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Work in Progress Kairos Russe

This sheet is a work in progress and should not be considered accurate or used actively in roleplay.


Jun 12, 2024
Reaction score
California, United States

image_2024-10-17_192325190.webp Kairos Russe

"There is a beauty in the incomprehensible, you just have to find it. Try harder."

A black and off-white drawing of a man with long, curling hair and a ornate frame on both sides.
Charles Henri Sanson by descendinight on DeviantArt

Alias'/Nicknames: Kai, Catalyst, Freak, Celina Krist
Heritage: Savent Asha (Dominant) / Ailor (Recessive)

Age: 32
Gender / Pronouns: Unlabeled / Any (They/Them default)
Religion: Other
Occult: Void Mageborn / Body Arkenborn / Fledgling Nerocanto Vampire
Character Occupation: N/A

image_2024-10-17_192325190.webp Appearance

"How do I look? Convincingly human?"

Eye Color: Gold with a red limbal ring / Dark crimson with the faint Arkenborn glow shining through. with blackened sclera
Skin Color: Fair
Hair: Long, full pristine white that falls down their back to end just below the shoulder blades.
Height: 6'6" / 198 cm (varies)

Body Type: Lightly muscled over most of their body with a fairly muscled back, a hold over from once having wings.
Additional Features:

🙛 Two large scars run down both sides of their back in their "natural" form, lasting remnants of where wings once grew; only now replaced by marks from being cut and the haphazard, messy cauterization around them keeping any regrowth of feathers.
🙛 Rather than more humanoid legs, both of Kairos' legs are avian in likeness; Grey scales covered in fluffy white plumage from hip to their clawed toes, built like most digitigrade birds.
🙛 Likewise; Fine white feathers trail along the tops of their fingers, the tops of their forearms, and along their jaw. They often flare or puff with some expressions or alertness.
🙛 Mirrored large black marks that seem like eyeliner from hairline to dip just alongside their nose, though it is a very permanent and mundane mark from their Ashal heritage.
🙛 They bare large, sharp talons on both their hands and feet, black hooked claws that spark when slid against each other.
🙛 Their blood is an unnaturally vivid red, no matter veinous or arterial, and slightly luminesces due to a harmless mutation.
🙛 A pair of mirrored but fairly simple tattoos of opened eyes sit diagonally across each cheek, and occasionally if you catch it... They can blink. (Illusion Magic)

image_2024-10-17_192325190.webp Skill Information

"Dilute me, I tell them. Make me easier to love."

Hobbies & Talents: Magical Talent

🙛 Savent Asha can control a special substance called Living Metal, which is a solid metal that becomes liquid by their thought and imagination, and can be reshaped to whatever they can imagine, and telekinetically moved around.
🙛 Savent Asha have perfect night vision, capable of seeing in dark and low-light environments without needing external lights. Additionally, their claws when struck together create flint and steel-like sparks that light up.
🙛 Savent Asha have a heightened sense of smell, sight, and hearing out of Combat. This is fairly flexible and should be discussed with people in a scene in terms of what advantages this may give an Asha in varying scenarios.
🙛 Savent Asha have a heightened alertness and analytical mind, able to perceive threats and react much faster. They may notice dangers when interacting with Event objects or Characters. (Private Message DM's for more info)
🙛 Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divides. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.
🙛 Body Arkenborn can apply any sort of natural/unnatural body-mods to others. If applied unwillingly, it is a Void Curse, which must be removed by some kind of Exorcism mechanic or Magic purifying.
🙛 Nerocanto Vampires may choose one Mechanic from either the Ailor, Fin'ullen, or Eronidas Heritage Traits, whichever is not their own Heritage, and keep this Mechanic until they are Cured.
🙛 Eronidas have hardy physical digestive systems, capable of eating raw and spoiled foods and drinks without any issues or risk of illness.
🙛 Nerocanto Vampires can infect non-Vampires as both Fledglings and Greater Vampires, but can also cure Vampirism from those they infect only before they become Fledglings, thus allowing them to blackmail their victims.
🙛 Nerocanto Vampires can convert Vampire Thralls into Bound Thralls, curing their Vampirism, but mind controlling them by Vampire of their choosing, allowing them to sell off Thralls and Blood Cattle. (Hidden)
🙛 Ibeth
🙛 Common
🙛 Calem
🙛 d'Ithanie (Decent)

🙛 Droque (Decent)
🙛 Altalar (Broken)
image_2024-10-17_192325190.webp Plothooks

"When you have eternity, what's the point in patience anymore?"

A Shattered Home And Hand
🙛 Kairos is a bastard, in every sense of the word. The result of an affair of their mothers when the Body Arken took a brief liking to her, along with the first Mageborn in the family, they never quite fit. It didn't help how as they grew and later became Afflicted the violent mood swings Vampirism came with. They've pissed quite a few people off in their past.
No Gods, No Kings, Only Man
🙛 From 24-27, Kairos posed as an Ailor woman by the name Celina Krist to work under a minor noble family in Hinter Calem as a servant, though was more often than not hidden for her Arken parentage. Noble or even some Knight characters may have heard word some years back of a Lord rumored to be brutally murdered by an Arkenborn servant of his that'd become infected with the Sanguine plague, though those are only rumors as the person responsible was never caught. That alias was dropped and death faked to cover her tracks.
A Hungry Dog Is Never Loyal
🙛 Despite being a Nerocanto, usually known for their cruel blackmailing and manipulation, Kairos in the past treated their thralls well. In their eyes, the best way to secure your own safety despite keeping Bound Thralls is by keeping them happy. Lodging if needed, Don't treat them poorly or be unnecessarily cruel, and especially keep them well fed. While they don't have any Bound Thralls in Regalia yet, they seek them as more a trade of skills. Blood in return for whatever the Bound Thrall wishes to exchange for. Rarely do they sell off Blood cattle unless they're fully cutting ties with a place or in desperate need of funds.
A Lesson In Fluidity
🙛 They hold a great deal of regard and appreciation for other shapeshifters and body modification mages, be that Slizzar, Occult, Sanguine, or especially other Arkenborn. The only form of modification Kairos looks down on is mutations; particularly caused by one's own magic. To them, if you cannot control your magic well enough to avoid mutation after some time casting, you'd be better off not being a mage at all.
No Greater Sin
🙛 Kairos holds no mercy or forgiveness for people who disfigure others to rid them of their identity. To modify someone's body as revenge, punishment, or trick is one thing but it is entirely another to maim someone and rip their of their identity. They particularly don't like those who cut tails/wings of Asha or most specifically Lothar for a pair of them having cut their wings in the past.
To Find Higher Calling
🙛 They are a follower of The Architects (a player run cult plotline done by @At0mikal and others), brought in as a follower of the cult in recent years after being found in need of a way to survive and guidance and later became a higher ranking member of the cult. Kairos reveres their Pillar (superior), almost to an obsessive amount for how she reminds them of stories of their Arken sire's creations.
Just Out Of Reach
🙛 Kairos yearns for more, for one who doesn't see them as monstrous for what they are and recognizes they cannot help who they are at their core; That they are more than a Mage, an Arkenborn. Someone who sees through that and loves them anyways. They already have their sights on someone, but knows they can never be theirs.
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