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Played Character Kaina Isobel Lykke

This character is actively played.
Jan 23, 2020
Reaction score
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| Basic |
≺Birth Name: Koita Arama≻
⤷ ⥽Full Name: Kaina Isobel Lykke⥼
⤷ ⥽Initials: K.I.L⥼

≺Race: Half-Eronidas≻
⤷ ⥽Specifics: ¼ Eronidas, ¾ Songaskian⥼

≺Age: 21≻
⤷Height: 5'6

≺Gender: Female≻
⤷ ⥽Pronouns: She/They⥼

≺Eye Color: Umber Brown≻

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| Concept |

≺Core: Kaina believes in very little outside the few oaths she takes and accomplishing whatever goals she sets for herself by almost any means. She often finds herself at odds morally with what she thinks a person 'should' be and what she sees herself as. Her current goals are to simply prove herself as a warrior and to follow through with the promises she's made to the handful of friends, family, and partners she has.≻

≺Religion: Old God's Faith {7/10} Their belief in the Old God's Faith grows stronger with each passing day, constantly seeking out further information, teachings, and customs from the Sorenvik family and actively following the religion.

Shambala {2/10} Their belief, while within the Songaskian community, used to be higher but has since grew distant from their old family's religion.≻

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| Proficiencies |
≺Strength: 0≻
(Athletic Point Buy)
⤷ ⥽Building Scale Pack (Eronidas Racial)⥼

≺Constitution: 0≻
(Training Point Buy)
⤷ ⥽Rebound Pack (Eronidas Racial)⥼

≺Wisdom: 3≻
(Chem Point Buy)
⤷ ⥽Chem Hyperfocus Pack⥼
⤷ ⥽Chem Cleanse Pack⥼
⤷ ⥽Chem Mend Pack⥼

≺Dexterity: 7≻
(Ranger Point Buy)
⤷ ⥽ Ranger Stance (Freebie)
⤷ ⥽Ranger Tag Pack⥼
⤷ ⥽Ranger Wallop Pack⥼
⤷ ⥽Ranger Blur Pack⥼
⤷ ⥽Hook Shot Pack⥼
⤷ ⥽Ranger Trap Pack⥼
(Rogue Point Buy)
⤷ ⥽Dirty Fighter Pack⥼
⤷ ⥽Soft Landing Pack⥼

≺Intelligence: 4≻
(Puretek Point Buy)
⤷⥽Puretek Reload Pack⥼
⤷⥽Puretek Wrath Pack⥼
⤷⥽Puretek Evade Pack⥼
(Adapt Point Buy)
⤷ ⥽Safeguard Pack (Mundane)⥼

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| Abilities |
⤷ ⥽Eronidas Dominant⥼

⤷ ⥽Sofaal {Native}⥼
⤷ ⥽Common {Free}⥼
⤷ ⥽Skodje {Linguistic}⥼
⤷ ⥽Daendroquin {Linguistic}⥼

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| Appearance |
≺Abnormalities: Scar over bridge of nose- nose itself is slightly crooked, tattoo on left arm in Velheim style from upper forearm to wrist, double set of spruce brown horns on both sides of head starting at the temple, multiple scars over body usually hidden by clothing.≻

≺Description: Isobel stands at five foot eight inches, has brown hair with a side shave, usually keeps the hair neat and clean. Typically Isobel's well maintained as far as appearances go, though her features almost always look exhausted or blank. She's on the thinner side, especially for an Eronidas, but the majority of her body is muscle with dark mocha skin.≻

≺Vampiric Form: {INACTIVE} Isobel grows to six foot three inches as she enters this form, her skin takes on a sickly grey-ish variant of her typically dark mocha skin tone. Her double set of horns grow to stretch back to near the nape of her neck and her short tusks extend out slightly and come to a point. Her typically well manicured nails turn black and her fangs and tusks seem to be perpetually stained by crimson ichor. Isobel's cheeks lose most of their flesh, jaw seemingly held on by a few strands of muscle which allows her to open her mouth to an inhumane and excessive amount- this has the downside of slurring her speech and showing a clearly defined 'evil' nature. Her clothing often changes in this form, but usually follows her normal clothing patterns. When in this form she prefers to simply go by 'Bel', though will still answer to any of the names she knows.≻

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| Backstory |
⤷ ⥽Born on March 3rd 290 A.C, in Dogono of the Songaskian Masaya located in Fara'deen. Her father was a half-Eronidas half-songaskian named Eslodus Izdalin, while her mother, a full Songaskian, was named Haddy Arama.⥼

⤷ ⥽Childhood was a pleasant one for young Kaina, she made a good few close friends and had hobbies ranging from academic to athletic, though academics started to take a forefront of her interests early. The child of a trader and a medic, many conversations between her parents sparked interests early on, her mother's medical profession especially.⥼

⤷ ⥽Born to a family that was rather well off, Kaina was put through a decent school early on. She took to the schooling easily, though it quickly started to cause issues in her social life. She dove into her studies shutting off many friendships and potential avenues for her early life.⥼

⤷ ⥽Her new status as a bit of a recluse caused her some struggle around her peers, often leading to small fist fights. This was less of an issue to her than it should have been as the occasional broken nose or busted lip simply meant she could practice her studies on her own injuries, as well as the fights she did win gave her a boost of pride in herself.⥼

⤷ ⥽Kaina's adolescent years were a more turbulent one for her, her lack of skills in dealing with other people were finally starting to catch up with her as most of her once friends were now either people she saw as academic rivals or simply were no longer around. The teenage Kaina felt mostly alone outside of her often busy parents. Most of her time was spent seeking solace in reading or writing short stories and her thoughts in journals she'd collected over the years.⥼

⤷ ⥽At the age of thirteen Kaina had completed the schooling she'd been placed in and was now seeking an apprenticeship in medical studies, though her very standoffish attitude and shy personality kept her from truly succeeding to the extent her parents expected her to.⥼

⤷ ⥽At the age of fifteen, Kaina's mother began pressing her to go out into the world and seek work outside of her home. Young Kaina believed that her mother was attempting to get rid of her due to her sporadic fighting and lack of work. She believed her mother's parents were starting to think of her as a shame on the family, with these thoughts in her mind she left with nothing more than the clothing she was wearing and enough coins for passage on a ship and to cover her food costs for the journey. She set out for the city of Regalia.⥼

⤷ ⥽Kaina's journey and arrival to Regalia was not an easy one, the cost of passage had been much more than the naive Half-Eronidas' had expected. Food was short during the trip to the city, and on arrival she was not greeted with many prospects, instead finding a home in the Under City where she worked odd jobs to simply survive.⥼

⤷ ⥽After nearly half a year of working as an informant for mercenaries, Kathar, and sanguine she was found by Sibÿllad Lykke in the Nook and Cranny, and quickly adopted into her family. While having to adjust to the chaos that is the large family.⥼

⤷ ⥽In their most recent years, Kaina has been working as a city guard, now resigned after nearly two years of service. Guard work stuck with her though as she transitioned fully into becoming a House-Guard for the Sorenvik family and training to be a Skaarda to carve out a meaning for herself in life.⥼
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Hey there! Claiming this app for review. Let's get started.

Physical Stat: 10 [Racial] + 10 + 2x.5 + 1x.5 = 21.5
Physical Stat is always rounded up, so this would be 22.


9/10 [taught by mother]


8/10 [taught by father]


8/10 [taught by mother]


7/10 [learned from surroundings]
You have one too many languages here: Without investing in linguistics, you may only know one maternal tongue, one fraternal tongue and common.

Make these edits in Purple, tag me when complete and we're good to go!
Reworked whole prof. to be updated with the new stats, added +2 to both Sofaal and Kathar Altalar fluency to show she's continued to practice grammar and such. @Mollymock
Originally when I made her I credited it to cross breeding Songi and Orc (at the time), but changed it up to mutations obtained in childhood since I grew so attached to them and didn't want to risk losing them on a 'magic of life' thing. Do I need to state 'mutations' somewhere in my char app explicitly? I love her little horns so let me know what I got to do to keep the aesthetic alive @HydraLana
Originally when I made her I credited it to cross breeding Songi and Orc (at the time), but changed it up to mutations obtained in childhood since I grew so attached to them and didn't want to risk losing them on a 'magic of life' thing. Do I need to state 'mutations' somewhere in my char app explicitly? I love her little horns so let me know what I got to do to keep the aesthetic alive @HydraLana
Half Eronidas are broad enough to allow the horns of the Songaskia I suppose. Approved, it's fine.
@Mollymock @HydraLana Hi! Sorry for pinging you both, I'm not sure which one to ping. I added a new sections at the end of my sheet titled 'special traits' which will encompass infections and such (when active or inactive), also added the Vampirism spoiler since she's currently infected. Thank you!

Hi! After about five hundred years of procrastination and a break from the server I have returned and finally fixed my app by formatting it the proper way and updating vampirism and such. Sorry about the long wait v.v
You can always bump apps!! This one got lost after the Spell Point Buy update. Sorry about that wait.

And, I might suggest the East Linguist Pack as a Language Pack, if you're still unsure. She was the child of a trader and attended school in the east. Makes sense.- But, this is nothing you need to change.

Updated aesthetics, kit for new combat changes, and backstory. Will be changing vamp form soon-ish since in hindsight, being totally recognizable? Not my best idea. @ezalB
What do you mean I'm suuuuure that being recognizable could have no adverse consequences!!

Re-approved. Tag me if you add anything following yesterday's changes.