Archived Landscape Defacement

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Apr 12, 2013
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Hello everyone!
I was wandering through the lovely continent of Ellador yesterday, when I came upon an old settlement on a river, that looked as if it had once been a huge city. What it was now were damaged buildings, an uneven cobble road, a few accidental lava fountains, and all around was the wreckage from the inhabitants, with the tops of trees, and huge parts of rather bad looking earth all around, from excavation leveling.
All this wreckage found reminded me of many parts of Ceardia; the clearly griefed cities, and the radius of ruined land around it. This thought frightened me, as my deepest fear is of Ellador being deleted as well. I know a time will most likely come someday, but I'd like to hold it off.
My proposed solution to this issue is not anything definite. I'd simply like a place designated on the forums where we can report areas of old land like this that are so severely griefed that they're ugly. Up until a certain point, these cities are cool as ruins, but past that, they just act as an eyesore (floating tree tops, buildings with cobble pillars sticking out, lava waterfalls from rooves, etc) . I'm not sure what will be done after these places are reported, perhaps a worldedit landscape restoration or something, sort of like restoring parts of the Ithanian desert. But if that cannot be done, then I suppose we'll all just have to live with it.

Thanks for your consideration,
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So. Your idea is to maintain or "save" the ruins of kingdoms and cities which once were, but without the grief and destruction all around it. I know what you are trying to say boy, but there is a hair-thick line between player created ruins with a history, and world edited ruins which have lost their history. If these ruins was going to be "fixed" you must be sure to remove AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. The less you remove the better. It preserves the history better, and makes it possible to players to "Excavate" these areas, and ressearching their history. Leave these areas as untouched as possible, and perhaps you could use the HawkEye command to find the worst of these griefers, and put them to a stop. If a part of History is lost IT IS LOST. Remember that when you "Repair" and "Fix".
Not quite what I'm getting at. This is just generally something that I'd like to see, for kingdoms and just spots in nature. Essentially, I'd like something akin to the report section, but without a player name. Just a spot that is so bad it would be nice if it was fixed.
As to what you were saying, I'm not asking that any cities be restored or removed, only some of the wreckage caused by them. Something like land where underneath it is simply a network of holes, from excavation leveling, and the thing that really gets me- the custom trees that lack a trunk, and are just floating leaves. If it were just one little spot like this, it wouldn't really be necessary, but if it's a huge swath of land, I think it would be noteworthy.
Though I do totally understand your point, lad, about preserving history, and I respect that very much, but I think a city that a griefer has poured lava over, with dirt spires all about is a little bit different from anything we want to remember. I am certainly not saying that every old city should be removed though, history is a valuable part of Massive.
I agree with this, we despratly need to clean up all the griefed areas of the worlds.
Perhaps a guild of lawful good lumberjacks could take up the mantle of removing all floating trees in the land. I could see a whole mythology arising around floating stumps and their removal. Only the finest of woods come from the very top of the tree and the like. It could be "The Holy Order of the Stump".
Yeah, that'd be really neat, to create culture as we clean up the areas. And the trees are the worst part, honestly. I see a faction guild forming...
To take it further, A group of archeologists could be formed to "excavate" (clean up) griefed and ugly areas. They could be left as ruins, but floating blocks, lava blobs, etc. could be removed. No one likes ugly-griefs and floating trees, but ruins are an important part of the landscape and give the outlands of the server a good lived-in feeling.
Yeah, that'd be neat. The ruin feel is cool, with the streets uneven and whatnot, but some of it is simply trolling. Perhaps I shall adopt the old city I talked about in Ellador, I'm sure there would be some interest in an archaeological adventure of some sort. Good ideas- thank you.
I am really, really good at terraforming and making things look like ruins (actual ruins, not just grief). I will definitely contribute to this.

I'll need lots of vines, seeds, and signs (for boarding up windows and doors). This would be really fun if we set up organized teams to clean up certain areas of the worlds. Daendroc isn't too bad, and but Ithania and Ellador (especially the latter) need cleanup for sure if we are to preserve the worlds.
I've been planning on forming a team like this for months, but I never got passed the planning stage. In short, the plan was having different groups within the team.
One was The Scouts- They would look for griefed, ruined, and other eyesores on the dynmap and ingame. They would then goto the area and see what was needed to renew the area.
Another was The Terraformers- Need explanation?
The Deconstruction team- Take down the griefed/eyesore buildings, walls, etc.
Ruins Team- Make buildings into ruins (They only goto areas that we decide are better to be made ruins than destroyed, or were former famous/big roleplay areas.
So, that was my idea in a nutshell, if anyone wants to help me take it out of the planning stage, feel free to mention it!
I'd be happy to supply and help both of you, I'll try and contact you in-game.
I am really, really good at terraforming and making things look like ruins (actual ruins, not just grief). I will definitely contribute to this.

I'll need lots of vines, seeds, and signs (for boarding up windows and doors). This would be really fun if we set up organized teams to clean up certain areas of the worlds. Daendroc isn't too bad, and but Ithania and Ellador (especially the latter) need cleanup for sure if we are to preserve the worlds.
Daendroc isn't too bad because there are groups of people, like myself, who actively repair damage. This last week I got behind, only used 90 stacks of grass for fill.
I can help with this team - but I have a suggestion - maybe instead of taking more time to make the stuff into ruins, would it be even feasible for the staff to set a zone and worldedit the zone back into is original state?
Darkwatch01 and I both started the faction that built the city before eventually selling it. We expanded and maintained the city as first but once it was sold it went completely horrid. The new owners twisted our previous designs. You can tell the difference between what Dark and I built and what the others built.
I'd say that with proper staff-player cooperation, any clean up can be possible. Certain ruins will definitely require staff aid, such as lava moats and griefed dirt/gravel, etc.
May I nominate the Area directly south of daenshore, it is filled with destroyed land and greifment.
I come from north of Daenshore, so can make my way around the town, but if someone could help it would go much faster.
A half year back maybe i tired to start up a cleaning team for Ceardia, ulu made some small random cleaning events around the north and south ships from SilverEdge if you remember them, this got me to keep doing this so i gathered a team with Ulu, Zanip, Firesoap i think and some more people. I never had time to start cleaning since i had other stuff to do irl and so on. Sadly :/
Any places in ellador let me know I'd love to help out. Just /mail me in-game with coords, or start a concersation with me on here.
I love to see all of you being willing to put alot of effort into rebuilding those beautifull landscapes but... There is one more problem we face. The people who made it look like that in the first place.... Most people who stay at the server don't ruin the landscape around them but the new players who have just arrived.. They pretty much have little care on how their first builds look like and just build anything random, (so doing perhaps damige other peoples constructions) Heres an example wat happens every time to the area i restore:

Wat it used to be:


Wat it currently has become:

I hope you guys understand that after repairing it about six times I get a little disencuraged.

My focus is to end the source of the defacement of the worlds. And here are a few sugestions as on how to do that:

1- We create a entry world for new players. A relative small world. There they learn the basics of wat we intend, teaching them not to damige the terrain while making their homes. (keep it appealing) Also add some lore to this training ground so people are granted with a basic understanding of the lore.

2- We put a clear message on the hubs and spawns not to 'world grief', and increase the conciquence if they choose to do so regardless. (jail people for an apropriate amount of time)

I haven't got alot of surgestion yet on how to teach people on how to play without world griefing. But anything to make sure the world remain relatively intact would help alot.

Perhaps make some tutorials on how to prevent world grief for somewone who has dificulties with it????
I hope most of you agree that we can't keep repairing and fixing if people continue to distroy wat we fix.

(gues il better get back to fixing that area now;()
PS; just came to me when I posted, but do note its kinda A long shot,
Wat about making a resource world, An Volcanic Island that resets each mounth due to volcanic eruptions???
(ofcource there will be forests and minerals on the island, and yes it may influence the markets and stuff, but we can debate on the good and bad sides :P )
Sometimes I wish some worlds could be totally reset but not the factions, make most destroyed areas replanted and happier again than deadly and plain?
I wonder if there was ever a world made to look ugly, ruined and chaotic.. if you would find that the people who ruined these ones.. would go out of there way to make the ugly one look nice? :^)
So. Your idea is to maintain or "save" the ruins of kingdoms and cities which once were, but without the grief and destruction all around it. I know what you are trying to say boy, but there is a hair-thick line between player created ruins with a history, and world edited ruins which have lost their history. If these ruins was going to be "fixed" you must be sure to remove AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. The less you remove the better. It preserves the history better, and makes it possible to players to "Excavate" these areas, and ressearching their history. Leave these areas as untouched as possible, and perhaps you could use the HawkEye command to find the worst of these griefers, and put them to a stop. If a part of History is lost IT IS LOST. Remember that when you "Repair" and "Fix".

Like many other things, there is a fine line. There is a fine line between good role-play and bad role-play. There is a fine line between Confidence and Arrogance, and there is a fine line between a good opinion and a bad.
What I am getting at here is, it should be up to the Mods to decide whether something looks more like historical ruins, rather then grief. If it looks like a grieved are that could otherwise be re-used when set to a default landscape, there it is up to them to decide. Specific people are appointed to maintain the server, rules and all, and those specific people have decided things on their opinions. I believe this is no different.

Unfortunately, we can't do much about the new players but as Emperor_Max has stated, continue to re-enforce the rules and maybe create stricter punishments.
Like many other things, there is a fine line. There is a fine line between good role-play and bad role-play. There is a fine line between Confidence and Arrogance, and there is a fine line between a good opinion and a bad.
What I am getting at here is, it should be up to the Mods to decide whether something looks more like historical ruins, rather then grief. If it looks like a grieved are that could otherwise be re-used when set to a default landscape, there it is up to them to decide. Specific people are appointed to maintain the server, rules and all, and those specific people have decided things on their opinions. I believe this is no different.

Unfortunately, we can't do much about the new players but as Emperor_Max has stated, continue to re-enforce the rules and maybe create stricter punishments.

Who is Emperor_Max?... Is he the new Emperor of Regalia I've heard of?
I think a good way to fix this is to make tree feller a normal ability with no cool down, so it wouldnt leave floating tree tops in the air.
I think a good way to fix this is to make tree feller a normal ability with no cool down, so it wouldnt leave floating tree tops in the air.
Tree Feller leaves floating tree tops, especially with the custom trees in Daendroc. This would just make it so that people could grief even more easily and quickly.
If leaves broke automatically if they are not connected to wood (or to leaves which are connected to wood) it would stop floating leaves from ever happening. You would just have to give people lots of warning or else you would get mass rage due to people's leaves breaking because they did not connect it to wood.
If leaves broke automatically if they are not connected to wood (or to leaves which are connected to wood) it would stop floating leaves from ever happening. You would just have to give people lots of warning or else you would get mass rage due to people's leaves breaking because they did not connect it to wood.
People would have to harvest the wood in the tops of the trees that is not harvested by Tree Feller for this to solve the problem. It is my understanding that such a plugin is already running. Another problem with this type of plugin is that if it stops before completing due to the chunk being unloaded, then there are leaves that don't get removed.
Tree feller can help prevent our standart trees from floating, Thus prevent some amount of grief. When it comes to pregenerated trees I don't think tree feller even does anything at all. (otherwise It will just do its job fine acording to how it was programmed.) Besides I think adding it would have some influance on the lumber market. But F the market! We want roleplay!>:) No serious, I think roleplay stands higher than the market. I mean were a rp server for heavens sake!

Further on landscape demolision, something that was clearly build in wild for roleplay purpose such as ruins and roads (and anything els you may think of) must be strongly protected against grief. No we shouldn't have to claim our miles of roads or thousands of ruins we build for scenary trough factions, But when someone damiges it, without any means to improvement, should be punished severely. And the damige if possible restored by player rollback (if you can rollback a persons block break/placement).

Who is Emperor_Max?... Is he the new Emperor of Regalia I've heard of?

And as last comment, Yes I am currently still prince of Avallöné. But Emperor of Regalia? O.o thats just.... LOL!

Where did you even hear such a rumor x3 ??? I had my eyes on becomming the Elven emperor, but of Regalia? hell no!
I love to see all of you being willing to put alot of effort into rebuilding those beautifull landscapes but... There is one more problem we face. The people who made it look like that in the first place.... Most people who stay at the server don't ruin the landscape around them but the new players who have just arrived.. They pretty much have little care on how their first builds look like and just build anything random, (so doing perhaps damige other peoples constructions) Heres an example wat happens every time to the area i restore:

Wat it used to be:


Wat it currently has become:

I hope you guys understand that after repairing it about six times I get a little disencuraged.

My focus is to end the source of the defacement of the worlds. And here are a few sugestions as on how to do that:

1- We create a entry world for new players. A relative small world. There they learn the basics of wat we intend, teaching them not to damige the terrain while making their homes. (keep it appealing) Also add some lore to this training ground so people are granted with a basic understanding of the lore.

2- We put a clear message on the hubs and spawns not to 'world grief', and increase the conciquence if they choose to do so regardless. (jail people for an apropriate amount of time)

I haven't got alot of surgestion yet on how to teach people on how to play without world griefing. But anything to make sure the world remain relatively intact would help alot.

Perhaps make some tutorials on how to prevent world grief for somewone who has dificulties with it????
I hope most of you agree that we can't keep repairing and fixing if people continue to distroy wat we fix.

(gues il better get back to fixing that area now;()
The worst animal is an animal who destroys its own environment, and I agree on what you have said here because just looking at these pictures has enraged me at theses players who constantly destroy our Land.
not to be a HashF@# but
Griefs are one thing, but when a city is empty because people leave and eventually starts to decay because of raiders its actually somewhat cool looking. It gives the land a sense of abandon and ruin. I agree with this to an extent.
Griefs are one thing, but when a city is empty because people leave and eventually starts to decay because of raiders its actually somewhat cool looking. It gives the land a sense of abandon and ruin. I agree with this to an extent.
Well, not when the raiders leave half-floating buildings and pitfalls to death because they were looking for underground treasure troves that don't exist....
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