Preserved Sheet Khaine

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@Caelamus surprise surprise
werebeastism got snipped
proficiencies changed
life story altered to fit the vanishing of doggo sickness
aged up by like ten years

changes made in red except for life story
@Caelamus void sire and sorcery spells added
@Caelamus uh oh

unhealthy people make unhealthy life choices

hagmer's been turned into a dorkarth vampire, adjustments and additions made in purple
@Caelamus you're going to hate me for this, but thanks to some glances in hindsight i ultimately decided on that the bloodline i initially picked for my character's dose of vampirism was the wrong one, and as such have put the sheet up for re-review with hagmer as a von kerle

it's (hopefully) the final change to the sheet for an eternity of time

also gave him the void sight mutation
@Caelamus you're going to hate me for this, but thanks to some glances in hindsight i ultimately decided on that the bloodline i initially picked for my character's dose of vampirism was the wrong one, and as such have put the sheet up for re-review with hagmer as a von kerle

it's (hopefully) the final change to the sheet for an eternity of time

also gave him the void sight mutation
I'll approve it, but on the contrary I think Dorkarth fit a bit more with Hagmer's aesthetic and regality tbh.
@Caelamus DON'T APPROVE YET, pretty huge shit happened ig and it all can't be put on the app yet - i'll notify you as soon as it can
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@Caelamus ok now - surprise

hagmer has been cleansed and made into an altalar - race, proficiencies, visuals, and character alignments and beliefs have been adjusted accordingly to that change

also please clean up the thread dear god
@Caelamus decided to use those 15 points!