Kyriakos Stratis

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by HodlinG, Apr 27, 2019.

  1. HodlinG

    HodlinG owie Supremium

    Jun 29, 2014
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    Basic Information
    • Full Name: Kyriakos Vaso Lois Stratis.
    • Age: Twenty.
    • Gender: Male.
    • Race: Half Elf. Maritime Altalar and Etosian Ailor combination.
    • Sexuality: Homosexual.
    • Preferred Weapon: None to speak of.
    Skill Information

    Total Points: 20 due to Age
    • Racial Proficiencies
      • +10 Light bow Combat (+10 from Half-Elf)
      • +10 Staves Combat (+10 from Half-Elf)
        • These two proficiencies will be treated as if they don't exist, for the personal reason that I can't justify them with the realization that he would never have used either of these weapons, and there is no cultural backing for them.
    • Knowledge Proficiencies
      • +3 Religious Knowledge (+3 from Points)
        • An understanding granted to him purely because of his own upbringing. Despite the ostracization his family held, they were still Etosian and still held some presence within church life. However, his knowledge of religion begins and ends with the Etosian Denomination.
      • +2 Historical Knowledge (+2 from Points)
        • Like the above proficiency, this is an understanding mostly limited to an Etosian understanding of History and Kyriakos has little knowledge of anything that isn't directly relevant to his homeland specifically.
    • Science Proficiencies
      • +3 Food and Drink Sciences (+3 from Points)
        • Simply a consequence of living in a household where he often could not expect good food to be prepared for him. His father was a terrible cook and his mother was only interested if she was particularly hungry-- and was equally terrible. As such, the job often fell to him. There's no amount of brilliance here, but he knows his way around a kitchen decently enough.
    • Arts Proficiencies
      • +9 Literary Arts (+9 from Points)
        • Something that he picked up out of true passion and his only real protection against boredom within his old home, this skill is limited to pure literature. He is not a performer, a public speaker, a dancer, nor does he have much understanding of what would go into a stage play. For him, his writing was purely an escape, a setting he could absorb himself into when the going got rough.
      • +3 Musical Arts (+3 from Points)
        • While this skill can be confounded with his literary arts skill to say that he's reasonably alright at writing music, this mainly only exists because he has a passable voice, to most observers.
    Body Shape
    • Physical Stat: 9 Literary Arts divided by 2 = 4.5 Physical Stat.
    • Slim Body Shape.
    • Low Body Fat.
    • Etosian
    • Common
    Visual Information
    • Eye Color: Light Green.
    • Hair Color: Maritime Brown.
    • Hair Style: Perpetually Bed-headed, spiky.
    • Skin Color: Pale, Subtly ruddy cheeks and ears.
    • Clothing: Varied.
    • Height: Five-foot Nine inches.
    • Fear
      • This is a nuanced question, as it really depends on what kind of fear he is experiencing. In most cases, Kyriakos oozes fake confidence, emanating false boastfulness. If he is threatened, the most that would paint out this character's fear is potential uncontrolled shakiness and tremors within his voice. Flinching, hesitations, etc. This is his default state in situations where he doesn't think his life is seriously in danger. Situations in which he thinks he could reasonably get away. Sometimes, even if he has a knife pointed at him if the situation is just right, The Half-elf will prefer bargaining and casual, slow retreat over completely losing his mind.
        It becomes totally different if he is truly threatened, however. In these instances, nine times out of ten, he'll react like a cornered animal might. Lashing out as best he can if he is unable to find some sort of quick escape from the situation. Between flight or fight. flight is his default state.
        If either of those options isn't possible, he'll often simply give into the fear. Becoming a sniveling, trembling heap, ready to give into any opportunities to get out of the situation and keep himself safe, provided a scenario where he is the only one in jeopardy. After all, fear for other people's safety is a wholly different concept, and, depending on how he views the person in question, he might just be predisposed to favor their safety over his own.
    • Stress
      • This is different from fear in that Kyriakos is much more adept at hiding stress, without any signs of it existing. Despite this, he will often make any attempts possible to escape from whatever is stressing him out, so that he can relieve these unwanted feelings once he is alone.
        If such a thing isn't possible, however, or the stress comes from a source that lingers, it will continue to build up until the Half-Elf simply lets it all out at once, often taking his feelings out on whoever might be closest to him.
        That is the typical cycle of things but it is not an absolutely perfect formula, he may deviate in unpredictable ways from it.
    • Joy
      • Happiness is a much simpler feeling in its expression when contrasted to the two earlier points. He smiles. He laughs, He does all the things that one might do when they are feeling happy. He'll act more energetically, be more friendly towards other people and generally be happy to roll over any insult directed towards him, should any exist.
        These high points are the best time to be around Kyriakos.
    • Authority/Law
      • His opinion of authority largely depends on how it relates to him momentarily. Though he might be happy with the idea of law generally, and rather unsympathetic towards criminals getting punished, believing them to have gotten their just deserts, once the law is turned on him he becomes senselessly cross. While he would simply argue that this hypocrisy is natural, that does not explain why he might be sustainably angry towards the lawman who punished him, or why he might refuse to ever believe he was in the wrong. This particular behavior stems from him coming from an environment where he generally had the run of his home. He could do whatever he wanted without his guardians throwing much punishment his way. While this leniency did not exist within his community at large, it still made a massive impact on his view of authority, which is, it's good until it begins to negatively impact him.
    • Other Races
      • Considering his personal situation, he has remained unsympathetic to the idea that one's race might define them, negatively or positively. His homeland has left him to feel just what such an idea can lead to. As such, he might be liable to express potentially Jacobin views on race and the potential of equality for such races. Though this is not a philosophy he strictly subscribes to and in the moments he is aware of it, he is also aware of just how controversial and taboo such an idea might be. For the most part, it is kept to himself.
    • Religion
      • This is a snare, while there are many things he has learned to question throughout his life, the absolution of the spirit, of the emperor, and the herons do not count amongst these things. He's never questioned Unionism. But only for the reason that he has not been confronted with any doubts about said religion, he remains with it only because it remains comfortable and there is little telling what might happen should that comfort dissipate.
        This could feasibly conjure a crisis for him, down the line.
    • Arcane Forces
      • Magic and all things related to it is both a point of fascination and of fear. The former wins out in that Kyriakos will often give in to his curiosity about all things arcane, but in pursuing such curiosity he will be cautious and frankly a little skittish. Like a cat reacting to loud noises, he will typically flee should something appear amiss to him.
        Though this is not, by default, his reaction to most aberrants, especially if the aberrant in question has little magical qualities about them. Such as Silven without detectable muters.
    • Family
      • This certainly depends on the family member. There are few that he is particularly close with, and in most cases, his family does not even occupy his mind in his current days.
    • Insecurity
      • Himself.
        Despite the broadness of this word, it is completely true. He is too thin, too short (or too tall), his hair is too messy, he'd love if there was no gap between his front two teeth, so on and so forth. He can not help but compare himself to other people and in so many cases the conclusion that he comes to is unfavorable. Because of this, he would rather not focus on himself, even to improve these things that he instinctively believes to be faulty. He'll often gear conversations to be about other people, or generally any subject that steers it away from himself.
        A conversation about any aspect belonging to him, personality, life story, anything, is certain to be filled with self-deprecation. And it is a conversation for which any false boastfulness or confidence he might be used to radiating falls away. Though not so much as to make him a nervous wreck.
        It should be noted that he does not hate any of the mentioned properties because of the property themselves, but simply because they are on him. The same things, on other people, might be charming.
    • Pride
      • His pointed ears. While it may be a bit false to say he is proud of them, he likes them. It is one of the only things he likes about himself without any difficulties. And there is an associated quirk where he'll absently poke at said ears or mess with them when he is bored or stressed out. But other than this, there is nothing he could speak of that conjures pridefulness. Accomplishments, heritage, anything.
    • Motivation
      • He does not know. There is no big personal change that he aspires to, and definitely not anything with widespread ramifications. The only motivation that could potentially be pinned down is the half-breed's desire to find a sense of community, to become close with other people. To find people who might like him even whilst he doesn't feel anywhere near the same way about himself.
        But this is not a particularly difficult thing. For the most part, he simply drifts through life.
    • Fears
      • Pain and Death.
        These are the two pillar stones for which any other associated fears might be piled onto, Such as heights, the ocean, blades, deadly spiders, snakes, etc. And even discounting potentially deadly things, he will typically drift away from risks that might cause simple pain onto himself, unless such pain is the most minute thing.
        It is for this reason mainly that he has never clipped his ears. Along with loving the look and feel of said ears, of course.
    Life Story
    | Infancy |

    • A bastard. From his birth on February 11th, 287 AC and onwards throughout his life, this is the status that Kyriakos would carry forever.
    • The wedlock that was disobeyed with the conception of this boy was one of tension, arranged outside of both partners' wishes and one that did not provide any children of its own. The wife refused it and the Husband did not pursue consummation, did not want to.
    • As a childless couple of many years, they were looked upon with scrutiny by their community and their respective families, the pressure to reproduce was denied up until the woman of the house fell for the eventual affections of a Nelfin.
    • Her first and only time with a man, it was pure poor luck that such a thing provided a child, a child that her husband knew full well wasn't his.
    • If he were a different man, the day the boy was born might have been the day it died, it might have been thrown into a river and some excuse might have been concocted in the case of the child, complications, miscarriage, anything. But Kyriakos' eventual surrogate "father" could not do this. There was far too much sympathy within him to allow it. He himself was not a strong man, in body or mind, and from a young age, he was made vehemently aware of the scorn his own Father held for him. As such, he couldn't bring himself to impart an even worse fate on this child.
    • And so, though it was not accepted with open arms by either of the spouses, he was allowed to stay, to be raised by the both of them.
    | Childhood |

    • With the existence of Kyriakos, his immediate family's reputation was brought further into the mud. He was living evidence of some infidelity between the couple. And the keeping of the child was veritable suicide for their social status.
    • Throughout childhood, the half-breed wouldn't have many friends. Most parents imparted their opinions of the boy onto their children, and this would lead to many of them avoiding him outright. And the ones who didn't often spoke to him only to tease.
    • However, it was the latter interactions that he cherished above all others. As he grew up he developed a self-deprecating sense of humor and it was only through this that he managed to make a few friends here and there. Though most were simply happy to point and laugh at him and keep it at that.
    • His relation to his family was utterly different. Life at home was filled with little conversation between any of its inhabitants. It was towards the man he held no biological ties to that he generally leaned towards though, as his mother was prone to snap at any interactions, by anybody. Weighed down by the ostracization she faced, she'd become reclusive. It was almost out of necessity that Kyriakos and his "Step Father" (though any such term would be met with stony silence) became closer, as they only had each other to talk to, at home.
    | Teenage Years |

    • Little changed as Kyriakos developed, except for the quantity of those that he could consider his friends and the time he spent out of doors as a result.
    • This would eventually come crashing down, however, as the half-breed came to realize his fancy for other lads. While this was something that he effectively suppressed since it's onset, at fourteen, towards the tail end of his teenage years this would shift.
    • There was another boy in his friend group who was similarly inclined, and by some measure of luck, Kyriakos had been the one he'd developed feelings for.
    • To spare many of the details, this friend eventually approached and made his feelings known, and it wasn't long after that they both shared their first kisses with one another.
    • And, similarly, it wasn't long after that occurrence that the other gained cold feet and blabbed about the whole thing, painting Kyriakos as a pervert who'd forced himself on the boy.
    • The fact that they both lived in Vorfandu was the only thing that saved Kyriakos from any legal trouble, but everybody believed this old friend of his, and his social status was ruined for a whole new reason.
    • After a few weeks of sour looks and general isolation, Kyriakos was about certain he was done with his home, that he wanted to live anywhere else. He just wanted to run away, somewhere nobody knew him. Somewhere he could start over.
    • He would have done this immediately, at Eighteen, if it weren't for a brief conversation with his Step Father. After having informed both his guardians of his intention to leave, His mother expressed apathy, but his stepfather, paradoxically to what Kyriakos had expected, actually urged him to stay.
    • The conversation was clipped and awkward, as they had always tended to be. But it was one that melted Kyriakos' heart, and so he didn't leave at that very moment.
    | Early Twenties |

    • Of course, it did not last. After two years of waiting to see if things would improve, and with clear evidence that nothing would really change after the "incident", as he'd grown fond of calling his first kiss, his decision was final.
    • It almost faltered, as he received his first and only hug from his stepfather. But it remained as it was intended to be, a farewell.
    • A good few days after that, he'd arrived on the crown isle, Regalia.
    #1 HodlinG, Apr 27, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2019
  2. Havsbris_

    Havsbris_ Doomer

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Hi I will be claiming this app for review.
  3. Havsbris_

    Havsbris_ Doomer

    Sep 20, 2015
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    I dont see anything wrong with this. Good work. Approved.

    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  4. HodlinG

    HodlinG owie Supremium

    Jun 29, 2014
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    Changed a few things in the "Fear" and "Stress" parts of the personality section, colored the changes blue.
  5. Havsbris_

    Havsbris_ Doomer

    Sep 20, 2015
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