Preserved Sheet Kal’iuesta Hellorávanath

This sheet was missing a prefix or has not been edited for a long period of time. Please create a ticket including a linkif your sheet was moved in error.
You left out 2 proficiency points unless you meant to do that.

Unarmed and athletics no longer do double to the body stat, fix this as well.
Please verify and fix this in purple, please!
@Nesstro changes added. Could I also get a thread cleanup!
Shifted a few points around into the new ritualism. Body stat updated. Seeking re-review.

10 year age up! Need points reassessed for re-review. Everything remains the same.
Added Dragon Warden abilities, changed eye color to reflect ability.
Not seeking re-review however making a note.
Also, requesting some good ol' thread clean up please!
Keep in mind you get ten free talent points and ten free hobby points on top of the core points but if you don't wish to use them, approved.
full altalar update, lil bit of prof tinkering to adjust linguistics and file sorcery