Kailani (parody Of Shia Labeouf)


Dec 8, 2013
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Yes, I know Omnomnivore already made a parody of Shia but I loved the song so much I had to make something. I also saw a slight connection between my Maiar character Kailani and Shia: They both murder and eat humans. Enjoy! @Springheel @thecrazy13 @DiamDragon @Wilvahelm @MasterMetaphor

You're walking on beach
There's no one around and far from town
Out of the corner of your eye you spot her:

She's following you, about 30 feet back
She gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint!
She's gaining on you

You're looking for town but you're all turned around
She's almost upon you now and you can see there's blood on her face
Void, there's blood everywhere!

Running for your life (from Kailani)
She's baring her teeth (It's Kailani)
Lurking in the water
Powerful Maiar Kailani

Living in the sea (Kailani)
Killing humans (Kailani)
Eating all the bodies
Actual murderer Kailani

Now it's dark and think you have lost her
but you're hopelessly lost yourself
Stranded with a killer
you creep through the night

Aha! Across the sand
An empty cave that could be shelter!
Hope! You move towards it to hide-
but your leg! Ah! You're caught by a mud crab!

Gnawing off your leg (Quiet, quiet)
Limping to the cave (Quiet, quiet)
Now you're at the mouth
Crouching inside: Kailani

Lighting up her spots (Kailani)
But she doesn't hear you enter (Kailani)
You're sneaking up behind her
Strangling Maiar Kailani

Fighting for your life with Kailani
Shove the maw away of Kailani
Jab her in the stomach
Safe at last from Kailani

You limp out of the cave
your leg bleeding from the crab
You have beaten

Wait! She isn't done! Kai-suprise!
There's a claw to your neck
and death in her eyes
You cant stop her now
Bodyslamed by Kailani!

Ledendary fight with Kailani
Normal Friday night for Kailani
You try to swing your sword at Kailani
But blood is quickly draining from your poor leg

She's doging every swipe, she parries to the left
You counter to the right, she trips you with her tail
She's chomping on your belly
You're nearly dead from Kailani.

The dim light of night faded away
As you plunge into darkness.
You've been defeated by Kailani.
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someone had to do it