Knightly Orders Wis Group


Das Wump
Dec 14, 2015
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"Through our collected Codes, may honor prevail."
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For centuries, the Knightly Orders of the Empire have served as faithful stewards of peace and justice, each individual Order forming their own Code to reflect their principles of honor across the world. As each Order has risen in prominence, some falling, but none of them faltering, they have come to interact with each other within the Crown Isle of the Regalian Empire. As the days progress, self destruction and tyranny ring out across the Empire. Forming together to collectively fight injustice and to promote a unified Empire, several members of the different Knightly Orders have set aside their differences to come together for the greater good.
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This is a WIS group dedicated to the ongoing conflicts within the World Progressions, using the system to engage within the world, by undoing some of the threats that fall under their knightly codes and what they believe it means to be an honorable knight. This group will meet regularly to discuss the new World Progressions and which conflict they want to engage in. Following that, members of the group will reach out to noble title holders, other WIS groups, or even attempting to capture resources, all for the sake of gaining the right card to play for whichever conflict they are going into.

Members will be treated equally, so long as their perception of honor is in tact, but operations and deployment will fall to Ser Harald von Drachenburg, Dragon Paladin of the Viridian Order.

(This is done so everything aligns with the Viridian code, which is the strictest. But the idea is everything will be equal and fun for everyone who engages in the group.)
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Approved Character Application:
Knightly Order:
Discord (Can be given in PM):

( Supplying a discord is only pertinent if you aren't in the public School of Knights discord. Otherwise it isn't necessary.)
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Bumping up for ye olde weekend warriors