Preserved Sheet Khalid Nazari | King Of Thieves

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❖ Prince of Thieves ❖
Sep 12, 2013
Reaction score


Basic Information
  • Full Name: Known as Khalid, keeping his family name from public mention. Also goes by these aliases.
    • Catspaw
    • Blind-Bill
    • Crossroads Warlock
  • Age: 30
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Qadir.
  • Main Ambition: Seeking out wealth and arcane wellsprings such as Seraph Ruins through thievery, deceit and adventure, whilst aspiring to hone his tinkering capabilities and social reputation. Ultimately, he wishes to attain the rank of an Archmage prior to his death.
  • Special Permission: Magic & Silven Permission.


Skill Information
  • School:
    • Soul Magic | Gone, Gone Is The Form of Man
    • Demon Magic | Shadows Owe Their Birth to Light
  • Level: Khalid is at the level of a Spellweaver, having learnt 6 spells over a period of 16 years, having started at the age of 14. This process was sped-up due to Khalid's upbringing into the Shredding Claw Cult.
    • Hayvaan - Ellon Form
    • Isilik - Ellon Projection
    • Cemaata - Ellon Communion
    • Ruhzona - Soul Bridging
    • Daguon - Shadow Dagger
    • Bleste - Blood Curse
  • To Note:
    • Khalid's Ellon Form takes the form of a Calemberger Black-Hawk, though it sports more reptilian features along the talons and head, save for the beak - likely from a Hagaan Lizard. Aside from its legs, it also sports a second pair of arms, tucked beneath the cover of feathered foliage, used to crawl and perch.
    • Though this depends on Khalid's mood and preference, the Ellon Form can also ignite the end of its 'Long-tail' akin to a Candlemouse. This has enough heat to light garettes, fuses and fireplaces, but not start large fires on its own.
    • Also depending on Khalid's mood, the Ellon Form has the ability to change in colour pattern variation of scales and feathers; reddish hues for rage and blues for more calm or depressed tones. Its eyes remain a haunting silver, much like Khalid himself.
    • The shifting in colour is actually a hereditary trait of Khalid's, passed on from his Father's Ellon Form, the Windrider - which had the ability to change appearance as well.
    • Lastly, the Ellon Form is able to mimic bird calls, often through a shrill and obnoxious cawing. The manner in which these calls have led other avians to it has led Khalid to dub it 'Malik', or King in Farradi.
  • Source:
    • His Daunting Mother | Farhana Khalama
    • The Burjja Tharwah | Spires of Fortune
  • Languages:
    • Ancient Seraph - Fluent in Spell-Casting phrases & decoding knowledge where applicable.
    • Faraddi - 10/10
    • Common - 10/10

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Silver with sporting blue limbus, alongside slitted pupils.
  • Hair Color: Raven Black.
  • Hair Style: Short-cut and shaved to the side.
  • Skin Color: Light brown, with dark scales covering his hands and forearms.
  • Clothing: Sports coats and trousers, with belts to carry his tools and flask. Typically wears a rucksack. Keeps his hands and forearms covered with long-sleeve shirts and coats, and wears glasses or goggles to cover his eyes.
  • Body Build: Toned.
  • Weapons of Choice: As a rogue, daggers and alchemy with aid from his Ellon Magic. Blood Curse only as a last resort.


Personality & Abilities

Personality Traits
  • Social Perception | The Faceless Merchant - Associated often with his rucksack, goggles and comically stingy behaviour, Khalid is the ideal travelling merchant - always ready to make a sale, purchase, haggle or con. Moreover, Khalid is an open gambler, often staking his wealth at the mercy of fate - or in this case, a rigged game. Otherwise, he is a fortune teller and entertainer, regaling others with stories, performing sleight of hand or reading tarot cards.
  • Personal Perception | Trickster Daemon - Internally, Khalid is a simple man with a flickering candle of an ego. Having lived his life as a thief, vagabond and card shark in the shadows of alleyways and taverns, he is confident in his abilities of deception and escape. Despite his otherwise grimy life, Khalid holds himself to a higher standard than most thieves, working by his own strict code. This is a result of a lesson learnt as an aspiring Ellon Mage - that to differentiate one's self from the animals, one must rely on rules as well as instinct, lest he wishes to lose his mind to the primal arcane.
  • Familial Perception | Duality of Soul - To his friends, Khalid is a relatively pleasant companion. Often weaselling them to treat him to drinks in exchange for fabricated stories of his grand adventures, the Silven works to keep positive relations with those that offer the same respect back to him. To his Family, Khalid is far more distant - holding no joy for his Mother, nor any particular affection for his deceased Father. With no known siblings, Khalid's familial relations are all but nought.
  • Moral Perception | Clockwork Amalgamation - Neither evil nor good, Khalid instead lives his life by a set of rules he can adhere to, keeping himself in check that way. Avoiding to do harm where unnecessary, the Silven's morality is hinged on his own survival and benefit. Though he wouldn't kill or harm a person for a quick buck, he is not beneath stealing from the rich, or harming others to protect himself from certain harm or death.


  • Scholarly Knowledge & Experience: Though far from an expert at his age, Khalid has amassed a considerable amount of scholarly knowhow over his travels. Ranging from his ability to create clockwork-based mechanisms for alchemical dispersion to his brief knowledge of some alchemical substance application but not brewing, and finally his knowledge of all things Arcane - a cornucopia of information he has travelled to Regalia to better expand. Khalid's most favoured facet of his work is his Soul-Powered Contraptions, made in cooperation with his Mentor, Vee. Khalid's constant work in favour of the Shredding Claw Dragon Cult is a testament to his Arcane ability.
  • Quick-Witted & Composed: As Qadir are known for their receptive learning habits, much like his Father, Khalid has retained the ability to gather, compress and assess information at a commendable rate over the years. Having faced numerous trials and tribulations over a plethora of habitats over his travels and adventures, Khalid reaching his 30s remains calm and collected in most situations of peril - knowing full well that panic is only a detriment to any situation. This has helped especially with being caught in the middle of scams and heists. His ability to learn has been a benefit to him in his Arcane studies, much like any other Qadir Soul Mage - as it is their racial speciality.
  • Daggers & Dexterity: As the majority of Khalid's Arcane spellcasting takes some physical requirement, especially in social situations, the Silven keeps a healthy physique even in his current age, sporting his Ellon Form to graze the clouds or the Shadow Dagger to vanish into the shadows. Spending his days pickpocketing and scouting, Khalid keeps himself healthy and able - especially when it comes to climbing about the Slums ledges and ladders.
    • Shadow Dagger has been for years now one of Khalid's more relied-upon spells, and the Qadir has considerable experience in throwing knives - often to strike at targets, be they person or wall. Khalid's impeccable visual accuracy, due to being a Qadir, attention to detail and depth perception is a valuable crutch.
    • Ellon Communion is the Warlock's most bodily enhancing spell, allowing Khalid to move with greater speed and ferocity akin to a Marken; albeit for short bursts of time. Though Khalid avoids fair fights as a personal contingency, the spell is also used by Khalid to raise his perception - using mutated eyes, ears and even snout to survey the situation from afar.


  • Kleptomania: Once a thief, always a thief. Despite his common sense to stay out of trouble and remain safe, Khalid cannot help but steal - be it something worthless or valuable. A hoarder stuck in denial, Khalid's home has many baskets in which he simply tosses items he's nicked from others which serve no use to him. Most notably, he uses his Capuchini 'Izjit' to aid in his devious habits. This has been an addiction of Khalid since his early days of rearing within a Gypsy Camp, in which theft of visitors and wealthy patrons was seen as an honest way to get by. The rush of the thrill is no less an attributing factor to the Silven's habit.
  • Arcane Thirst: As a repercussion of Khalid's pact with the Shredding Claw Cult, Khalid is always thirsting to not only use his magic within the patrolled streets of the Holy City, but is also drawn to chaotic wellsprings of magic such as Seraph Temples and even the Emerald Dream. This thirst for magical betterment overrides all of Khalid's survival ensuring senses built over the course of his life as a thief and rogue. It has placed the Warlock's life in danger on more than one occasion.


Life Story
  • Born out of wedlock to Saud Nazari and a Wiccan Gypsy follower of the Shredded Claw, Khalid Nazari was brought into a world of colourful deception and nomadic lifestyle within Farah'deen's harsh climates.
  • The young Silven, having been visited whilst still in the womb by Asce'tie, the covert of persuasion and cunning, by chance no less, was left with Their mark - the Silver eyes of an Existling.
  • Instead of berating him, Khalid was reared to use his abnormal eyes to his advantage - growing as a liar to those that would seek out the gypsies for their fortunes, presenting himself as some mystically blessed child.
  • By the age of 14, Khalid had been indoctrinated into the ways of his Gypsy family and the Shredded Claw faith - to use Soul Magic in conjuring Ellons, and in-turn reflection of one's self. Otherwise, the use of Soul Bridging to heal the mentally inflicted.
  • Four months into his training, he had mastered the transformation into his Ellon Form. A year following that, he mastered the projection of his Ellon.
  • Wanting to progress further, Khalid procured about Ellon Communion, instead being directed towards Soul Bridging, as Ellon Communion was deemed far too difficult.
  • Unimpressed, the Silven ran from the only home he'd known, instead travelling to the Burjja Tharwah, otherwise known as the Spires of Fortune. Over another period of three years, the Silven had mastered a complete transformation of his Ellon Communion.
  • Finding an affinity for the Spire's more rebellious students, Khalid fell into a group of bright yet otherwise morally skewed hoodlums, from which he delved into Demon Magic - though his induction into Void Worship had already served as a gateway for this.
  • Without even learning so much as a spell, the group were expelled from the Spires for their Void-tainted practices. The hoodlums used Khalid as a scapegoat, and following a bloody fight of Ellons, the group went their separate ways.
  • Jaded, Khaled travelled to the Port-Town of Hammaneh. It was here he progressed his Demon Magic training under a well-known gang of 'Shadow Stalkers' - members of a Gang known for their coordinated use of the Shadow Dagger spell.
  • Having learnt the Shadow Dagger spell by the age of 20, Khalid had earned his title as a self-sufficient rogue - making use of his Ellon Form and purchased a trained pet Capuchini to coordinate small thieveries in taverns and celebrations. He dubbed this Street-Monkey 'Izjit', or 'Sticky', in relation to the Monkey's kleptomania and general talent.
  • Having finally become a Caster-tier Warlock, Khalid developed dark scales along his forearms and hands, alongside slitted eyes. Khalid assumed this to be a pact he'd made with Daemons, on the path to becoming a true Warlock, or 'Oathbreaker'. Betraying his Exist heritage.
  • Thirsting for more, Khalid spent his time travelling outwards, exploring the debauchery of Daenshore and Hallonq, the rich Drakken Lore of Anglia, the wildlands of the Horseriders and Avanthar. He located various Seraph Ruins, basking in their chaotic magics to better himself, and even acting as a 'Tomb Raider' to recover magical artefacts for the highest bidder.
  • Following his 24th year, Khalid had finally mastered his Blood Curse - and was enamoured by the potential it posed. That said, his logical mind forebade him from overusing this spell, knowing full well that he would get intoxicated by the power he wielded.
  • With little time to reflect upon his decisions, Khalid travelled to Regalia upon learning of the Raven migration, knowing it to be a sign of the heralding Feathered Dragon. He hopes to set up a reputation as a tinkerer and merchant with his clean slate, whilst conning and thieving on the side.
  • Reaching his 30th year within the City, Khalid would finally perfect the Soul Bridging spell, using it to undo the horrors inflicted upon Avynn, a newly formed acquaintance of his, ridding her of the mental daemons that had infested her mind.
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Hello! Here's my review:
  • How big is Khalid's Ellon? It can't be bigger than a human, and I would assume that Gryphons are larger than Humans?
  • Khalid holds himself to a higher standard than most thieves, working by his own strict code.
  • Why? Please expand on this section.
  • How did Khalid train a monkey? Animal training really isn't easy, especially since (I would assume) he didn't study it? Did he buy a domesticated capuchini, or?
  • While it's not required, I'd highly suggest you add a weakness to balance out all of Khalid's talents.
  • Please add Khalid's proficiency in each of his languages out of ten.
Edited the Ellon notes to comply. Gave the Ellon a name (Malik).
Edited the Capuchini section as well. Gave the Monkey a name as well (Izjit).
Added the proficiency of languages out of ten, assuming he is able to be fluent in all three - Farradi being his mothertongue, Ancient
Seraph being a spellweaver benefit and the final Common tongue taking two years to learn.
Added a weakness.

Change Log
- Addition of service to the Shredding Claw Cult of Void Worship.
- Subsequent mutations of the arms and eyes.
- Subsequent edits to the life story to incorporate the faiths and goals of the Shredding Claw Cult.
- All changes coloured in red for easy of reference.

Hey there. While Ponyo will still be in charge of this sheet, I noticed that you have Ancient Seraph listed as a language at 10/10. Ancient Seraph is a language that is used for spellcasting, but cannot truly be spoken or written in, thus cannot be known. This will need to be fixed before this application can be dubbed Approved again. Thank you!
I am asking you to completely remove Ancient Seraph from the language section, as it is assumed he knows the words used to name the spells and nothing else, period. He cannot speak or read or decode beyond knowing the names of the spells he can cast, no exceptions.
The Language Tags page on the Wiki, in regards to the Ancient Seraph section, states:

"Scholars can only interpret full sentences when reading the language side-by-side a decoder."
Following that revision, I've written out:

"Fluent in Spell-Casting phrases & decoding knowledge where applicable."

Implying he can understand and decipher the names of spells when cast by himself or others (across other magic schools), or he can decode sentences of the language alongside a decoder. To support that in line with the revision, Khalid has experience in exploring Seraph Ruins in line with his Shredded Claw Dragon Worship - exposing himself to chaotic energies etc.

In short, Khalid knows what's allowed in lore. Not trying to create an exception, just taking Wiki-Wording. Correct me if I'm wrong though.

I suggest you take a look over this thread, as it may clear some things up for you. Fluency in casting phrases is assumed, as he is a mage. If you believe he would have access to the proper resources that scholars studying Ancient Seraph would have and think it necessary to the character it will need to be mentioned in the Life Story.
Seeing as your Trustee permissions have been revoked, I am rejecting this application as re-approval would require extensive edits that would entirely reshape the character.