La Légion De L'aigle | House De Letoirneau's Guard


Mar 3, 2017
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Regalian Empire
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La Légion de l'Aigle, formerly Le Regiment de Tonnerre, is the combined Security Services and more commonly House Guard under House de Letoirneau. Being founded by Ser Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire in 306 AC the Guard is rather new, yet strives for ongoing success.

The Legion is made up of three respective branches that all play a part in ensuring the success and efficiency of House de Letoirneau's Security Forces.

- Knighthood:
Typically the elite of the combative branches. Knights in service of the family are greatly rewarded, yet have much expected of them. Often they serve as Personal Bodyguards to certain family members or are made Officers in the Guard. It's usually easier for a Knight to climb the ranks in the Legion due to their experience in leadership and combat.

- House Guard: Members of the House Guard make up the bulk of the Legion. Most join with little to some experience with combat and are immediately drilled in Discipline, Formation Training, and how to use the Drixon Spear, Longsword, and Heater Shield. The Regiment encourages ambitious guardsmen, and allows them to work their way up the ranks for more pay and trust with the family.

- Medical Support: House de Letoirneau is proud to proclaim that many of its family members are skilled in medicine. Which also means the Legion hosts its own Medical Branch, which is responsible for taking care of the brave combatants that fall in a spar or real conflict. This is encouraging to the rest of the Regiment, assuring safety and support.

Letoirneau House Guard Armour with optional beret. Worn here by Salvatore dei Olzolli.

The Letoirneau Medical Uniform as well as off duty attire for camaraderie RP. This uniform consists of no steel armour, making it appropriate for guards to wear when not on duty if they choose, yet representing House de Letoirneau nonetheless. Worn here by Matthew Seidel.




Commandant-Prémier: The Highest Leading Figure in the Legion. Director of all Branches and matters regarding the Security of House de Letoirneau. ~ Cyprien de Letoirneau - @Nathan.

Vice-Commandant: The ultimate second-in-command and often times acting co-leader of the Legion, aiding the Commandant-Prémier in overseeing all branches and Legion members. ~ Vacant.

Bannerlord: Director of the Knighthood in service of House de Letoirneau. The Bannerlord reports directly to the Commandant Premier and is not responsible for any other branch but their own. ~ Vacant.

- Knights: ~

Head Physician:
Director of the Medical Branch. Often deals with Family matters as well, such as the health of Family Members. Is responsible for only their branch, and reports directly to the Commandant-Prémier. ~ Vacant.

- Medics: ~

In the past, the Legion proudly held two esteemed Squadrons that many guards new and old have created memories and stories to tell from their time in the Regiment. Though both Squadrons were disbanded in 307 AC they still hold closely to many of the guards' hearts, and remain as a bit of history for the Legion.

Les Hommes d'Acier: Established in 306 AC by Ser William Seidel who held the position for around six months; noted as the most experienced Captain in the Regiment. Yet, he was later relieved and placed in The Old Guard.

The position is currently vacant.

Les Hommes d'Acier is Disbanded and is yet to be renewed its status.

La Puissante Tempête:
Established in 306 AC by Dame Freya Aveline, who later retired and returned to Ithania.

For a number of months, Ser Philippe du Langelier held the position, though was later relieved and placed in The Old Guard.

The position was held by Ser Rosseau de Letoirneau-Alaire for a mere two weeks until he was removed due to attaining a controversial reputation.

Held by Jacques Martyn for a little over a month, Martyn proved to be capable as the first Captain of no Knightly Order. He was transitioned out of the position with the disbandment of La Puissante Tempête in 307 AC.

La Puissante Tempête has been Disbanded and is yet to be renewed its status.


Tier One - Commander

A tier occupied only by the Commandant-Prémier and Vice-Commandant. Individuals within this tier possess complete authority over any and all lower-tiered members, and oversee the duties of officers within the Légion. Additionally, they are encumbered with the political representation of the division and oversee the running of the organization as a whole.​


Tier Two - Captain

Individuals within this tier are the highest-ranking individuals who assist the Commanders in overseeing the lower echelons and ensuring the tier directly below them remains proactive. They are entrusted with the maintenance of the Légion, and possess responsibilities beyond that of field leadership, such as assisting in political matters and other particular fields that may not entirely involve military work.


Tier Three - Sergeant

Those who are of Tier 3 in command are encumbered with the everyday leading of patrols and practical leadership in the field, although are otherwise considered Guardsmen, subject to the authority of both the Captain and the Commandants.


Tier Four - Guardsman

Individuals who make the bulk of the organization. They are the ones who partake in drills, protect members of the family, and make up the numbers of the Légion. They have proven themselves capable of more trust with guarding the family members and family holdings, enjoying the luxuries of an established de Letoirneau Guard.


Tier Five - Recruit

While this position is typically granted to most who are newly joining the Guard, individuals may be placed in this position should the upper echelons decide one requires more guidance or is remarkably inexperienced in combat. They are essentially in probation and are usually quick to rise to the rank of Guardsman long as they continue to impress their authorities.




Interested in Joining?

Your Timezone:
Do you have Discord? (Required):

Character Name (Include App if you have one):
Character Age:

Character Race and Culture:
Character Proficiencies:

Department Qualification(s) (House Guard, Knighthood, Medical Aid):

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau:
Last edited:
IGN: Tankplaysmc
Your Timezone: Central Standard Time
Do you have Discord? (Required): Yes.

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Samuel Cross.
Character Age: 25.
Character Race and Culture: Human Highland Ceardian
Character Proficiencies: +10 Unarmed Combat Skill (Culture boost), +5 Shielding Combat Skill, +5 Blades Combat Skill, +2 Metallurgy Arts, +3 Athletic Training, +2 Hunting Knowledge, +3 Statesman Knowledge, +3 Marshal Knowledge, +2 Perception Training.

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire: Dear Cypri, I have decided to take you up on your offer to join the house guard. I promise that I will do whatever duty or task is assigned to myself, and I promise to be a good house guard under your leadership. I understand how to act professionally, and how to be devoted to the cause. I wish to keep this letter brief, so if you desire to know any more details, skills, etc. you know where and how to contact me. -Signed, Samuel Cross
IGN: Tankplaysmc
Your Timezone: Central Standard Time
Do you have Discord? (Required): Yes.

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Samuel Cross.
Character Age: 25.
Character Race and Culture: Human Highland Ceardian
Character Proficiencies: +10 Unarmed Combat Skill (Culture boost), +5 Shielding Combat Skill, +5 Blades Combat Skill, +2 Metallurgy Arts, +3 Athletic Training, +2 Hunting Knowledge, +3 Statesman Knowledge, +3 Marshal Knowledge, +2 Perception Training.

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire: Dear Cypri, I have decided to take you up on your offer to join the house guard. I promise that I will do whatever duty or task is assigned to myself, and I promise to be a good house guard under your leadership. I understand how to act professionally, and how to be devoted to the cause. I wish to keep this letter brief, so if you desire to know any more details, skills, etc. you know where and how to contact me. -Signed, Samuel Cross

Your Timezone: CST
Do you have Discord? (Required): You know it

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Bahiri Silverheart
Character Age: 62
Character Race and Culture: Hinter Calemish/Dwarvish Dwarf (Aldor)
Character Proficiencies:
▪ +10 Axes Combat Skill (+10 from Dwarf)
▪ +25 Pole Combat Skill (+25 from Points)
▪ +50 Metallurgy Arts (+20 from Dwarf, +30 from Points)
▪ +5 Clockwork Engineering (+5 from Points)
Squadron Preference? (If any):

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Herr Letoirneau-Alaire,

In recent times I have found it difficult to find work for a dwarvish smith with... unpleasant ties in his past. It is thus that I ask you to take me on as a guardsman. I have trained and worked for some time as a mercenary, and I daresay I can match any fancy-pants Lancyon prick with my halberd.

With respect,
Bahiri Silverheart
Your Timezone: CST
Do you have Discord? (Required): You know it

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Bahiri Silverheart
Character Age: 62
Character Race and Culture: Hinter Calemish/Dwarvish Dwarf (Aldor)
Character Proficiencies:
▪ +10 Axes Combat Skill (+10 from Dwarf)
▪ +25 Pole Combat Skill (+25 from Points)
▪ +50 Metallurgy Arts (+20 from Dwarf, +30 from Points)
▪ +5 Clockwork Engineering (+5 from Points)
Squadron Preference? (If any):

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Herr Letoirneau-Alaire,

In recent times I have found it difficult to find work for a dwarvish smith with... unpleasant ties in his past. It is thus that I ask you to take me on as a guardsman. I have trained and worked for some time as a mercenary, and I daresay I can match any fancy-pants Lancyon prick with my halberd.

With respect,
Bahiri Silverheart
Accepted, though Cypri hopes to meet with Bahiri soon to discuss his personal interests in the Regiment.
IGN: avemechanicus
Your Timezone: CA-US (Occasionally Ireland at random)
Do you have Discord? (Required): You have it

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Putyati Gorakmouk
Character Age: Prime adult

Character Race and Culture: Thorrall-Clanner True Orc culturally admixtured and tending toward Pseudo-Imperial
Character Proficiencies: Standard Orc set with +10 Shields and +20 Whatever a Longsword is under (Bloodcast)
Squadron Preference? (If any): Decide for yourself

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Declaration to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoiraneau-Alaire-
I am Bloodcast Knight Dame Putyati of the Gorakmouk tribe. I was summoned to Regalia true on your letters indirectly after a brief leave for "Unwarranted personal activities". In that time I have gained an agitation in the stasis that not even my warped biology can sate. So I seek your service and support both that I may hold you up, protect those who need it (And none need go without it) and insulate my new life and the one I have given a life. Thus I swear, on acceptance, the fealty to be given in service to you, but not to be broken, abused or forced into brutality against those who I wear this rudden cape to inspire. This cape is woven from the fallen and forgotten, and in that service they will not be lost to mere darkness. Know that, and understand that. I will fight aside you and give the bitterest candor. I am unsubtle and seem cruel, but it is merely how to break apart the soft things for the deeper ivories and gems in a man's heart, the hard, pure and beautiful aspects of it. In many ways I am my father, a miner looking for value, where he broke stones, I broke preconceptions, false prides, and fears. I broke weak spines knowing that they mend stronger. That is what I will do in your service. At your will would I bolster mine, and with those wills will what is right be done.
Sor *Ornate Vashic Pictogram of a Sun about a moon, surrounded by innumerate little glyphs, the glyphs the same on PUtyati's cape and a cracked mirror beneath it, woven together and inverted, with a numeric six in diamonds the last to the right tilted aside, all in a strangely amberlike ink*

IGN: avemechanicus
Your Timezone: CA-US (Occasionally Ireland at random)
Do you have Discord? (Required): You have it

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Putyati Gorakmouk
Character Age: Prime adult
Character Race and Culture: Thorrall-Clanner True Orc culturally admixtured and tending toward Pseudo-Imperial
Character Proficiencies: Standard Orc set with +10 Shields and +20 Whatever a Longsword is under (Bloodcast)
Squadron Preference? (If any): Decide for yourself

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Declaration to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoiraneau-Alaire-
I am Bloodcast Knight Dame Putyati of the Gorakmouk tribe. I was summoned to Regalia true on your letters indirectly after a brief leave for "Unwarranted personal activities". In that time I have gained an agitation in the stasis that not even my warped biology can sate. So I seek your service and support both that I may hold you up, protect those who need it (And none need go without it) and insulate my new life and the one I have given a life. Thus I swear, on acceptance, the fealty to be given in service to you, but not to be broken, abused or forced into brutality against those who I wear this rudden cape to inspire. This cape is woven from the fallen and forgotten, and in that service they will not be lost to mere darkness. Know that, and understand that. I will fight aside you and give the bitterest candor. I am unsubtle and seem cruel, but it is merely how to break apart the soft things for the deeper ivories and gems in a man's heart, the hard, pure and beautiful aspects of it. In many ways I am my father, a miner looking for value, where he broke stones, I broke preconceptions, false prides, and fears. I broke weak spines knowing that they mend stronger. That is what I will do in your service. At your will would I bolster mine, and with those wills will what is right be done.
Sor *Ornate Vashic Pictogram of a Sun about a moon, surrounded by innumerate little glyphs, the glyphs the same on PUtyati's cape and a cracked mirror beneath it, woven together and inverted, with a numeric six in diamonds the last to the right tilted aside, all in a strangely amberlike ink*


Ser Lambert, Knight of the Lion Pelt, Appointed as Bannerlord of the Regiment.
IGN: cyka_blyat_go_b (to be changed to 'Greencolts' soon)
Your Timezone: GMT
Do you have Discord? (Required): Yes

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Leonardo Oliveira
Character Age: 30
Character Race and Culture: Human, Daendroque Ailor
Character Proficiencies:
    • +20 Thin Blades Combat Skill, +10 Rogue Training,
      • +10 Underworld Knowledge (Culture)
Squadron Preference? (If any): La Puissante (Ser Lambert)

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire: "Thank you Commandant Premier Cyprien for seeing me earlier. I could write about how much loyalty I have, or how good I intend to be but I will not. I have given you my word and it is up for you to decide how much it is worth, in time I hope to achieve your trust as I do the rest of the family. Until that day comes I will serve on my word as any good man would, to respect the ethics of the family. A pleasure to meet you truely, ~Leonardo Oliveira."
IGN: cyka_blyat_go_b (to be changed to 'Greencolts' soon)
Your Timezone: GMT
Do you have Discord? (Required): Yes

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Leonardo Oliveira
Character Age: 30
Character Race and Culture: Human, Daendroque Ailor
Character Proficiencies:
    • +20 Thin Blades Combat Skill, +10 Rogue Training,
      • +10 Underworld Knowledge (Culture)
Squadron Preference? (If any): La Puissante (Ser Lambert)

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire: "Thank you Commandant Premier Cyprien for seeing me earlier. I could write about how much loyalty I have, or how good I intend to be but I will not. I have given you my word and it is up for you to decide how much it is worth, in time I hope to achieve your trust as I do the rest of the family. Until that day comes I will serve on my word as any good man would, to respect the ethics of the family. A pleasure to meet you truely, ~Leonardo Oliveira."
IGN: Startourist
Your Timezone:EST
Do you have Discord? (Required): You have it

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Damien Cowe
Character Age:26

Character Race and Culture: Human
Character Proficiencies: Plus fifteen longswords
Plus 5 shields, plus four perceptiveness, and plus 2 marshal

Squadron Preference? (If any): None

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Hello, good ser. I am no knight, nor have I been trained by a school of combat. I am self taught, but a master of the blade. I wish to join your guard and serve dutifully, not as a knight, but as a protector of the realm.

Damien Crowe
IGN: Startourist
Your Timezone:EST
Do you have Discord? (Required): You have it

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Damien Cowe
Character Age:26
Character Race and Culture: Human
Character Proficiencies: Plus fifteen longswords
Plus 5 shields, plus four perceptiveness, and plus 2 marshal
Squadron Preference? (If any): None

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Hello, good ser. I am no knight, nor have I been trained by a school of combat. I am self taught, but a master of the blade. I wish to join your guard and serve dutifully, not as a knight, but as a protector of the realm.

Damien Crowe
Accepted, yet Cyprien would like to meet with Damien to further discuss his interests in the Regiment.
IGN: Twilightwolf631
Your Timezone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Do you have Discord? (Required):yes

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Emily Saphire
Character Age: 26
Character Race and Culture: Ailor, Colonial
Character Proficiencies: +8 Unarmed Combat, +6 Light Bow Combat +6 Heavy Bow Combat +6 Blades Combat (learned more at same time but that's the generalization of it)
Squadron Preference? (If any):

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire: Hello Cypri, I am writing this letter about a position as a guard. As I am sure you know by now I hear and see more than people think I do, so while I am applying for a position as a guard perhaps a spy would work better for me. I am an ex-graduate of the school of Matrias, but have been expelled for a certain incident... as I believe I told you before. I will serve dutifully as I learn what I can of the happenings of others that might think ill of your household.
Pending. Cypri would like to meet with Emily before officially allowing her into the Regiment.
IGN: Nidakk
Your Timezone: Central
Do you have Discord? (Required): I wonder ;)

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Kynlee Reid
Character Age: 27
Character Race and Culture: Ailor, Claith
Character Proficiencies: +27 Blade (Scimitar) (There are more but they're aren't relevant)
Squadron Preference? (If any): Throw me in the most convenient one

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Dear Commandment Alaire;
I am Kynlee and I am skilled with the Scimitars. I need a job in this city because if I don't get one soon I won't really have any money. I'll do anything from an interview to a test of my skills but I promise you won't b e disappointed. I have lots of prior knowledge and I am in good shape, hopefully you will see me fit.

IGN: Nidakk
Your Timezone: Central
Do you have Discord? (Required): I wonder ;)

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Kynlee Reid
Character Age: 27
Character Race and Culture: Ailor, Claith
Character Proficiencies: +27 Blade (Scimitar) (There are more but they're aren't relevant)
Squadron Preference? (If any): Throw me in the most convenient one

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Dear Commandment Alaire;
I am Kynlee and I am skilled with the Scimitars. I need a job in this city because if I don't get one soon I won't really have any money. I'll do anything from an interview to a test of my skills but I promise you won't b e disappointed. I have lots of prior knowledge and I am in good shape, hopefully you will see me fit.

Pending. Cyprien would like to meet with Kynlee before fully accepting her into the Regiment.
IGN: Ringo0310
Your Timezone: Mountain Time

Do you have Discord? (Required): yes

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Sinclair Alaire

Character Race and Culture: Ithanian, Ailor
Character Proficiencies: +20 Blade combat (Fast, and thin blades)

Squadron Preference? (If any): The best one

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Dear Cousin Cypri, I believe we got off the wrong footing, I write you this letter, wishing to be part of the Regiment, you know what I am skilled at, so that is something I shouldn't explain, but I hope you will be wise and choose wisely.
Sinclair Alaire
IGN: Ringo0310
Your Timezone: Mountain Time
Do you have Discord? (Required): yes

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Sinclair Alaire
Character Race and Culture: Ithanian, Ailor
Character Proficiencies: +20 Blade combat (Fast, and thin blades)

Squadron Preference? (If any): The best one

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Dear Cousin Cypri, I believe we got off the wrong footing, I write you this letter, wishing to be part of the Regiment, you know what I am skilled at, so that is something I shouldn't explain, but I hope you will be wise and choose wisely.
Sinclair Alaire
Rejected. For explanation behind this Cyprien urges Sinclair to arrange a meeting with him.

Victoriana de Letoirneau-Polignac replaced Madeline de Letoirneau-Alaire as Head Physician.

IGN: Sujitation
Your Timezone: CST
Discord: You have it

Character Name: No, but I'll put it together once I progress her.
Character Age: 57
Character Race and Culture: Avanthar
Character Proficiencies:
+30 Axes Combat Skill
+20 Shielding Combat
+10 Cavalry Combat Skill
+7 Throwing Combat Skill
+5 Athletic Training
+5 Perception Training
Squadron Preference: Preferably, one that is a higher ranking.

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

((Would rather meet IC))
IGN: Hellathiccc
Your Timezone: GMT +2:00
Do you have Discord? (Required): You have it ;)

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Hector Chappelle
Character Age: 30
Character Race and Culture: Ailor, Ithanian
Character Proficiencies:
  • +10 Bodycare Training (+10 Ithanian Boost)
  • + 15 Blunt Combat (+15 Points)
  • + 10 Shielding Combat (+10 Points)
  • + 5 Marshal Knowledge (+5 Points)
Squadron Preference? (If any): Les Hommes d'Acier

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Greetings Commandant Cyprien

It's been awhile since our last encounter. I hope you and your family is all well. I'm writting this letter today to ask to join in protecting your family and helping out. I hope you accept me in to your House Guard. Maybe we can meet over an Ale, If you are interested.

Signed Hector Chappelle
IGN: Hellathiccc
Your Timezone: GMT +2:00
Do you have Discord? (Required): You have it ;)

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Hector Chappelle
Character Age: 30
Character Race and Culture: Ailor, Ithanian
Character Proficiencies:
  • +10 Bodycare Training (+10 Ithanian Boost)
  • + 15 Blunt Combat (+15 Points)
  • + 10 Shielding Combat (+10 Points)
  • + 5 Marshal Knowledge (+5 Points)
Squadron Preference? (If any): Les Hommes d'Acier

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Greetings Commandant Cyprien

It's been awhile since our last encounter. I hope you and your family is all well. I'm writting this letter today to ask to join in protecting your family and helping out. I hope you accept me in to your House Guard. Maybe we can meet over an Ale, If you are interested.

Signed Hector Chappelle
IGN: JcRed
Timezone: CST
Discord: I'm already in the chat just not a guard
Character Name: Laric Harken and I'm getting his app done as I apply.
Character Age: 71
Character Race: Slizzar
Character Proficiencies:

  • Combat Proficiency

    • +10 Blades Combat Skill (+10 from Points)
  • Science Proficiency

    • +20 Medical Sciences (+20 from Points)

    • +10 Alchemy Sciences (+10 from Points)

Squadron Preference: Le regiment de tonnerrre
IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Dear Cyrpidn de Letoirneau,

Hello you may not know me but my name is Laric Harken and I'm a Slizzar, yes I realize people have mixed opinions on Slizzar but I'm not a bad one. I'm skilled when it comes to medicines and alchemy having served in both Songaskian Wars as a medic, and yes I can use a sword. I've met one of your medics as well as one of the family members named Nadia. I'd be glad to serve you and your family if you allow it.

Laric Harken
IGN: JcRed
Timezone: CST
Discord: I'm already in the chat just not a guard
Character Name: Laric Harken and I'm getting his app done as I apply.
Character Age: 71
Character Race: Slizzar
Character Proficiencies:

  • Combat Proficiency
    • +10 Blades Combat Skill (+10 from Points)
  • Science Proficiency
    • +20 Medical Sciences (+20 from Points)

    • +10 Alchemy Sciences (+10 from Points)

Squadron Preference: Le regiment de tonnerrre
IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Dear Cyrpidn de Letoirneau,

Hello you may not know me but my name is Laric Harken and I'm a Slizzar, yes I realize people have mixed opinions on Slizzar but I'm not a bad one. I'm skilled when it comes to medicines and alchemy having served in both Songaskian Wars as a medic, and yes I can use a sword. I've met one of your medics as well as one of the family members named Nadia. I'd be glad to serve you and your family if you allow it.

Laric Harken
Rejected. Cyprien finds it difficult to accept a Slizzar into the Regiment.
End of the Month Activity Reforms
@Momalor Removed for Inactivity.
@fuzzy_eevee Removed for Inactivity.
@OnyxXIII Removed for Inactivity.
@CorrosGaming Removed for Inactivity.
@VeryAmorousOlive Removed for Inactivity.

As well as a number of Promotions.
Your Timezone:
Do you have Discord? (Required):
Yes, I believe you have it.

Character Name (Include App if you have one):
Vrastone, his character app will soon be under review.
Character Age: 68
Character Race and Culture: Velheim Ailor, turned into an Url
Character Proficiencies:
+20 Hunting Knowledge (20 Race)
+20 Unarmed Combat Skill (10 Race, 10 Points)
+20 Pole Combat Skill (20 Points)
+20 Stave Combat Skill (20 Points)
+10 Marshal Knowledge (10 Points)

Squadron Preference? (If any): Les Hommes d'Acier
IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
It seemed this letter was written fancy but the words of an Url.

Dear, Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire.

I am Vrastone, An Url that wishes to join, I have great skill in combat but are unemployed from my recent travels here. I have great skill with a halberd. If granted I will put all my honor and pride into serving you.

Signed Vrastone.
Your Timezone: Australia.
Do you have Discord? (Required): Yes, I believe you have it.

Character Name (Include App if you have one):
Vrastone, his character app will soon be under review.
Character Age: 68
Character Race and Culture: Velheim Ailor, turned into an Url
Character Proficiencies:
+20 Hunting Knowledge (20 Race)
+20 Unarmed Combat Skill (10 Race, 10 Points)
+20 Pole Combat Skill (20 Points)
+20 Stave Combat Skill (20 Points)
+10 Marshal Knowledge (10 Points)

Squadron Preference? (If any): Les Hommes d'Acier
IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
It seemed this letter was written fancy but the words of an Url.

Dear, Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire.

I am Vrastone, An Url that wishes to join, I have great skill in combat but are unemployed from my recent travels here. I have great skill with a halberd. If granted I will put all my honor and pride into serving you.

Signed Vrastone.
IGN: CorrosGaming
Your Timezone: EST
Do you have Discord? (Required):
Yes, I believe you have it.
Character Name (Include App if you have one):
Character Age: 25
Character Race and Culture: Anglican Ailor, half Ithanian (mothers side)
Character Proficiencies:
  • +12 Heavy Bow (+10 Culture, +2 points)
  • +10 Unarmed Combat Skill (+10 Points)
  • +8 Musical Arts (+8 Points)
  • +5 Literary Arts (+5 Points)

Squadron Preference? (If any): Les Hommes d'Acier
IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

To Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire,
I will make this brief, we met earlier during the assembly, I was the one whom started the "biggest beard and biggest belly" conversation. I could try to speak elloquently on why I should join the guard, or I could continue to ramble like an idiot and expect a good reaction. I dont think either will get me in. I will be brief like I have written, and say that I am not bad with a bow, and if the guard be full I can entertain your family with terrible jokes and equally terrible songs, call me a jester if you wish.
IGN: CorrosGaming
Your Timezone: EST
Do you have Discord? (Required): Yes, I believe you have it.
Character Name (Include App if you have one):
Character Age: 25
Character Race and Culture: Anglican Ailor, half Ithanian (mothers side)
Character Proficiencies:
  • +12 Heavy Bow (+10 Culture, +2 points)
  • +10 Unarmed Combat Skill (+10 Points)
  • +8 Musical Arts (+8 Points)
  • +5 Literary Arts (+5 Points)

Squadron Preference? (If any): Les Hommes d'Acier
IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
To Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire,
I will make this brief, we met earlier during the assembly, I was the one whom started the "biggest beard and biggest belly" conversation. I could try to speak elloquently on why I should join the guard, or I could continue to ramble like an idiot and expect a good reaction. I dont think either will get me in. I will be brief like I have written, and say that I am not bad with a bow, and if the guard be full I can entertain your family with terrible jokes and equally terrible songs, call me a jester if you wish.
IGN: MrOof1
Your Timezone: Central Time Zone
Do you have Discord? (Required): You know it

Character Name (Include App if you have one):
Character Age: 40
Character Race and Culture: Url, use to be Imperial Alior
Character Proficiencies:

+15 Unarmed Combat Skill
+15 Axe Combat Skill
+20 Athletic Training
+20 Hunting Knowledge

Squadron Preference? (If any): La Puissante Tempête

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

To Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire,

We have already spoken before, I also wanted to let you know that I am also a Knight from the School of Lion Pelt. I look forward to speak with you more soon.

Spirit Bless,

IGN: MrOof1
Your Timezone: Central Time Zone
Do you have Discord? (Required): You know it

Character Name (Include App if you have one):
Character Age: 40
Character Race and Culture: Url, use to be Imperial Alior
Character Proficiencies:

+15 Unarmed Combat Skill
+15 Axe Combat Skill
+20 Athletic Training
+20 Hunting Knowledge

Squadron Preference? (If any): La Puissante Tempête

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

To Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire,

We have already spoken before, I also wanted to let you know that I am also a Knight from the School of Lion Pelt. I look forward to speak with you more soon.

Spirit Bless,
IGN: Simcity_4
Your Timezone: EST
Do you have Discord? (Required): Yes, Mongoliandethwrm#3236

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Teague Ruodh (using a fake name)
Character Age: 34
Character Race and Culture: Claith Ailor
Character Proficiencies: +7 Unarmed Combat Skill, +10 Heavy bow skill, +10 Underworld Knowledge, +7 Athletic Training, +10 Linguistic Knowledge
Squadron Preference? (If any): House Guard

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

To: Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire.

I extend my highest greetings to you, Commandant. You see, I'm quite the resourceful fellow, willing to do anything and everything to protect the valuables that lie within your esteemed house. I am a humble fellow looking for work in this bustling beautiful city of Regalia, and on top of that, I'm quite the skilled fellow. I am quite good at hand to hand combat, aswell with a crossbow. I could shoot down a thief from across the city! I am also quite the wiry guy, and I'm excellent at getting on the pursuit. Along with that, I also know your family's tongue, D'Ithanie, quite well, and I hold the culture highly.
I dearly hope I am considered, and thank you in advance.
From: Mackenzy Rosswell
IGN: Simcity_4
Your Timezone: EST
Do you have Discord? (Required): Yes, Mongoliandethwrm#3236

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Teague Ruodh (using a fake name)
Character Age: 34
Character Race and Culture: Claith Ailor
Character Proficiencies: +7 Unarmed Combat Skill, +10 Heavy bow skill, +10 Underworld Knowledge, +7 Athletic Training, +10 Linguistic Knowledge
Squadron Preference? (If any): House Guard

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

To: Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire.

I extend my highest greetings to you, Commandant. You see, I'm quite the resourceful fellow, willing to do anything and everything to protect the valuables that lie within your esteemed house. I am a humble fellow looking for work in this bustling beautiful city of Regalia, and on top of that, I'm quite the skilled fellow. I am quite good at hand to hand combat, aswell with a crossbow. I could shoot down a thief from across the city! I am also quite the wiry guy, and I'm excellent at getting on the pursuit. Along with that, I also know your family's tongue, D'Ithanie, quite well, and I hold the culture highly.
I dearly hope I am considered, and thank you in advance.
From: Mackenzy Rosswell
Accepted, though Cyprien would like to meet with you to further discuss your interests in the de Letoirneau House Guard at your earliest convenience.
Last edited:
IGN: Vivamente.
Your Timezone: GMT, Britain.

Character Name: Rosseau de Letoirneau.
Character Age: 35 Years old.
Character Race and Culture: Ailor, Leutz-Vixe.
Character Proficiencies: Refer to Character Application.
Squadron Preference?: N/A.

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

'Cousin, I grow tired of watching the world go by in but a moment's glance. I miss being part of the action, I'm a Knight and I need to prove it. As a Knight of d'Homme, I do understand that the others may think less of me; though I'll still give them a run for their money. Consider this request and we'll talk more later.

Kind Regards & With Spirit's Blessings,

Rosseau Bissette de Letoirneau-Alaire.'
IGN: Vivamente.
Your Timezone: GMT, Britain.

Character Name: Rosseau de Letoirneau.
Character Age: 35 Years old.
Character Race and Culture: Ailor, Leutz-Vixe.
Character Proficiencies: Refer to Character Application.
Squadron Preference?: N/A.

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

'Cousin, I grow tired of watching the world go by in but a moment's glance. I miss being part of the action, I'm a Knight and I need to prove it. As a Knight of d'Homme, I do understand that the others may think less of me; though I'll still give them a run for their money. Consider this request and we'll talk more later.

Kind Regards & With Spirit's Blessings,

Rosseau Bissette de Letoirneau-Alaire.'

IGN: Ringo0310
Your Timezone: Arizona
Do you have Discord? (Required): Yes

Character Name (Include App if you have one):
Character Age:20

Character Race and Culture:Ithanian-Ailor
Character Proficiencies:20
Squadron Preference? (If any): Les Hommes d'Acier

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Dear Cousin, I wish to be put in the House Guard. For reasons with the Family and Personal reasons, I am skilled with Combat of Blades and other combat skills.
IGN: Ringo0310
Your Timezone: Arizona
Do you have Discord? (Required): Yes

Character Name (Include App if you have one):
Character Age:20
Character Race and Culture:Ithanian-Ailor
Character Proficiencies:20
Squadron Preference? (If any): Les Hommes d'Acier

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Dear Cousin, I wish to be put in the House Guard. For reasons with the Family and Personal reasons, I am skilled with Combat of Blades and other combat skills.
Due to being disowned from House de Letoirneau, the Commandant Premier cannot trust Sinclair to properly uphold his duties as a House Guard. Therefore, Rejected.
Added a New Rank in the Regiment:

The Old Guard

- The Squadron Les Hommes d'Acier has been Temporarily Disbanded and all members were moved into La Puissante Tempête.
- Ser Rosseau de Letoirneau-Alaire appointed as Captain of La Puissante Tempete, which stands the only current Squadron.
- Jacques Martyn and Mackenzy Rosswell appointed as Petty Officers of La Puissante Tempete.

@Vivamente @Ludicro @Simcity_4

Ser Benjamin, Knight of the Lion Pelt, appointed as Bannerlord of the Regiment.