Lamia Sanctuarii (vampiric Sanctuary)

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Nov 17, 2013
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I am here to announce that I Morzac Sezarius along with a few allies are forming a guild for vampires. We have noticed an increase of guard activity of late and are now establishing a sort to help vampires. All vampires are to be accepted with equal respect. This is purely to help the survival of our race. The world is moving forward and we refuse to be left behind. Those wishing to join please post a application. In this guild we will have rules and if needed amendments. Anyone can throw forth an idea due to this being for the most part a democracy. Bye joining you agree to these few rules to ascertain the safety to all.
1. Try to keep your vampirism a secret for the most part
2. Do not spy for humans/hunters etc...
3. If you happen to cure yourself you agree to not reveal this groups HQ.
4. Try to respect others
5. Do not betray the order, if you wish to leave just simply say you'd like to
6. Do not bring any non-vampires to HQ unless approved or they're known and trusted
7. Do not compromise the order, doing so will result in removel and a VERY PAINFUL DEATH

These rules are established for one reason: This order isn't meant to "overthrow" a race or whatever. Its meant to be a safehaven so vampires can relax for a day without everyone and their grandmother yelling "CRUSIFY! BURN IT!" or trying to stake you. Its a place where vampires can relax and meet friends they can connect with on a ethnical level. If you have any questions just message dragonmaster (me) or ingame message dragonmaster0219.


(Note that although this is not required it is much appreciated if you give us some notice ahead of time)

Mc Name:

Rp Name:


Reason for joining(optional):

Mc Name: arisreviews
Rp Name: Hanek Lefins

Age: 8 Years Of Age

Reason for joining(optional): Due to the fact that Hanek Is Under aged, He decided to go look for protection, This was the best he found.

Talents/Skills: Archery, A little less talented at swordsmanship, Just introduced to Vampirism, So he knows nothing of it.
Your ignorance amazes me. You criticize vampires and yet how in anyway are you different? You slaughter a pig and don't give a second glance to it even though it has thoughts and emotions of its own? You use your intelligence as a reason to place yourselves superior to others. Let me point out examples humans call vampires "Leeches, Parasites, and monsters" and yet this is the biggest hippocrit statement I have ever heard. You sit and gaze in wonder why you have so many enemies so let me educate you why. You call Elves Treehuggers, Vampires Leeches, Dakkars Salamanders, Orcs slaves, Maiars fishes, the list goes on. You are more a parasite than us. You seek enjoyment in discriminating and seeing sadness emanating from the people you hurt. You instantly label off vampires as evil just because what? You had someone killed by one? There's more human related murders than there has ever been vampiric. You fight over land just to enhance power. Do we call you evil if you have a tyrant? No we don't. We are less a monster than you. Its quite simple really; you attack and fear what you do not comprehend example: Magic. Now unless your applying or have something useful to say please stop talking on a guild page.
You do understand that this IS a medieval roleplay server and humans did have many superstitions about other beings. We are simply acting out how it used to be back then. And anyway, even if there are a few good role-playing vampires, we know most of the population is a bunch of god role-players.
Your ignorance amazes me. You criticize vampires and yet how in anyway are you different? You slaughter a pig and don't give a second glance to it even though it has thoughts and emotions of its own? You use your intelligence as a reason to place yourselves superior to others. Let me point out examples humans call vampires "Leeches, Parasites, and monsters" and yet this is the biggest hippocrit statement I have ever heard. You sit and gaze in wonder why you have so many enemies so let me educate you why. You call Elves Treehuggers, Vampires Leeches, Dakkars Salamanders, Orcs slaves, Maiars fishes, the list goes on. You are more a parasite than us. You seek enjoyment in discriminating and seeing sadness emanating from the people you hurt. You instantly label off vampires as evil just because what? You had someone killed by one? There's more human related murders than there has ever been vampiric. You fight over land just to enhance power. Do we call you evil if you have a tyrant? No we don't. We are less a monster than you. Its quite simple really; you attack and fear what you do not comprehend example: Magic. Now unless your applying or have something useful to say please stop talking on a guild page.

last time my pigs showed emotions, it was a man in a costume. You claim that we are the source of evil, yet you know that really you are helping the real menace, the demons. Yet when given the choice to be forgiven and cure yourselves, you retaliate, and kill those trying to help. Humans aren't the nicest species around, but vampires go to an all new low, as most are only searching for more power.
Your ignorance amazes me. You criticize vampires and yet how in anyway are you different? You slaughter a pig and don't give a second glance to it even though it has thoughts and emotions of its own? You use your intelligence as a reason to place yourselves superior to others. Let me point out examples humans call vampires "Leeches, Parasites, and monsters" and yet this is the biggest hippocrit statement I have ever heard. You sit and gaze in wonder why you have so many enemies so let me educate you why. You call Elves Treehuggers, Vampires Leeches, Dakkars Salamanders, Orcs slaves, Maiars fishes, the list goes on. You are more a parasite than us. You seek enjoyment in discriminating and seeing sadness emanating from the people you hurt. You instantly label off vampires as evil just because what? You had someone killed by one? There's more human related murders than there has ever been vampiric. You fight over land just to enhance power. Do we call you evil if you have a tyrant? No we don't. We are less a monster than you. Its quite simple really; you attack and fear what you do not comprehend example: Magic. Now unless your applying or have something useful to say please stop talking on a guild page.

Its in the lore dude, vampires can't be good, just natural evil. Its just not lore complaint. It is also lore compliant that humans are a little racist toward anyone or anything that is not human. Some are nicer to certain races than others, but as a species we humans are just asshole to other races. I did not write the lore but I support it and am happy to follow it. Btw I use to rp as a vampire and I use to argue just like you that them being good is ok, and that they should have rights and should not be hunted and this that and the third, but unless you wanna write the lore from now on, accept it for what it is and move on. On a side-note you can have a faction that is pro-vampire and that harbors vampires, but if someone stumbles across it, your screwed.
Everyone calm down. No one has stated that "vampyrz r gud lelelelelel"

If this is done well, perhaps the amount of god roleplaying vampires will come down some.

OP has somewhat of a point. Vampires are evil simply by the curse they carry, but humans are not saints, and this simple fact is what makes the whole vampire RP worthwhile.
However, if you want to argue about the lore of the vampires, that is perfectly ok. But please keep it appropriate and comments that don't add much to the discussion will be removed. :)
Uh, wouldn't having people apply here defeat the whole purpose of secrecy?

Also, will you guys have any RP events of your own? For some reason, I've always wanted to see some sort of vampire swarm attacking people (So long as they're not god RP'ing).
Vampires are meant to be evil. They're not made to be some kind of "good" or "pure" type of being. They are a disease. This isn't an opinion, it's stated in the lore. You need to think of this in a medieval mindset, not in a modern day mindset where vampires are all Twilight and can be all nice and whatever.
This sounds strangely like my vampiric guild is it morzac?
Actually no I came up with it for a legitimate cause and yet I have a bunch of people who are arguing how vampires are "evil" or "goddmodders" etc. You think I don't know that? I never said vampires are angels did I? No, the original post was a legit thing until you noobs ruined it by saying VAMPIRES ARE GOD & EVIL!!! Guess what? Not a single f*** was given. I left this page for people to sign up not to be ostracized on how bad vampires are. This post had NOTHING to do with roleplay, or saying vampires aren't evil. I stated that humans are JUST AS EVIL. I'd appreciate it if you halfwits took the time to actually READ THE POST instead of jumping to conclusions, what are you? 5? pointing fingers like little children? If I had wanted your loads of spam and criticism I would've named the post HEY GUYS SHOULD I BE A VAMPIRE? I NEVER said we were good and as for "not having my mind set" i'm aware that vampires are evil this was meant to be a GUILD post asking to join so before you spam your reply take some time to read the post and then get off my page
Oh, I do think they read it... I think this would be good with a few tweaks here and there. I don't think that they are saying that you said that vampires were evil, I think they were just reminding you. Most vampires are compelled to drink blood/do whatever vampires do. And what would stop them from being revealed as a vampire? You see them burn in the sun, and in most cases, you hear them shrieking all the time. You have good rules right now, but not everyone in your guild will be able to follow them.

Good luck, I guess.
Please do not make future posts that offensive. Also, calling us 5 year olds when you are the one pointing fingers is very hypocritical.

In terms of the idea, it is ultimately condemning vampires to their deaths. The only way of surviving in Regalia if you are a vampire is trying to hide yourselves from the thousands upon thousands of guards, staying isolated from others, etc. By calling meetings and organizing stuff like this, you are essentially killing off your "race", which I hate to tell you isn't a race, but more of a curse.

Also, note that vampires are bloodsucking creatures that are tied to the Dark Banshee; as far as anybody knows, they have no other whim than to serve that being, and thus it is impossible for vampires to form their own organizations similar to the Crimsons. This is also one of the lore plotholes, as I like to call them, where it gives a direction for where the storyline of Aloria will be headed.

Finally, the vampires will never be able to be 'ahead' of the others; they will always be cursed by the Dark Banshee, and they will always be hunted down like the merciless creatures they are. And because of these two things, the vampires will never be able to gain their own freedom or equality, which is something that as an RP-er you should understand and embrace when picking out what you want your character to be.
I'd like an answer as to why i'm the one pointing fingers? Also I read the lore on vampires and it says vampires think on their free will and I believe you've mistaken yourself with the original "Umpyres" which are totally different beings that are controlled by demons. And while the vampires existing maybe promotes the Archdemon and Dark Banshees power, they aren't controlled by them except for the lust of blood which as clearly stated in the lore they can be taught to control, and from how powerful everyone says these two beings are im pretty sure one mortal couldn't control something like that suggesting there's little to no link to the dark banshee or archedemon otherwise it wouldn't be controllable. The more logical answer is its a backlash to the curse evening out universal power as vampires are very hard to kill at night. This group was originally meant for meeting other vampires and teaching how to control the thirst to younger ones, which in fair right I don't see a rule saying vampires can't form their own groups, so im not understanding how your holding up your argument with non-existent/outdated facts.
Also I'd like to add that we think logically here for a moment; your suggesting a banded together group of vampires wouldn't survive as on your own but this post wasn't for you to abuse and metagame knowledge of where our base is or whether this group is existent which I hope if you had at least a little bit of rp knowledge you have to find these things out rply. This post was so members could tell me OOCly that approximentaly how many people were joining. Back to my argument, which do you think stands a better chance, 1 vampire against 2 guards or say 20 vampires on two guards? That piece made no sense to me at all. Lastly I'd like to cover that I never said vampires where "ahead" of others I said the world was moving ahead and we had to keep up, suggesting you like everyone else were quick to reply to the argument without properly reading it. Im sorry for my obscene behavior but at that point I was pretty ticked off that I had to argue with a bunch of people immeadiatly calling ALL vampires godmodders and spamming with gifs such as "Athenas reaction to the argument" (gif rolling eyes). After hearing this about 20 posts later I hope you can understand my frustration.
I'll let an RP staff deal with this argument about vampires from now on, as I do not too much about the canon specifically, but I'll answer this question truthfully:
I'd like an answer as to why i'm the one pointing fingers?

My response, all from just the last post:
yet I have a bunch of people who are arguing how vampires are "evil" or "goddmodders" etc.
until you noobs ruined it by saying VAMPIRES ARE GOD & EVIL!!!
if you halfwits took the time to actually READ THE POST instead of jumping to conclusions, what are you? 5? pointing fingers like little children?
If I had wanted your loads of spam and criticism
so before you spam your reply take some time to read the post and then get off my page
Guys, chill. There's no need for this big argument. But dragonmaster, while vampires do indeed have a free will, they can never be "good". They can have a good nature, but in the end, they're all evil. Nothing can change that, unless you somehow plan on re-writing the server lore.

'Nuff said. Now let's all quit arguing.|-(
In order to clear this up, Imboring56 is right about the vampires. The dark "Disease" is just that. A disease, a curse. They serve the Dark Banshee herself and despite having some aspect of free will, they're evil. Full stop. Hell, the last time I heard a vampire say something nice was when he was begging for his life on the chopping block.
No but seriously, is this a faction or something? Because if not, Im not sure what this is trying to accomplish.
Your ignorance amazes me. You criticize vampires and yet how in anyway are you different? You slaughter a pig and don't give a second glance to it even though it has thoughts and emotions of its own? You use your intelligence as a reason to place yourselves superior to others. Let me point out examples humans call vampires "Leeches, Parasites, and monsters" and yet this is the biggest hippocrit statement I have ever heard. You sit and gaze in wonder why you have so many enemies so let me educate you why. You call Elves Treehuggers, Vampires Leeches, Dakkars Salamanders, Orcs slaves, Maiars fishes, the list goes on. You are more a parasite than us. You seek enjoyment in discriminating and seeing sadness emanating from the people you hurt. You instantly label off vampires as evil just because what? You had someone killed by one? There's more human related murders than there has ever been vampiric. You fight over land just to enhance power. Do we call you evil if you have a tyrant? No we don't. We are less a monster than you. Its quite simple really; you attack and fear what you do not comprehend example: Magic. Now unless your applying or have something useful to say please stop talking on a guild page.

Another thing to think about is that vampires were once these evil humans you speak of. Once they were infected they lost what little good humanity they had and began supporting and adding the destruction of the world no matter if they want too or not. No matter what good intentions a vampire has, in the end they will assist bringing about the end of the world. Therefore the body count of a vampire is much more then the body count of any human empire. And if you add all the humans they have killed simply to exist because they need humanity's blood to live, (Also a vampire living off of animal blood is near impossible on this server because vampires NEED human blood to exist.) well then... I'd say vampires are already a hell of a lot more evil then humans. Because vampires were once humans, and the fact that they were once humans is why they are greedy, so greedy that they infected themselves then went to their death bed because they were to foolish to let go of the power and accept the cure, greedy enough to kill other humans and drink their life blood in order to preserve their own life. No matter which way you look at it vampires are guilty. If you wish not to be hunted or persecuted then simply cure yourself, if you want a fair trial cure yourself.

In short vampires on this server are evil no matter their intentions.
Have you not heard a single word I said? I never said vampires where good for the thousandth time. I said both humans and vampires are evil.
Alright then everyone agrees. Vampires are evil, humans have a bad nature toward everyone and everything non human.
-Sigh- I tried to make a legit post god...I tried (doh) but yeah im not even a vampire anymore...tired of being called a godmodder on the account of others actions which influenced people to believe all vampires are godmodders...that and I wanted my tan back :P. Anyways I feel accomplished in a way, ive made one of the most popular posts of MassiveCraft woohoo!
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