
Fam tree Langlais-Tucker.PNG

Mayson Tucker
Male, 52
Mayson stands at 6'1 , though in his older years, he has developed a notable slouch. His hair was once a darker brown, but has lightened and grayed in most of his body. He is mildly muscular, due to his field work, but has become progressively weaker in his old age. He has brown eyes, curly hair, and clear, pinkish skin.
Comes from the Tuckers, very pious father, farmer.

Camille Langlais
Female, 50
Camille stands at only 5'3, and despite her older age, remains rather healthy. Her hair is a dirty blonde, is mildly curly, is typically kept long, and has some graying streaks coming in. Her skin is pale, and freckles dot all across her body.
Loving mother, artisan.

Sebastian Langlais-Tucker
Male, 31
up to the player to decide.
Clean slate

Julien Langlais-Tucker
Male, 29
Up to the player to decide.
Clean slate.

Rosette Langlais-Tucker
(PLAYED BY @RandomTheChosen )
Female, 27
Hardcore Priscelle Unionist, ambitious, auburn hair.

Christelle Langlais-Tucker
(PLAYED BY @HoshiChomp12 )
Female, 26
Christelle Tucker is seen as an innocent, shy girl. Although seeming quiet, she sticks up for what she believes in whenever she can. Her dream is to become a renowned hairstylist, but settles for rudimentary alchemy and winemaking for now. She is the tallest of the Langlais - Tucker sisters, towering nearly at six foot. Her eyes are a gentle blue, and her hair a pale flowing blonde.
Tall, learned, reserved

Dmitri Langlais-Tucker
Male, 25
Clean slate.

Noella Langlais-Tucker
(PLAYED BY @ArtisticPlanet )
Female, 24
Up to the player to decide.
Artist, semi-wealthy, ditsy.

Emeline Langlais-Tucker
(PLAYED BY @scyldwite )
Female, 22
Abigail's twin sister, married, abused.

Abigail Langlais-Tucker
(PLAYED BY @TheDongler )
Female, 22
Abigail is the shortest of the Langlais - Tuckers, and stands at only 5'1. She has brown curly hair, and mud-brown eyes. Her skin time is a pale pinkish, common to both Ithanians and Ceardians, and is dotted by freckles, with the most on her face. She has a number of tattoos, including a band on her left bicep, and an eye on her right hand. She suffers from addiction problems, particularly with alcohol and gambling, and claims to practice medicine. However, unbeknownst to most family members, she is a celestial mage.
Emelline's Twin sister, Alcoholic, First to Regalia.

Tucker Line
Coming soon!
Note; LT means the tree branches into the Langlais-Tucker family from there

Fam tree Tucker side.PNG
Langlais Line
Coming soon!
Note; LT means the tree branches into the Langlais-Tucker family from there

Fam tree Langlais side.PNG
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Read this before applying!

* Application will come in a few stages. First, you need to be accepted on this thread. This will put you into trial. Trial has no specific amount of time, and I will let you know when it is over. After Trial, you will either be accepted or denied to a permanent spot in the family.
* If you apply, I ask you play your Langlais-Tucker actively. Failure to be active will result in you being removed from the family. I will tell you if I do not think you are being active enough.
*After acceptance, if you don't/can't make your own skin, I will do my best to supply you with one.
* I don't need to supply a reason for rejection of any application
* When accepted, please either start a forum convo, or message me on skype / discord.

Age ( Not mandatory. ):
How active are you?:
How many other (Active) characters do you play?:
Do you use Discord?:
If you don't use discord, would you be willing to?:
Why are you interested in joining this family?
: Name which character you want to play here. If there is a description with the character already, explain where you want to take the Character, any ideas you may have, etc. you don't need to be a specific, just give me a general idea to work off of. If the character says 'clean slate', that means I am giving you, the applicant, creative freedom. You can do whatever you want - within the already applied boundaries.
References ( Not mandatory, but It'll help if I have not rped with you before. ):​
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~ Change Log ~
  • Thread was completed.
  • Applications opened.
  • Added some more questions to the application process.
  • Clarified genders of listed characters.
  • Added a short description for each character
  • Changed the Family symbol
  • Added a 'general appearance' section.
  • Added links to any characters with character applications.
  • Upkeep of thread
  • Made some amendments to 'general looks'
  • Made changes to family section
    • Added in 'Lines'
    • Added in Family tree
    • Working on Langlais line and Tucker line. People will soon be able to apply for members in those lines.
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Applications are currently CLOSED due to restructuring of family and the thread !
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IGN: MolagBallin
Age ( Not mandatory. ): 15
Timezone: GMT
Do you use Discord?: I have it but not actively, no.
Character: Name which character you want to play here. If there is a description with the character already, explain where you want to take the Character, any ideas you may have, etc. you don't need to be a specific, just give me a general idea to work off of. If the character says 'clean slate', that means I am giving you, the applicant, creative freedom. You can do whatever you want - within the already applied boundaries. Dmitri Langlais Tucker -- I'd go for a farmer type maybe a bit of a brawler, that's up to debate, I'd like to see him just advance as a character and develop them.
References ( Not mandatory, but It'll help if I have not rped with you before. ): @Jugswe @Julesandlucky
Which one of the clean slate characters are men? Dmitri, Sebastian, and Mayson right? Also this may be a bit of a stretch, but is there lore room for an uncle character in your nuclear family? If not, that's fine too; I like this family's dynamic.
Sebastian, and julien are the available male characters. And yes! There are uncles from either side of the family, and cousins as well. I just don't have them all mapped out yet.
Ooooh I have an uncle character, he'd be Arlotto Langlais. I'm occupied with school at the moment, but is it possible for me to apply as him next week during my thanksgiving break? I can be vague about family and keep the roleplay about the Langlais-Tuckers

I think for now, since this is the first time I've ever really done an rp family, I'd like to keep the player characters to the listed line. But feel free to apply as an uncle in the future, when I expand the family further ^^;
Christelle Langlais-Tucker.
Going to list you as pending, for now.

Unfortunately, I'm going to have to reject your application.

After asking around in multiple groups, and asking many individuals who I trust, I have come to find that you have a rather negative reputation. Most of the opinions I received were negative ones. While I'm sure your roleplaying is fine, most said that you were rather hostile oocly. Many said you became rather hateful in ooc chat when questioned or corrected, and that you said some pretty unorthodox things in other instances. I do not feel you'd be very fitting for the family I am trying to build due to your OOC attitude.

Please do not take this rejection as anything personal, as I do not mean it as any sort of attack on you or your person. I hope we can interact later on a much friendlier note.
IGN: ArtisticPlanet
Age 15 ( Not mandatory. ):
Timezone: Pacific
How active are you?: I play almost everyday if i have the time
How many other characters do you play?: I have lots i play from time to time but the main ones i play count up to 4
Two Ailors one Slizzar and a Isldar
Do you use Discord?: Yes
If you don't use discord, would you be willing to?:
Why are you interested in joining this family? I have been interesting in joining a family of any kind for awhile
having some familiar faces would be nice once in awhile.

Character: Rosette Langlais-Tucker I would like her to be very creative (enjoy painting and other forms of art) and be very sweet
to the outer eye but once you get to know her she can be very intimidating when needed

References ( Not mandatory, but It'll help if I have not rped with you before. ):
: ArtisticPlanet
Age 15 ( Not mandatory. ):
Timezone: Pacific
How active are you?: I play almost everyday if i have the time
How many other characters do you play?: I have lots i play from time to time but the main ones i play count up to 4
Two Ailors one Slizzar and a Isldar
Do you use Discord?: Yes
If you don't use discord, would you be willing to?:
Why are you interested in joining this family? I have been interesting in joining a family of any kind for awhile
having some familiar faces would be nice once in awhile.

Character: Rosette Langlais-Tucker I would like her to be very creative (enjoy painting and other forms of art) and be very sweet
to the outer eye but once you get to know her she can be very intimidating when needed

References ( Not mandatory, but It'll help if I have not rped with you before. ):

Currently pending.
IGN: Zane_aphmau3903
Age: 14
Time zone: Eastern
How active are you?: Almost everyday if I have the time
How many characters do you have: I have about 12 or more characters
Do you use discord: no
Iif you don't use discord are you willing too?: no but I will use skype
Why are you interested in joining this family?: I have been wanting to find a family for a long time but I couldn't find a good family to join or I wasn't accepted.
Character: Christelle Langlais-Tucker I would like her to be vary musical, she would be vary kind and generous but if you mess with her friends or family she wont be too nice.
Celine Scott and Di'minuto.
Christelle Langlais-Tucker

Denied. I feel like, since you play so many characters, you couldn't really live up to my expectation how often I think a character should be played. This, and I have never seen you about before, nor did you provide any player references I could ask about. Additionally, we use discord - and you refuse to use it.

I am sorry about denying you - but please don't be discouraged! You can re-apply in the future, if you wish.
Can I ask what timezone most of the family operates on, or your average active times? - I'm GMT and my timezone is often a struggle : )
IGN: HoshiChomp12
Age: Like 16 or something
Timezone: Central Standard Time
How active are you?: Moderately active
How many other (Active) characters do you play?: Mama Yahdga
Do you use Discord?: All the time~
If you don't use discord, would you be willing to?: boop
Why are you interested in joining this family?: You seem cool, you used the word bumpkin, and I love Commoner families.
Character: Camille Langlais- I'm not sure how the family operates, meaning whether or not you like to stay in the slums for the majority of the time or venture all around, so I tried making her open to changes. The first idea was to have her be a motherly distiller. She'd have a low-middle ground knowledge of alchemy for making Dorinn Herbal and other like goods. She would be a heavy worshiper of the Union of Fire, favoring Lanarra. I thought that would be great because one of the main sacrifices to her is wine and fruit. I was also thinking how Cami would probably not have enough money to start right off the bat with making a bar or otherwise produce a lot of wine because the farmland was destroyed by the Bone Horrors so she could probably get a job as a shopkeeper, part-time healer, waitress, maid, etc. In the future, if I ever get Magic perms, I thought it would be cool to have her be a Elemental mage or something like that, I'm not sure if that'll ever happen though XD
References: I think we might've RPed before? Sorry, I can't remember lol.
IGN: randomthechosen
Age ( Not mandatory. ):15
Timezone: UK -
Greenwich Mean Time Zone UTC+00:00
How active are you?: very.
How many other (Active) characters do you play?: two
Do you use Discord?: Sure do, Blondeparadox#9372
If you don't use discord, would you be willing to?: Mhm, but i do ;3
Why are you interested in joining this family?
: Rosette Langlais-Tucker - If any of your other character's of this family need someone to play off of. I'd love to do that!
Like, oppose them a fair bit to provide some interesting rp! Other-wise.. I'd like to develop them as I go..All of my characters that I play majorly are both fairly easy going men.. So it'd be a nice change to contrast.
References : We've rped a fair bit, otherwise.. errr
Mid_wolf, _owlet, Spoopmelon.. those are a few I guess xD

cool, Merci beacoup.
IGN: chocalattes
Age ( Not mandatory. ): 17
Timezone: Pacific Standard Time (PST)
How active are you?: Very
How many other (Active) characters do you play?: 2
Do you use Discord?: Yup
If you don't use discord, would you be willing to?: I do tho
Why are you interested in joining this family? : Need something to do and keep me busy plus you need members I like meeting new people ;)
Character: Julian Laglais Tucker
References: @JarrettdaCarrot @HeyoFreyo @skullpanda90 @mochalattes @BeashSlap @meep 999
Also for description I dunno yet gimme some time to think on it?