Preserved Sheet Laerilas Valloaan

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omg oglak hihihihi
@ezalB mistger ezalB, the points have finally been updated & I forgot last time to mention in his backstory that he's a born mage! as a side note, I'm not sure if commutable vampire points that go into spell point buy grant specials or just the abilities so lmk;lmlmlmk
Commutable Points go into Spell Point Buy as any other Proficiency Point, and can't break the magic cap because of it (you've got 7/7 magic abilities so you good). So, yes, I believe you do get Specials. Not sure if they reveal you as a Vampire though.
Also make sure to mention what type of engineering you've got going on, probably dark metal because VampireTMTMTM
(this is staying approved)
@ezalB HELLOOOOOO, I removed Engineering in my Commutable Points due to update and replaced them with Roguery instead. I also took out Ironheart and placed that point into strength! With that, UPDATED!