Preserved Sheet Katthe Djilla

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tired 24/7
Jun 19, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Kattherine Loaea Auregala (birthname Kattherine Traric.) Commonly nicknamed Kat. Now named Katthe Gwaeth'orn. After some issues, she has become Katthe Amalao. And, after some more issues, she has become Katthe Djilla. Her name is somewhat Elven due to her first adopted mother (Alaia Auregala) being an Altalar and simply naming her that. All of her last names are Elven-esque because of all of her parents Elven roots. She also removed the Loaea part of her name, and shortened her name to Katthe, as she hated those two bits.
  • Alias: Nyioucheil, usually named Nacho, Taco, Nyi or Nyio.
  • Age: 18.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Full Ailor.
  • Main Ambition: To hone her magics to her best abilites, know as many people as possible.
  • Special Permission: Ethereal Magic
Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Emerald green with one light blue eye and blue eye-whites.
  • Hair Color: Dyed black, originally chocolate brown. Also dyed white at the side.
  • Hair Style: Cut at her shoulders, curly and slightly puffy with little horns sticking out.
  • Skin Color: Pale olive though with a much darker, chocolate brown areas.
  • Clothing: Brown pants and red shirt with golden arm bands as her casual, surface clothing, whilst for sewer adventures she wears usually the same things as she wears on the surface.
  • Height: 5'9.
  • Body Build: Athletic.
  • Weapon of Choice: Generally punching or kicking, unless she can escape/fight via Ghost Grip Magic or Ethereal Magic.
Personality and Abilities (Required)

Personality Traits
  • Allocentric. The young girl is highly allocentric, placing her thoughts on others rather than herself, causing her to have a non-existant ego. Whilst this can occasionally disappear, that case is only in life and death situations. She will generally try to edge away from fighting to keep them safe, but she'll always keep her attention on them and check that they're safe. This has become a huge asset to her within gaining friends as it shows that she cares for others more than herself.
  • Hardworking. Kat is heavily hardworking, doing whatever she can to help her friends to do what they need to. However, this can cause her to become tired easily and simply collapse. This can also be a sign of panic for her, but it generally is a good thing and allows her to get things done quicker be it fixing a wall or simply helping do something very odd or particular, or maybe even missions. For now, though, she'll stick to doing things for her Order and serve her higher ups as they would like her to.
  • Imaginative. Be it just for fun or for actual scheming, the young girl seemingly always thinks out of the box for everything. Her creativity has no limits and this has always stuck with her throughout everything in her life. This has been a huge help in everything recently, especially with the gang wars, schemes and later, attacks. Even though this might not be much of a good thing to others, Kat herself is proud of herself for managing this.
  • Cluttered. Despite her previous clear headedness and decisive attitude, Kat has became awfully cluttered after all the things that have happened. This isn't limited to her thoughts, as it can also be her surroundings and timetables/schedules, due to all the gang happenings in the sewers. Her general clothing can be cluttered, but it's usually her thoughts, causing her to panic at the slightest problem and basically be unable to fix it.
  • Clingy. Katthe is clingy to a point where it can be both annoying, scary and worrying. This came around after her lack of friends started increasing and she had the urge to keep her current friends. This means that she will actually sometimes physically cling to them if they want to go talk to someone else or she'll nag them constantly to stay safe. She just wants her current friends to not die or wander off forever or disappear and she'll take to the extremes to stop that.
  • Socially awkward. No matter how hard she tries, Kat has always been socially awkward. She doesn't seem to fit in correctly and can't keep up a conversation for long by herself. Even if it's simple small talk, everything seems to get muddled up and confusing to her, leaving her in a state of utter confusion as everyone stares at her awkwardly. It isn't a nice feeling and she can't help it.
  • Ghost grip magic/Ethereal magic. The girl is at caster level in both Ethereal magic and Ghost Grip magic, having practised for enough time to get to this stage. She's curious to learn more about these weird magics that lets her both fight and traverse the terrain in fun and exciting ways, while for Ethereal it allows her to summon weapons. She'll use Ghost grip from pranking her friends to fighting for her Ethereal magic. Her wrist-grip is blue with pink cloud-like designs on the inside.
  • Trustworthy. If someone tells Kat to keep a secret, she will do so without telling anyone else. This means she is awfully trustworthy, maybe to an oddly extreme extent. This can also extend to certain tasks that have to be kept from others, especially important ones. However, this can waver sometimes and when it does, she has a tendency to ramble about things she shouldn't. She unconsciously hopes someone would come along and stop her.
  • Strong legs. Kat's legs are very strong from years of running and working out when she was younger, and she specifically worked on her legs. This allows her to run easily and give her a good advantage at speed and stamina. However, she has recently began working on them again so she can keep them up.
  • Easily overwhelmed. The girl can easily get overwhelmed and stressed if there are too many things to think about placed on her at once. Big situations involving multiple things are a stopping point for her and can cause her to have a breakdown. This can simply occur in normal life and can be a big problem.
  • Weak arms/torso. Unlike her legs, her arms and torso have been left completely un-worked on and she finds them to be useless. Her arms cannot give a hard enough punch to do any harm and her torso is easily hurt. She generally tries to avoid fighting with these body parts and focuses on others like her legs.
  • Large crowds. Places like taverns and loud areas with lots of unknown people aren't suitable for the young girl. She can freak out, be super paranoid, or sulky. It all depends on if she has friends around or not. Whilst large crowds of her close ones or friends is fine, she can't stand the noise that others make. She simply doesn't understand how others can stand it.
  • Insomnia. After the night of the Seedling tree accident, Kat has had trouble sleeping due to the nightmares this gives. This causes her to be awfully tired during the day and can cause her to be grumpy too, snapping at people. She might just fall asleep in the middle of a table sometimes, or places she shouldn't be. Nonetheless, she still gets these nightmares.
  • Blood magic mutations. After an encounter with a Touch of the Void blood mage, she has gotten a few mutations that give her huge disadvantages. This ranges from her webbed ear being deaf to her eyesight being blurry because of the new mutations. Everything about them is bad, and they don't look nice either. Below is a list.
    • Blue eye whites.
    • A blue eye.
    • A webbed ear with an orange web.
    • A pointy ear.
    • Very sensitive and brittle horn formations on the back of her knees, on her head and elbows. She needs to file these down so she can wear clothes properly, though filing them is painful in itself.
    • Darker patches of skin.
Life Story (Required)
  • (0-7.) Kat was born to Halafarin Traric and Bell Lhoril in Regalia on the 12th of June 18 years ago. She grew up rather strangely though, being given away as an orphan and taken in by a lady of the name Alaia Auregala, adopting the name Katthe Auregala. She was raised in a small house by the edges of the walls in Regalia and learned Common.
  • 7-9. The girl had fully learned Common and could speak convoluted words fluently. She continued to grow up with Alaia, the Altalar woman warming up to her considerably more. She eventually shared that she knew both Ghost Grip Magic and Ethereal magic, and taught Kat of what it was and the basics. Kat didn't start training and simply learned what it was. The girl still had no friends at this point.
  • 9-13. Kat now fully knew the concept of Ghost Grip magic and Ethereal magic, and was eager to start practising when she was old enough, though Alaia insisted she waited until she was fourteen, much to Kat's disappointment. Kat started going outside now and making a few names, mostly Altalar and others in the city. She also discovered some secret places.
  • 13-15. The girl grew up quickly, continuing to nag Alaia to practice her magic. As the months flew by when she was 14, she began to practice both of the magics. She was terrible at them at first, but eventually got better over a year or so. Due to all of this, it meant she spent almost all of her time inside practising, and the other bits just sleeping or eating.
  • 16- now. Finally having gotten to Caster level, Katthe is happy with her studies for now. She's got a good mother, she's found her real family and generally everything is good (other than a few small issues.)
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Skill Information (Optional)
  • School: Ethereal Weapons (Ethereal Magic) and Ghost Grip (Ghost Grip Magic).
  • Level: Caster in both.
  • Source Mother.
(relationships+more expansions under work)
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woah dude
just use like 3 dividers holy shjt
Hey! I'll get right to your app. Mostly because it's pretty and I'm like a moth to flame.

  • I'm confused. How does is somebody born one-third any race? What does that make her parents? I don't think people can be born as thirds, genetically.
  • Katthe's height might be an issue, depending on what genetic makeup you give her after addressing the above point. I'll wait until you do that edit's made before addressing this issue, though.
  • I find the trait "Accessible" (Especially with its details relating to how welcoming she is) conflicts heavily with "Abrasive." I don't think somebody can be welcoming and open while also being uncaring and brash. They're too polar in my opinion. You might need to rethink this.
Other than that, there's not too much else for me to point out. Short and sweet. Very nice app! I'll await your edits!

For now.


Hey! I'll get right to your app. Mostly because it's pretty and I'm like a moth to flame.

  • I'm confused. How does is somebody born one-third any race? What does that make her parents? I don't think people can be born as thirds, genetically.
  • Katthe's height might be an issue, depending on what genetic makeup you give her after addressing the above point. I'll wait until you do that edit's made before addressing this issue, though.
  • I find the trait "Accessible" (Especially with its details relating to how welcoming she is) conflicts heavily with "Abrasive." I don't think somebody can be welcoming and open while also being uncaring and brash. They're too polar in my opinion. You might need to rethink this.
Other than that, there's not too much else for me to point out. Short and sweet. Very nice app! I'll await your edits!

For now.


Changed to full Ailor.
Fixed to 5'5 to better fit things. Makes more sense, though.
Accessible swapped with co-operative.
I have changed Katthes magics to Beast and Evergrowth-- I would like this re-reviewed for that.
Hiya @Nuutella! Thank you for being patient, I can see you've put a lot of care and effort into your application which is wonderful to see. I only have a few edits listed below but then after those are implemented we can look to getting this approved for you.

  • You've mentioned that Kat is a co-operative individual but I'd question if she really is due to her abrasive nature. If she insults people without realising it I could see how that would create problems when she's meant to work with other people. There's also a mention in her childish trait that she can be considered 'flat out rude' to other people. Does she keep her abrasive nature hidden when it comes to pairing up in order to get a job done? I'd like you to explain this please.

  • I feel like cool-headed and easily overwhelmed contradict one another. Although you've mentioned that this trait only shows if there are too many things to think about at once, you've also mentioned in her cool-headed strength that she keeps a clear head no matter the situation. Reading over your application, the idea that she is a calm and decisive person seems to be a large part of her character so I'd suggest that you simply replace her easily overwhelmed weakness with another one.

Other than those two things the rest of this is nicely written and up to scratch! Please highlight any changes you make in green and tag me once you're done!
Okay! Though, as of recent, those traits have changed due to her mother's death, causing her to panic more and stuff. I'll edit it soon.
@JarlJade Done!
I decided not to change the 'easily overwhelmed' trait, I'd like you to tell me if you have any qualms over that!
Most of your edits are in check, there's just one more thing I'd like to point out.

Clean. Despite being quite poor, the girl still keeps herself immaculately clean with the exceptions of the times she's in the sewers. This allows her to be safe-guarded from dirt-caused illnesses and generally makes her look and smell nice. Most of the things she uses are made from plants, and funnily enough, plant scented, so it also makes herself happy in a way
I feel like it's a bit far-fetched for Kat to be clean if she goes down into the sewers often. I also feel like clean is a bit of an odd strength to have, I'd challenge you to include something that you can use in rp more often then you will utilize 'smelling nice'.
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Most of your edits are in check, there's just one more thing I'd like to point out.

I feel like it's a bit far-fetched for Kat to be clean if she goes down into the sewers often. I also feel like clean is a bit of an odd strength to have, I'd challenge you to include something that you can use in rp more often then you will utilize 'smelling nice'.
Fixed! Replaced with Trustworthy.
Oop, forgot to tag you. @JarlJade
Edit: I was wondering if it would be okay to add another one or two weaknesses to balance out her double magics.
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I would like this re-reviewed for double permission-- and yes, I do have the sheet ready for when/if this application gets approved.
No edits have been made.
I will review this application sometime in the following week.
@Nuutella Before I begin my review, I would ask that you remove some of the obstructive images and gifs, or at least tone down on them. They are somewhat obstructive and makes it hard to focus on the text. Additionally, could you turn the color of all text to the default black? Once more, for ease of reading. Thank you, and I will try to get to your app by the weekend, if not by the end of it!
@Nuutella Before I begin my review, I would ask that you remove some of the obstructive images and gifs, or at least tone down on them. They are somewhat obstructive and makes it hard to focus on the text. Additionally, could you turn the color of all text to the default black? Once more, for ease of reading. Thank you, and I will try to get to your app by the weekend, if not by the end of it!
Okay! Will do. I think I went a bit overboard w/ the things anyway.
Also think I removed all mentions of double magic and Evergrowth.
If I haven't, somebody please call me out on that!
Hey there! Sorry about the wait, I got caught up with some IRL. Your character application looks very well written, and is much easier on the eyes without a lot of the bright flashy stuff popping out at you. Here's my review!
  • Full Name: Katthe Auregala (birthname Katthe Traric.) Commonly nicknamed Kat. Now named Katthe Gwaeth'orn.
IS there any explanation as to why your character has a vaguely Elvish name?
  • Special Permission: Beast magic, caster level, both subschools.
While you technically fit within the bare minimum age, you should age Katthe up a year or two for this to make more sense. Remember that it takes roughly a full year to get to caster level in one magic, but to learn another while practicing first would take more. I mean, it is technically not wrong, but I can see that you're min-maxing to try and be as powerful as you can get your character within the rules while still having a child character. I discourage this.
  • Main Ambition: To hone her magics to her best abilites, know as many people as possible and become a Pengolar in the Nenyarina Order/Cult.
"Pengolar" isn't really a thing anymore. Remember that the Nenyarina Cult is dead and nobody has seen it for a good 300-400 years; I doubt anyone would truly know the inner workings of the order unless they had a Nenyarina Tome or some exclusive behind the scenes history book. Considering your character is a 16 year old Ailor, I doubt they would come into contact with such material.
with a silver band across the centre, marking her as a Patlasgalen
Again, this doesn't exist in the Lore anymore. This material was intentionally written out to avoid metagame-esque material.
  • Allocentric. The young girl is highly allocentric, placing her thoughts on others rather than herself, causing her to have a non-existant ego. Whilst this can occasionally disappear, that case is only in life and death situations. She will generally try to edge away from fighting to keep them safe, but she'll always keep her attention on them and check that they're safe. This has become a huge asset to her within gaining friends as it shows that she cares for others more than herself.
  • Caring. As her abrasive nature dissipated, Kat became more caring for her friends, close ones and even just certain individuals she hardly knows. Whilst this can cause problems, it generally doesn't and helps her make friendships with others and build up her confidence. She tries to irritate people as little as possible, though in the case of a close friend or family, she won't stop herself from irritating them to the ends of Aloria. This usually extends to people of the Order who hang around her a lot and know her problems.
These two are essentially the same thing. Please remove one and replace it with something else that delves into a different aspect of your character's personality.
  • Childish. Being the age she is, the girl still hasn't abandoned her childish ways and continues to act in this way. She tries to kick it off but she simply can't. Her childish nature can cause chaos and annoy others, and this is a problem to her. This can make her simply make sarcastic jokes or be flat out rude, either way she isn't getting rid of this anytime soon. However, very recently, events have caused her to be able to keep this nature in control.
Instead of using a blanket term like "childish," you should describe her more specifically. Focus on a specifically childish aspect of her personality, and capitalize on that, instead of being too vague on what you are aiming to describe.
  • Social cues. Much like her mother, Kat has picked up on issues with physical social cues. Facial expressions, movements and other things cause her to become confused and can cause her to get frustrated from not understanding what they mean. She one day wishes how to overcome this but she has to wait a while.
If Kat is socially awkward, why not incorporate this into the personality section of the application?
  • Paranoid. With the recent gang events, the young girl has become paranoid of her surroundings. Be it looking out for people who could cause trouble or just pure paranoid-ness, the girl will always be keeping check. This is a bad thing because it can cause her to become overly anxious and jumpy, even at the slightest unseen movement. This only worsened with the Seedling incident, and she wants to make sure nothing like that ever, ever, ever happens again with her on the watch.
A person who is ultra caring and compassionate towards others cannot be shut off and withdrawn, which is what paranoia tends to do to someone. What you describe may in fact be anxiety, where they are only worrying and jumping at every little thing. Think on this a little more and make adjustments as you see fit.

Besides these edits, the character application looks good! Tag me when you are finished, and mark all edits in blue so I can easily spot them out. @Nuutella
Hey there! Sorry about the wait, I got caught up with some IRL. Your character application looks very well written, and is much easier on the eyes without a lot of the bright flashy stuff popping out at you. Here's my review!

IS there any explanation as to why your character has a vaguely Elvish name?

While you technically fit within the bare minimum age, you should age Katthe up a year or two for this to make more sense. Remember that it takes roughly a full year to get to caster level in one magic, but to learn another while practicing first would take more. I mean, it is technically not wrong, but I can see that you're min-maxing to try and be as powerful as you can get your character within the rules while still having a child character. I discourage this.

"Pengolar" isn't really a thing anymore. Remember that the Nenyarina Cult is dead and nobody has seen it for a good 300-400 years; I doubt anyone would truly know the inner workings of the order unless they had a Nenyarina Tome or some exclusive behind the scenes history book. Considering your character is a 16 year old Ailor, I doubt they would come into contact with such material.

Again, this doesn't exist in the Lore anymore. This material was intentionally written out to avoid metagame-esque material.

These two are essentially the same thing. Please remove one and replace it with something else that delves into a different aspect of your character's personality.

Instead of using a blanket term like "childish," you should describe her more specifically. Focus on a specifically childish aspect of her personality, and capitalize on that, instead of being too vague on what you are aiming to describe.

If Kat is socially awkward, why not incorporate this into the personality section of the application?

A person who is ultra caring and compassionate towards others cannot be shut off and withdrawn, which is what paranoia tends to do to someone. What you describe may in fact be anxiety, where they are only worrying and jumping at every little thing. Think on this a little more and make adjustments as you see fit.

Besides these edits, the character application looks good! Tag me when you are finished, and mark all edits in blue so I can easily spot them out. @Nuutella
Added reasoning.
Made Caring into Imaginative.
Changed Childish into Socially awkward.
Took out social cues and paranoia as I still meet the minimum amount of weaknesses without them.
but I can see that you're min-maxing to try and be as powerful as you can get your character within the rules while still having a child character. I discourage this.
Actually, I regret this slightly! I realise that in the past I have tried to make my characters slightly OP so of course, I put it down to one subform. If you want, though, I can still age her up. It might get a bit confusing as both of her parents are actually approved characters, but I don't mind asking the two to maybe make a few differences to the apps.