La Curiosité


Archmage of Avgard
Nov 20, 2012
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The many crisis plaguing the Crown City has found an exponential rise in crime and violence, leading to the masses seeking out the many medical charters throughout Regalia. Yet, with so many patients, a shortage of supplies can only be a given. From the gauze and bandages needed for day to day injuries to the expensive potions and poultices used to bring one from the brink of life, all are in short need. La Curiosité hopes to offer salvation to those in need, and to those helping the needy; all for free and conveniently located behind the Golden Willow Tavern.

Founded by the generous Countess and famed alchemist, Olivia Ombre, La Curiosité aims to bring quality alchemical aide to any and all in need of it. This may range from personal use to large stock donations to the varying clinics across the city. To do so, she will personally oversee and take part in the production of said alchemical items; yet, she will not do so alone. Many other talented and charitable individuals have offered their support, including but not limited to:

House Ombre
The Aurelius Manus [ @Nesstro ]


The following items may be requested from the front counter, as long as it is staffed, without any prior paperwork:

a cleansing potion used to detox the body from poisons and rebalance the natural workings.
a soothing gel used to enhance the healing process of burns (care should be used for third degree burns as it may cause negative side effects).
Tallassan Gel,
a disinfecting gel used to clean and aid the body in healing wounds.
Hempaben's Remedy,
an all around healing potion used to alleviate and cure the symptoms of most common illnesses.
an offending mist used to wake those from unconsciousness.
The following items require approval from either the Alchimiste Principal or Olivia Ombre:

Dansey's Stride,
a numbing potion used to halt all pain for a short amount of time (abuse of the potion can lead to serious heart problems).
Swamp Blood,
a thickening potion used to increase the body's own effectiveness in healing and clotting (misuse can lead to intense pain throughout the entire body).
Any other alchemical products require a meeting with the Alchimiste Principal and Olivia Ombre.

La Curiosité is a charity, and thus relies on volunteer work from many kind hearted individuals; yet, the Swan of Ithania understands the needs of the people and will pay any non-noble employee if they so wish. The following positions are available:

♁ Le Alchimiste Principal

The Alchimiste Principal serves as the supreme authority on alchemy within the walls of La Curiosité. They are directly responsible for any and all alchemist under them and alchemical products.
♁ Le Apprenti

The Apprenti, or apprentice, of the alchemy shop work under the Alchimiste Principal in the more menial task that can be handed out to such... curious minds. While their work may be tedious, it comes with the added benefit of studying under an expert Alchemist. This offers free and quality apprenticeship to those who could otherwise not afford it.
♁ Les Cœurs

Kind hearted individuals who have no interest in the alchemical arts, but still tend to the store as needed. These people man the front desk when not otherwise staffed, help make deliveries, and offer support to the many studious apprentices.

Interested in applying? Please leave a letter to the Countess Olivia Ombre (@Posidem ) and/or Le Alchimiste Principal in the replies, detailing your IGN, character name, application link, and volunteer or paid work along with requested position.

Interested in donating? Please leave a letter to the Countess Olivia Ombre (@Posidem ) in the replies or forum PM, detailing your IGN, character name, affiliated house or organization, and donated service/item.

Interested in receiving donations? Please leave a letter to the Countess Olivia Ombre (@Posidem ) and/or Le Alchimiste Principal in the replies or forum PM, detailing your IGN, character name, affiliated house or organization, and requested service/item.

Interested in special services/items? Please leave a letter to the Countess Olivia Ombre (@Posidem ) and/or Le Alchimiste Principal in the replies or forum PM, detailing your IGN, character name, application link, and requested service/item.
Staff Uniform, not required but encouraged. It is a simple silver hood and scarf, a gold chain belt, sky blue undershirt, leather gloves, and dark blue robes.

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