Archived Keep Inventory In Regalia

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
We've all been there. Some event or a quest that killed us in Regalia. We were carrying our RP items and lost them. Someone undoubtedly picked them up, as after we scurried to the area, the items were nowhere to be found. This is very frustrating for people when this happens. You may say " Well, buy premium for that." True. Good suggestions. But what about people in between premium purchases?

I am not suggesting that Keep Inventory would be active everywhere. However, I am suggesting that it should be activated in Warrenord and Regalia. This will keep RPers from dying and losing everything in Regalia. In the wilderness, it's not as bad, as it's unlikely that anyone picked up your stuff unless you were fighting someone. In Regalia, people flood the streets in many areas, and it is very bothersome to lose everything to someone just because they found you stuff in Regalia very easily.

This would not effect game-play much. It would only be for these two worlds, and not very often do people die in Regalia or Warrenord. However, it happens. It would be similar to how hunger is disabled in Regalia. It allows for less frustration for anyone in Regalia. It would not counter Pacifist either. It would only effect these few areas, and would not give any benefit in PvP.

Please state you opinions below, and what you would hope to see.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I like this, but the big problem I see is Knight's island, as I believe it is in the same world as regalia, so part of the world would need keepinventory while knigh's island would need it disabled.
I like this, but the big problem I see is Knight's island, as I believe it is in the same world as regalia, so part of the world would need keepinventory while knigh's island would need it disabled.

Unless knight island was also item keep, allowing more people to join the tourneys without fear of item loss?
+1 polan support.
I support this idea. I don't personally have an use for it since I'm premium but I'm sure that alot of other people really would love to get this feature implemented :)
Yes, yes. I agree with the use for this in Regalia, /and/ the PvP Tournaments.
I do remember the times I would die, and have people take my stuff. [But then traits happened C:]
This would be great for the people who get into mishaps in Regalia, and encouraging more people to join the PvP Tournaments.
+1 Support.
I like the idea, even if I'm horribly inactive, when I would go around Regalia, I couldn't help but explore or move about the place. Some ledges would blind side me, then pick me up and throw me from the buildings, and proceed to mug me, stealing everything I owned. (Kidding)

I honestly agree with this idea. I don't like losing things in regalia, and neither does anyone else (unless you're into that kind of thing) because sometimes they really were a good effect to the roleplay, or possibly because the items are quite literally too valuable to let some random roleplayer grab and sell for food that they will undoubtedly lose from dying in regalia or by a raider.
+1 support
Note, I am unsure of what world may be connected to what Regalia, or specific things, and that is because I am inactive. My opinion is mine and your opinion is yours, lets keep it that way.
yeah I don't think anyone has any objections over this idea since their is really no reason to loose your stuff their since it is an RP world, if you where in RP you would Die in RP and loose whatever item was necesary for the RP. Not accidentaly slipping while doing some parcoure while chasing a vampire and just loosing your holly crossbow or whatever... Loosing your crossbow after getting a head injury from a fall should be vuluntary.
teeaaaaaaayshè! no more losing my god sword by a random cannon during april fools day shizzel stuf...
if this happens at least
+1341516 moral suport
+1 real suport
Locking thread, I discussed it shortly and this won't happen. Taking away item drop for Regalia is like giving all roleplayers a free premium feature. Seems a bit unfair on the people who choose to spend their time in the survival worlds.
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