Krislein Commune And Library

Jul 14, 2013
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The Krislein Commune is a small , diverse, Maraya-based community founded in 307 AC and consisting of mostly uncorrupted Maraya, with a nymber of Varran and others as well. Sometimes simply called Krislein, or the Cistalla-Tohn-Maia, the Krislein Commune acts simultaneously as an extended family for all non-Haat Maraya in Regalia, and as a vast repository of written knowledge on a variety of subjects, zealously hidden and protected somewhere in the city by its more devoted members.
Despite its youth, Krislein's core values and objectives are built off of many years of research, experimentation and analysis. It pushes truth and objectivity above all else, embracing the Marayan utilitarian logic and melding it into a strange cocktail of worldviews stolen from other races. As Maraya progress up the hierarchy, their behaviour is expected to change in a way that fits with the Commune's ideals, as opposed to the other way around, forming an upper caste of monk-like scholars and guardians of Krislein's ancient knowledge. Those lower in the hierarchy fall under no such scrutiny, and are simply expected to do their bit to protect and grow the Krislein Library.
The Library is deceptively old. The community built around it is extremely new, but the books and papers have been kept as a single collection for over a hundred years, written mostly by Ka-Maraya scholars and recently transported to Regalia. The Library itself resides under the central structure of the Krislein community, forbidden to all outsiders, some of the oldest books being treated like holy artifacts.


At its most basic level, Krislein is simply an extended family; there is no official pressure for anybody to work on the library or help defend it. Basic members are often referred to as 'Fair Folk', and commonly are Maraya, Allar or Cielothar. Such Fair Folk can be proficient in healing, alchemy, stealth and so on -- they are not necessarily idle, but they simply don't fall under one of the other categories.

(Guard, Brawler, Ventei)
Guardians are just that -- they guard the Library from intruders and occasionally are sent out in groups to hunt down interlopers or interfere in Kathar or Elven plots. The muscle of Krislein, the Guardians are a very diverse but ultimately more devoted group of brawlers and duellists from all over the world. Due to the primarily scholarly nature of Krislein, the Guardians do not have a system of captains and ensigns and instead answer directly to the Veleya.

(Scholar, Scratcher, Nala)
Scribes make up the majority of the Commune's number and are essentially the scholars and writers of the group. Masses of information is gathered on a large variety of topics often by the scribes themselves, whether it be alchemical recipes, the extent of Vampire infestation or a complete Harhold family tree, and is recorded in sets of identical leather-bound tomes to be added to the library. Some even accompany Guardians on trips into the sewers, carrying satchels of papers and notebooks and sporting as much armour as they can afford. Scribes are typically learned in some sort of knowledge field.

(Bookbinder, Lathil)
Bookkeepers are typically old, wise Maraya or Yanar scribes who have proven their knowledge and dedication to the Library. It's not uncommon for these almost mystical beings to spend much of their time between the shelves, even sleeping there at times. In practise, they not only check and ensure the quality of every entry that is submitted by the Scribes, but they also act as leadership figures, directing departments of writers and record keepers, interpreting their current objectives and engaging in diplomacy with other groups on occasion. Some adhere to a code similar to a knightly code of honour, and those that do are granted an honourary title and a great deal of respect by the community. Such Bookkeepers are never doubted and have a sway on the Veleya that shouldn't be underestimated.

The Nalle-Sytha
(Elders, Council)
The Nalle-Sytha are the monk-like scholars that truly would die for the Library and show extreme devotion to the Krislein ideals. There are typically very few of these at any one time, though in theory there is no maximum number. The Nalle-Sytha are known for their incredible intuition and wisdom, though are often younger than their Bookkeeper counterparts. Though they do hold significant power within the community and act almost as a council of elders, the Nalle-Sytha are also very restricted by oaths that they must take in order to rise to the position, pledging their lives to the protection of the Library and the vast wealth of knowledge stored within.

are the Krislein equivalents of the Ka-Marayan democratic monarchs. They have absolute authority over everything that goes on within the commune, so are expected to respect the wishes of the Fair Folk and especially the council of Nalle-Sytha, who can elect more Veleya into power with a unanimous vote. Coming from a variety of backgrounds, Veleya are typically as diverse as the people they represent.


Applications are currently closed. If interested, please approach me in-game or send me a conversation here on the forums.

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The Krislein Commune is a small community of Regalian Maraya from all over Aloria, founded in 307 AC and consisting of mostly uncorrupted Maraya, with a few non-Maraya sprinkled in. Sometimes simply called Krislein, or the Cistalla-Tohn-Maia, the Krislein Commune acts simultaneously as an extended family for all non-Haat Maraya in Regalia, and as a vast repository of written knowledge on a variety of subjects, zealously hidden and protected somewhere in the city by its more zealous members.
Despite its youth, Krislein's core values and objectives are built off of many years of research, experimentation and analysis. It pushes truth and objectivity above all else, embracing the Marayan utilitarian logic and melding it into a strange cocktail of worldviews stolen from other races. As Maraya progress up the hierarchy, their behaviour is expected to change in a way that fits with the Commune's ideals, as opposed to the other way around, forming an upper caste of monk-like scholars and guardians of Krislein's ancient knowledge. Those lower in the hierarchy fall under no such scrutiny, and are simply expected to do their bit to protect and grow the Krislein Library.
The Library is deceptively old. The community built around it is extremely new, but the books and papers they collect have been kept as a single collection for over a hundred years, protected by a line of Ka-Maraya scholars and recently transported to Regalia. The Library itself resides under the central structure of the Krislein community, forbidden to all outsiders, some of the oldest books being treated like holy artifacts.

At its most basic level, Krislein is simply an extended family; there is no official pressure for anybody to work on the library or help defend it. Basic members are often referred to as 'Fair Folk', and commonly are Maraya, Allar or Cielothar. Such Fair Folk can be proficient in healing, alchemy, stealth and so on -- they are not necessarily idle, but they simply don't fall under one of the other categories.

(Guard, Brawler, Ventei)
Guardians are just that -- they guard the Library from intruders and occasionally are sent out in groups to hunt down interlopers or interfere in Kathar or Elven plots. The muscle of Krislein, the Guardians are a very diverse but ultimately more devoted group of brawlers and duellists from all over the world. Due to the primarily scholarly nature of Krislein, the Guardians do not have a system of captains and ensigns and instead answer directly to the Veleya.

(Scholar, Scratcher, Nala)
Scribes make up the majority of the Commune's number and are essentially the scholars and writers of the group. Masses of information is gathered on a large variety of topics often by the scribes themselves, whether it be alchemical recipes, the true extent of Vampire power or a complete Harhold family tree, and is recorded in sets of identical leather-bound tomes to be added to the library. Some even accompany Guardians on trips into the sewers, carrying satchels of papers and notebooks and sporting as much armour as they can afford to get recordings of magical activity or Kathar patrol movements themselves. Scribes are typically learned in some sort of knowledge field.

(Bookbinder, Lathil)
Bookkeepers are typically old, wise Maraya or Yanar scribes who have proven their knowledge and dedication to the Library. It's not uncommon for these almost mystical beings to spend much of their time between the shelves, even sleeping there at times. In practise, they not only check and ensure the quality of every entry that is submitted by the Scribes, but they also act as leadership figures, directing departments of writers and record keepers, interpreting their current objectives and engaging in diplomacy with other groups on occasion. Some adhere to a code similar to a knightly code of honour, and those that do are granted an honourary title and a great deal of respect by the community. Such Bookkeepers are never doubted and have a sway on the Veleya that shouldn't be underestimated.

The Nalle-Sytha
(Elders, Council)
The Nalle-Sytha are the monk-like scholars that truly would die for the Library and show extreme devotion to the Krislein ideals. There are typically very few of these at any one time, though in theory there is no maximum number. The Nalle-Sytha are known for their incredible intuition and wisdom, though are often younger than their Bookkeeper counterparts. Though they do hold significant power within the community and act almost as a council of elders, the Nalle-Sytha are also very restricted by oaths that they must take in order to rise to the position, pledging their lives to the protection of the Library and the vast wealth of knowledge stored within.

are the Krislein equivalents of the Ka-Marayan democratic monarchs. They have absolute authority over everything that goes on within the commune, so are expected to respect the wishes of the Fair Folk and especially the council of Nalle-Sytha, who can elect more Veleya into power with a unanimous vote. Coming from a variety of backgrounds, Veleya are typically as diverse as the people they represent.

Will be added shortly.
IGN: Caduceus_Clayy
Preferred role: Guardian
Character Sheet:
Character Race: Ka-Maraya
Relevant Proficiencies:
  • +5 Throwing Combat (+5 Points)
  • +20 Shield Combat (+20 Points)
  • +15 Blunt Combat (+10 Points)
  • +5 Unarmed Combat (+5 Points)
  • +5 Athletic Training (+5 Points)

Do you have Discord?: Nick Moore#7134
IGN: MrFluff1
Preferred role: Scribe
Character Sheet: Here!
Character Race: Altalar
Relevant Proficiencies:
+40 Magical Knowledge (+30 Points, +10 Racial)
+20 Dragon Knowledge (+20 Points)
+10 Historical Knowledge (+10 Racial)
Do you have Discord?: Yes! MrFluff1#4364
@The Unknown
IGN: Joseph Montague
Preferred role: Scribe
Character Sheet:
Character Race: Ailor
Relevant Proficiencies:
+13 History (Points)
+10 Statesman (Points)
+ 5 Literary Arts (Points)
Do you have Discord?: Yes Sir Fabulan#4869
@The Unknown
IGN: MrFluff1
Preferred role: Scribe
Character Sheet: Here!
Character Race: Altalar
Relevant Proficiencies:
+40 Magical Knowledge (+30 Points, +10 Racial)
+20 Dragon Knowledge (+20 Points)
+10 Historical Knowledge (+10 Racial)
Do you have Discord?: Yes! MrFluff1#4364
@The Unknown
Both accepted on trial!