Preserved Sheet Keldo Artimis

This sheet was missing a prefix or has not been edited for a long period of time. Please create a ticket including a linkif your sheet was moved in error.
@Caelamus I've finished my edits to my sheet. :thumbsup:
There's still issues present that make the application to review from a formatting perspective. Information is in places where it does not belong. Such as languages behind above the proficiency information and optional sections being present. If you want to keep stock of your character's inventory just use a google doc for it. That information is only really relevant to you. Some of the information is also very segmented and spaced out which makes for a lot of scrolling. Arrange things in a manner akin to the template. It makes it easier to review and scroll to where certain sections should be.

Your life story is also fairly long, or rather it appears that way with how spaced out everything is. You have 1,041 words and 5,654 characters here. Please condense it and remove the unreadable lime there.

Just take your time dude and don't rush trying to make the edits. You have a week or roughly ten days to complete edits before the application is considered inactive.
@Caelamus I simplified it from my old character sheet, and fixed it according to the template. Thank you for notifying.