- Full Name: Elenore 'Lenore' Ellaivre-Looxois Deuil Coeur De La Croix Corbeau De Theloise
- Heritage / Culture: Ithanian Ailor
- Age: 23 - 16th September
- Gender / Pronouns: Female [She / They]
- Religion: Purist Unionist
- Occult: N/A
- Character Occupation: Lothar Knight, Émérites Chapter
- Eye Color: A faint blue-gray that almost blends into the sclera of their eye.
- Skin Color: Extremely fair, close to looking dead.
- Hair: Whitish blonde that forms into loose ringlets, should it be let down from the crown braid she keeps it in.
- Height: 5'7, they try to wear boots with chunkier heels in order to appear taller.
- Additional Features: Their mask is designed in a way to make them appear to be eternally weeping.
- Hobbies and Talents: Medical, Lenore has focused their studies into the healing aspect, hoping to be useful on the battlefield, as a savior.
- Languages: Common, D'lthanie. Lenore was brought up speaking in the common tongue by her father, and D'Ithanie by her mother. Though they have taken it upon herself to learn other tongues in order to assist her in diplomacy, however this is mainly limited to greetings and key phrases.
Elenore was brought up in a upperclass family as the only girl in a house full of males. Her whole life was laid out before her the moment she was born. From a young age, key life skills where thrown at her. They where taught how to fight and calculate their moves, how to heal, how to use items around them to stabilize a wounded person and how to properly socialise with those of importance. They found an interest in music, and solace in dance. She was taught in the art of ballet and gracefulness, which soon translated to their fighting style, giving off a sense of grace with every slice of their blade.
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: WIS - 15
Defense Stat: DEX - 14
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
- 2 Constitution
- Training: Status Endure
- Training: Breather
- 1 Intelligence
- Puretek: Evade
- 5 Wisdom
Medical Rescue
Medical Revive
Medical Resist
Medical Bolster
Medical buff
- 4 Dexterity
- Roguery: Sharp Reflexes
- Roguery: Nimble Bola
- Roguery: Fate's Wheel
- Roguery: Disguise
- 2 Faith
- Prayer: Desperate
- Prayer: Kneeling
- Free
- Puretek: Reload (Ailor Heritage)
- Mounted: Getaway (Ailor Heritage)
- Mounted: Cavalry Summon (Free w/ Ailor Heritage)
- Mounted: Carriage Summon (Free w/ Ailor Heritage)
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