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Played Character Khenari

This character is actively played.


Welcome to White Space.
Feb 15, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Khenari
    • Nicknames: Nari
    • Epithets: The Marked
  • Heritage: Savent Asha
    • Recessive: Sentli Maquixtl
  • Age: Twenty-One Cycles
    • Birthday: March 4th, 291 AC
    • Zodiac Sign: Pisces
  • Gender: Nonbinary
    • Pronouns: They/Them
    • Preferred Titles: Name Only
  • Religion: Ambiguous
  • Occult: Void Mageborn
    • Talent: Strings
    • Affinities: Fire, Shadow, and Air
    • Themes: Music Notation, Sheet Music, Red and Gold Swirls
  • Occupation: Aelrrigan Squire
Personality Information
  • Identity: Khenari is a somewhat aggressive squire. In spite of their difficulties, they do their best to help others even if they are treated poorly. Some call Nari incredibly rude and blunt, but friends (and mentors) know that they are also very soft towards those they care about.
    • MBTI: INFJ-T | The Turbulent Advocate
    • Alignment: Neutral Good
    • Enneagram: Type 1 Perfectionist
  • Main Goal: Eradicate Demons
    • Short Term: Finish Squire Training
    • Long Term: Become a Reliable Knight
Visual Information
  • Regular Appearance: Nari prefers to go shirtless whenever possible. Their favorite piece of clothing is a sage green Satoor with gold swirls. Even with talons, Khenari also wraps their limbs with black fabric for additional padding and protection. When needed, Living Metal forms underneath each and every feather like a bullet-proof blanket. Their tail is long and feathery, but obscured underneath their wings.
    • Quirks: Khenari wears face paint in the form of a red triangle shape on their forehead and golden paint trickling down. Eyeliner is also used to make them seem more formidable, in their words. Even with massive wings that look to be Khenari's arms, they do have lithe fingers and arms underneath all of the plumage.
  • Regalia Appearance: Khenari is forced to wear a shirt when going to formal occasions, usually under threat of running laps around the city if they do not. Their regular Satoor is replaced with a more flowy blue adorned with gold one. Their living metal curls around their shoulders like plates and stretches over their wings for additional flair.
  • Magic Signature Appearance: A glowing green treble clef rests in the center of their chest. Handwritten sheet music makes the feathers of their wings. The only outlier to this theme is the pair of gnarled and rotting pairs of hands that cover where Khenari's ears are.
  • Voice: Khenari's voice leans masculine with a faint growl. Their voice claim is Camden Sutkowski, specifically in the role of Aventurine from Honkai Star Rail.
  • Summary:
    • Eye Color: Teal with a Dark Sclera
    • Hair Color: Black with a Blue Gradient
    • Hair Style: Kept in a Rat Tail
    • Skin Tone: Light Tan
    • Height: 5'11"
Skill Information
  • Points Available: 10
  • Combat Style: N/A
  • - Strength
    • N/A
  • 2 Constitution
    • Status Endure
    • Iron Will
  • - Intelligence
    • Mimicry Pack
  • - Wisdom
    • N/A
  • - Dexterity
    • N/A
  • 2 Faith
    • Shaman Quake
    • Shaman Brutality
  • 1 Magic
    • Magic Trip
    • Magic Warp
  • Languages
    • Sign | Dominant: Khenari's primary form of communication is through the usage of Sign. Although they can speak, Sign will always be their native language and the one they are most comfortable with.
    • Ibeth | Home: They understand Ibeth, but tend to be rusty when actually speaking it.
    • Common | Proximity: Common is a newer language compared to the other two, but Khenari is at a conversational level.
  • Mechanics
    • Heritage Free Packs
      • Magic Trip
      • Mimicry Pack
    • Aelrrigan Pack
      • Archon Mechanic 5: Khenari can see backwards in time (coordinate with other players to tell their past) or see glimpses of possible futures in multi-time thread theory (just make them up, there are thousands of possible futures).
    • Hobbies/Talents
      • Technology Hobby
      • Medical Hobby
      • Musical Talent
    • Mixed Heritage Mechanics
      • Khenari can control a special substance called Living Metal, which is a solid metal that becomes liquid by their thought and imagination, and can be reshaped to whatever they can imagine, and telekinetically moved around. (Savent Asha)
      • Khenari can manifest (or have) Wings (of any design: Furred, Feathered), which while not in Combat, allow (Elytra) flight (including the use of Rockets). Combat or Ability usage immediately disables flight. (Savent Asha)
      • Khenari can (with OOC consent) read emotions from other Characters, and suppress their own from being read (Maquixtl)
      • Khenari has a heightened alertness and analytical mind, able to perceive threats and react much faster. They may notice dangers when interacting with Event objects or Characters (Private Message DM's for more info) (Savent Asha)
      • Khenari has a heightened sense of smell, sight, and hearing out of Combat. This is fairly flexible and should be discussed with people in a scene in terms of what advantages this may give an Asha in varying scenarios. (Savent Asha)
Story Information
  • Plot Hooks:
    • Day to Day:
      • It's common knowledge that sometimes Khenari has trouble hearing others properly. They tend to turn to those they know for assistance. Khenari is not open about their deafness, but will not refute it if asked. Their hearing aids are typically hidden among the feathers of their ears. It's important to note that with these aids and reading lips, Khenari is capable of speaking and hearing nearly as well as someone who is not deaf.
    • Background:
      • Khenari doesn't speak much on where they came from before becoming a Squire, only that they 'made a big mistake'. A malicious demon took advantage of a younger Khenari, offering a deal in which they were given musical talent, but losing the ability to hear that music. Khenari often feels shame over this and is incredibly skittish and malicious towards spirits as a result.
    • Habits:
      • Nari's fingers sometimes twitch across folded arms. They claim it's because they want to come off as intimidating, but friends know they sign to themselves as a form of repetition.
      • During arguments, or simply just to piss someone off, Khenari will turn the dial on their aids down to essentially mute their surroundings.
      • When nervous, Khenari will preen their wings with their fingers. In especially stressful situations, Khenari can pluck feathers from their ears.
  • Motives:
    • Revenge against Demons and Protecting others from their manipulation
    • Finding a Real Family
    • Atoning for their past mistakes
  • Reputation:
    • Studious and Quiet, but has a streak of Mischief.
Relations Information
  • Sexuality: Aro Ace Spectrum
    • Type: N/A
    • Status: Single
  • Family:
    • Name | Epithet | Rating out of Ten
      • Comment

073024 - Added Medical Hobby
080224 - Added Affinities & Talent
082724 - Removed Half-Lanlath, Added Half-Maquixtl. Adjusted personality.
092424 - Added Shaman Quake & Brutality, Iron Will, Status Endure, and Magic Warp from teaching rp
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