Preserved Sheet Juribramir Sanmaro

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Aug 4, 2014
Reaction score
Basic information
  • Full Name: Juribramir Sanmaro
  • Alias: Jub, Juri
  • Age: 39
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor
  • Sexuality: Hidden
  • Preferred weapon: A longsword
Skill Information

  • Proficiency points
  • 28 points
    • +20 Underworld knowledge (+10 from culture)(+10 from points)
    • +15 Unarmed combat skill (+15 from points)
    • +3 Finecraft arts (+3 from points)
  • Physical shape
    • +30 Unarmed combat skill (15*2) = 30
    • Body build: Ripped
    • Body Fat: Average
  • Languages
    • Daendroqin 10/10 Spoken by his mother
    • Plains Elven 10/10 Spoken by his father
    • Common 8/10 Studied to make his debut into Regalia.
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: bright blue
  • Hair Color: Auburn
  • Hair Style: A simple crop cut
  • Skin Color: Tan
  • Clothing: A green coat, tossed over a simple white tunic some brown pants with sandals
  • Height: 6'0 (182.22 cm)
Personality and Abilities

  • First Paragraph
    • Juribramir can be seen as a true Debonair given his well cultured appearance and looks which are the first thing most people see of him. Juribramir at first glance can also be seen as a rather well-rounded showing a Friendly side of himself to most, but not shying away from showing a more Cunning side when the time comes for it. He is rather set on making Regals although finds himself to do 'charity' work for people who cannot pay or old friends. People can often spot Juribramir chatting at local pubs not only selling his 'brand' but also chatting up with the most recent developments in Regalia this makes him a very Social and well connected person.
  • Second Paragraph
    • Juribramir grew up being rather popular around his fellow pierce. He grew up with a lot of Self-Confidence for that reason. This however took a decent hit when he reached his teens and his more 'pointy' ears started to show. He was bullied for awhile for his pointy ears eventually at first mere harassment then actual brawls. Through these brawls he assessed dominance over his peers which then later 'bloomed' back into a state of Confidence that is present till this very day. Another aspect of Juribramir is the fact that he has little Anxieties the one that it rather prevalent however would be his fear of ending up in the same spot he ended up in his teens being discriminated against for being part-nelfin. He deals with this by building his 'bravado' reputation he might not be the biggest or the strongest but he shows strength through commitment and connections.
  • Third Paragraph
    • Juribramir holds a strong sense of Family value. In his opinion there is no stronger bond then family. He can however also be harsher towards family then he would be against anyone else, mistakes that lead to missed opportunities will most of the time end with the responsible friend/family member losing their 'privileged' position in relation to Juribramir. Friends are near the same level of 'respected' by Juribramir but this means the double edged blade that is the case with his family members also applies to friends and any who occupies his close circle. Around friends and family Juribramir remains to be quite Closed given that he doesn't want to put them in a possible dangerous position without intend.
  • Fourth Paragraph
    • Juribramir can be seen as a Chaotic-Good where his intentions are mainly to do good acquiring wealth whilst doing so but when it would come down to him having to pick between wealth and offering aid (which mostly applies to his close friends or old allies) he will offer the aid. Juribramir is rather hypocritical when it comes to corruption he doesn't bother corruption when it doesn't directly affect him and feels like it could work to his advantage. But he opposes it when it causes any problems to himself pushing for the removal of a corrupt asset with all his might.
Life Story

  • Childhood 1-12
    • Juribramir was born on the second of february 279AC to a Avanthar father and a Daendroqin Mother. He spent most of his early childhood like any child playing his mother started to educate him at home at the age of 4 first in the Daendroquin language then later at the age of 9 his mother started to tutor him in Plains elven as well. Then at the age of 10 he started to do some 'small' jobs. Cleaning the house for some pieces of coin this is what started his long term fascination for earning and building up a small fortune.
  • Teenage years 13- 21
    • Then at the age of 13 Juribramir found himself with a apprenticeship with a tattoo-artist in the Daenshore. He continued to be the artist his apprentice for the following three years at his 16th year he'd try to open his own tattoo shop but got dragged back home to play his part in the family business. At first he highly disliked this but grew into the business over the following years his mother taught him how to appraise gems that people pawned to them. When the family business risked bankruptcy Juribramir had reached the age of 20 getting in touch with his first 'criminal' contacts. The business then skyrocketed as Juribramir brought in a supply of fake jewelry to pawn out to people. As people now 'assumed' the Sanmaro's had money it led to a set of burglary's which then in turn led to Juribramir picking up cutlass fighting to defend himself and his family.
  • Adulthood 22-28
    • Then at the age of 22 Juribramir made a important business move, moving to Regalia to further expand his family business. His move to Regalia was a tough one barely making enough Regals to live a life as a slum-go-er this continued up unto the point where he got recruited to serve as a inside-asset for the Violet order spying on the great gangs during the Black mare's prime. This got redacted shortly after as he then got offered a position to serve in the House Harhold personal guard he built up a great amount of contacts both criminal and noble during this period of his life. After resigning from his role as a member of the House Harhold personal guard he took up arms once more finding himself a spot in the Violet order only to then leave this order as well to join the Wardens. During the Vampire outbreak in the summer of 306AC he then lost his position in the Wardens due to false claims. He used the money he saved up from this entire period to 'kick start' his family business in Regalia for the second time this time succeeding to some degree. He is now looking for employee's to assist him in his smuggling empire.
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I find no issues, approved.
@HydraLana I made a minor change that requires a re-aprovement of my character sheet. Changes made are marked in blue. I had a in game conversation with Eccetra about the Avanthar body builds. And as he is Half-Avanthar he would be able to reach Muscular.
Remains approved.
@HydraLana App got changed to rejected - Had no clue why so i updated the proficiencies and removed main ambition etc. Replacing it with the newer app. Was that the reason? or?
@HydraLana App got changed to rejected - Had no clue why so i updated the proficiencies and removed main ambition etc. Replacing it with the newer app. Was that the reason? or?
"As per last Proficiency implementation, we intend to do a full review reset. What this means is that in a moment, all character applications are going to be reset to "Rejected". Fear not though, this is not a permanent "lock and key" rejection. Rather, when the app is rejected, players will need to get it re-reviewed."

In any case before I review your application, I need to ask that you please follow the new format. You have excluded the new Physical Stat section so please add it in, removing what will become the unneeded statement of Body Build in the Visual Information section. Tag me once this is done in green @mayino
Please re-read the Character Application Template carefully before you tag a reviewer in the future because you didn't include the Body Fat statement of the Body Build section.

In addition, you calculated your Physical Stat wrong, because you included racial boosts that cannot count toward the calculation.

Please correct these errors in red, and in the future read all relevant materials to massive updates of this nature. Tag me once the edits are complete @mayino
@HydraLana Hey -- sorry about the incomplete app. Everything should be corrected now with the addition of the body fat 'stat' and a correction made to the math around the physical stat. edits made in red
This sheet is undergoing a full re-write. I will tag you once i'm done.

Hello there! - I've decided to start playing Jub again, and make him complaint with the more recent Language changes, and Daendroquin lore given that he was approved before that piece of lore got updated. Also changed his backstory keeping all the IC stuff in there. All the edits are in BLUE

Talked to a staff member about the minimum requirement in Bodycare knowledge to tattoo people, I was told it is 10 so i had to shift some stuff around to properly fit it into his proficiency.
Edits in Purple
Remains approved.

After being told that Underworld knowledge is a purely progression based proficiency, and given that i'm not part of any crime ring (meaning i cant participate or ask for the creation of lore stories) I shifted my Underworld knowledge into Unarmed knowledge, changed the bodystat to go with this, and shifted finecraft arts into Underworld knowledge to somewhat compensate for the Underworld to Unarmed shift. Edits is RED

After being told that Underworld knowledge is a purely progression based proficiency, and given that i'm not part of any crime ring (meaning i cant participate or ask for the creation of lore stories) I shifted my Underworld knowledge into Unarmed knowledge, changed the bodystat to go with this, and shifted finecraft arts into Underworld knowledge to somewhat compensate for the Underworld to Unarmed shift. Edits is RED
Please take a good, hard look at all of your Proficiencies and information and tag me again once you're done. I do not want to have to keep re-reviewing this application every week as you continue to change and adjust your app.

Hello!, Im deeply sorry that i change it that often. I didnt realize how often i did change it already i reverted the changes i made and tagged you for - Highlighting them in GREEN so you can find them with more ease. Apologies for the many changes
Moved around 10 points, which should not need a re-apply.