• Character Sheets are optional on MassiveCraft. You do not need a sheet to play or be whitelisted on our server. You only need a sheet if you plan to engage in roleplay combat.

Played Character Kay Meztli Kee'lyth

This character is actively played.
Alchemy removed and replaced with two Artificing packs, Medical and Communicator. In addition, I replaced Casting with Mimicry from Spell Point-Buy, and replaced the Breaking with Mimicry on the Greater Mage Packs. Changes are marked in red!
Changes: Moved both the base and greater mage Mimicry packs to Cleansing on both, and replaced the Displacing base and Greater Mage with Casting. Two packs moved from roguery to add Mech-Suit in Artificing and Affliction Wisdom in Scholarly. Mineral Wisdom was also changed to the Deeplore Pack. Marked in red!
Hello, apologies for the delay. Here's my review:

Everything looks good, and checks out. Approved!