Preserved Sheet Karsten Handelsbinder

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My Review:
  • Societal Knowledge - (+10 from Proficiency Points)
  • Diplomatic Case Skill [Ailor Culture Pack & Unionist Culture Pack] - (+8 from Proficiency Points)
  • I would suspect something got a bit mixed around here? Please double check your Proficiency Points to ensure you've listed them all out properly.
  • First Paragraph: Luther is often perceived as a respectful and approachable figure, one with respect and military discipline. He also has a gullible side hidden beneath the surface. Usually this side is only reserved for those he grows close to. Considering his lack of close friends, it's almost unheard of, hence he's seen as more proper and professional.
  • Second Paragraph: Luther sees himself as one who lacks connection, friends or lovers. He has felt a sense of never fitting in. Even though he has both parents, Luther holds respectable, but unemotionally attached relationships with them at this point in his life. He keeps his scarf from his mother as a reminder of when she was gentle to him as a child. This feeling of lack of attachments mostly never shines through, and he can mistakenly appear confident. Though one to pry or grow close to him might discover otherwise.
  • Third Paragraph: To family, Luther is very supporting, loving, caring and respectful. He loves his extended family, though holds a stubborn respect for his father, without really showing him emotion, for his father never shows him any, always being stern. To friends, he always shows similar to that of family after gaining their trust, and vise versa. To peers or new friends, he seems confident and respectful though mostly only showing emotions of kindness and humor rather then more deep ones such as compassion or love.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Luther is generally a morally good person, but will stay neutral if common sense dictates that action be detrimental to himself or those he cares for. For example, he'd defend an individual from shade, but if they deserve it, he'll stay out as it doesn't do him good to get involved in other's messes. If it is a friend, however, he'd step in. This is a cost-benefit analysis view point applied to many a manner of life decisions, as if taking the most economical actions. On rare occasions, he'll invest his time into people if he feels the connection fruitful.
  • Please update the Personality section to one of the two current options, we not longer use the 4 Para method.
As Luther grew up, he was trained by his father in military studies, and tutored by his mother in academics, learning to speak D'Ithanian from his aunt Isabelle who a native Ithanian, it being his first non-mother tongued language, already being raised on Anglian and Common.
  • Taking this one example out of the LS, I would request that you please fully review the Life Story to ensure that it is up to date with all other areas of the application.
Please tag me once all edits are done in green @Zombiel3ait
Rejected due to inactivity.
My Review:

  • I would suspect something got a bit mixed around here? Please double check your Proficiency Points to ensure you've listed them all out properly.

  • Please update the Personality section to one of the two current options, we not longer use the 4 Para method.

  • Taking this one example out of the LS, I would request that you please fully review the Life Story to ensure that it is up to date with all other areas of the application.
Please tag me once all edits are done in green @Zombiel3ait

For the mention of proficiency points, what I gathered from the wiki is this
  • "This proficiency is unlocked through a new so called Pack every 4 points invested. For example, if a Character has invested 8 points in this Proficiency, they may choose two of the packs in the table below."
So I dedicated 8 points for two packs which I listed on my app as the following below in parentheses on my app for Societal Knowledge.
  1. Ailor Culture Pack
  2. Unionist Culture Pack
I do see that I accidentally put it for Diplomatic Skill so I'll correct that.

Personality was also updated to the current format. I was unaware of that prior so thank you for the heads up!

Life story was redone and updated.

All things considered, I will without a doubt be on top of this app this time considering the state of the world, not much else I can do.@HydraLana
Claimed for review
@HydraLana Changes made to Proficency Points, Physical Stat & Ailor Linage. Will be highlighted in green and coppied down below.

Total Points: 58 Points (38 Proficiency Points | 10 Talent Points | 10 Hobby Points)
  • Proficiency
    • +8 Perception Training (8 From Proficency Points)
  • Talent
    • +5 General Command (5 From Talent Points)
    • +5 Siege Command (5 From Talent Points)
  • Hobby
    • +15 Pathfinding Art (5 From Hobby Points | 10 From Proficency Points)
    • +15 Fortification Art (5 From Hobby Points | 10 From Proficency Points)
    • +10 Theater Art (10 From Proficency Points)

Body Shape and Strength

  • Average Strength / Physical Stat (12.5 points)
  • Average Body Shape
  • Average Body Fat