Preserved Sheet Juliette Howlester

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haeksen van regalia
Jun 22, 2016
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Basic Information
"Happiness depends on being free, and freedom depends on being courageous."-Winner's Curse

❁ Full Name: Juliette Eleanor Gesa Ellaivre Solaire Howlester née Vauclain
▸ Goes By:
Juliette Eleanor Howlester
❁ Age: Thirty, 16th of September, 275AC
❁ Star Sign: Virgo
❁ Gender: Female
❁ Race: Ailor (Alt-Anglian/Ithanian)
❁ Main Ambition: To protect and serve the Empire as a military figure
❁ Religion: Unionist

Aspect: Divinity - Order of Submission
Juliette was a part of House Vauclain, nobles from Ithania. She came to Regalia to reunite with her sisters, Darcie and Marianne, following several years of separation when she was in Ithania with her parents. The woman has been in Regalia since she was fifteen, so currently, she's been there around fifteen years. She currently is working as the chairwoman of the Royal Oak Society and finding work as a Shadow Tactician and/or General.

Juliette has a fairly good upbringing due to her wealthy background, growing up in an Ithanian estate. She was born to her father, Eadmund Vauclain II and his second wife, Eloise. She also has four older siblings; Marianne, Darcie, Colette, and Fredrick. As for extended family, Juliette has a cousin, Raina Viduggla, who she constantly picks on but loves regardlessly. The majority of her family is noble and if Juliette hadn't married into House Wodenstaff, she would've been third in line for House Vauclain's titles, though now she is part of House Howlester as the wife of Randulf Howlester.
Juliette has several smaller ambitions, those being:
Gaining a popular position as a general or shadow tactician.
Possibly gaining a title.
Having more children.

Face Claim: Jenna Coleman

Voice Reference: Jenna Coleman
Skill Information
"To look powerful is to be powerful" -Red Queen
❁ Proficiency Points: 30 Total (-10 For School)
+13 General Command (+10 from School of Marshalry, +3 from Points)
+10 Military Theory (+10 from School of Marshalry)
+10 Diplomacy (+10 from School of Marshalry)
+10 Short Swords (+10 from Points)
+4 Acrobatics (+4 from Points)
+3 Horse Riding (+3 from Points)
Culture Points:
+15 Dancing (+15 from Points)
+10 Horiculture (+10 from Points)
+5 Literature (+5 from Points)
+5 Husbandry (+5 from Racial Points)
D'Ithanie (Fluent)
Leutz-Vixe (Learning- 4/10)
Alt-Anglian (Fluent)
Alt-Regalian (Fluent)
Common (Fluent)

Visual Information
"I was a glaring blot on the perfection. But I didn't care: I didn't feel I owed him beauty."-Uprooted

❁ Eye Color: Turquoise Blue
❁ Hair Color: Dark Brown
❁ Hair Style: About medium length, reaching just past her shoulders but usually tied up and out of the way
❁ Skin Color: Light skinned, though she does tend to tan more than burn in the warmer months

❁ Clothing: Normally she wears purple dresses to represent House Vauclain or House Howlester
❁ Height: 5'5
❁ Body Build: Sinewy
❁ Weapon of Choice: Short Sword
Juliette has young features of course, due to her age; rounder nose and cheeks to point out some. Her eyes are pale compared to some of her relatives. She has no freckles, though it's possible they could appear due to her extended time she spends outdoors. Juliette is known to tie up her hair into a ponytail or braid so it's out of the way. She had long, face-framing bangs, allowing them to grow out. Juliette has no scars on her face, though it should be noted that her nose is slightly crooked if looked at straight on. It's slightly pushed to the right, not horribly but does show that she's had it broken - on more than one occasion.

Juliette is short and rather thin, but not skinny. She has a runner type appearance, lean yet strong, and is fit for quicker fighting styles which are aided by her smaller height of 5'5. Juliette isn't exactly the strongest person, but she is training to be a match in a fight. One hold back though, is her right hand - paralyzed since her childhood after an unfortunate accident of her own fault that caused her nerve damage.

Scars: Juliette has a multitude of scars that she has collected over her years of being a warrior. Her first few scars consist of the one across her right hand- a pale, but pominant mark across her palm from where the shard of glass, that went through her hand, pierced her. She also bears marks such as long scars down her left arm from her shoulder to elbow and on her right arm from her elbow to wrist that she gained during an attack at the Cathedral from the Arken, Cora- she also had a large scar on her right thigh from where she was stabbed through the leg in the attack. Also on her right thigh, she had a crescent moon carved into her skin that she gained from the Crescent Moon Killer that roamed the streets when she was a teenager. Lastly, she has two large marks across her chest from where she was stabbed and slashed during an ambush on her, and a gathering of other noble ladies, committed by Dragon Worshippers.

For fashion, it's easy to note that Juliette doesn't wear poor clothes, her outfits are normally in purple, gold, and either black or white to go along with the colors of her birth house, House Vauclain, or her married house, House Howlester. She also wears a small collection of jewelry such as a fashionable silver necklace and such. Juliette's dresses never go to the floor though save the rare formal event such as a gala- usually, her skirts end at the tops of her shoes so to avoid tripping in case she ever needs to defend herself. The woman notably carries a weapon with her whenever she is given the chance, usually a short sword that is sheathed at her side. She also tends to wear the spiked bracelet of the Order of Submission.

Juliette generally speaks in a polite yet proud tone, not going out of her way to insult others and rarely raising her voice to a shout unless it be out of excitement. She does not ever stutter, even in fear, as generally in those situations she just falls into silence rather than attempt conversation to avoid any tremor in her voice. She can currently speak Alt-Regalian, Alt-Anglian, Common, and D'Ithanie with fluency as she grew up speaking Anglian, D'Ithanie, and Common, later learning Alt-Regalian after she became close friends with Elizabeth Black in her childhood. Lately, she has also picked up Leutz-Vixe out of pure curiosity and while her ability in D'Ithanie gives her the slightest of advantages, she still is not even close to perfection, nor can she read or write in Leutz-Vixe yet.


Personality and Abilities
"My voice is like a rumor. I'm not sure if it came out or not, or if it is true."-I am the Messenger

Juliette is generally a rather courtly and polite woman, likely coming off towards strangers as a little closed off or self-centered as she usually does not go out of her way to converse with those of common stands. Once in a conversation, though, no matter the person she usually is quite talkative and social, though perhaps a little blunt when it comes to sensitive subjects or ignorant as she generally doesn't care much for how others feel about what she says save if they're also high nobility. The Howlester is extremely strict on her views as an Unionist though and also fairly racist which shows in her conversations with, to her knowledge, non-Unionist or non-Ailors as she can be a bit harsher towards them. Overall though, the woman is rather demanding, amused by most people, and sociable if politely harsh.

Juliette is constantly battling with her emotions, especially those of pride and anger. While she might usually appear as a cool-headed lady of the court to those on the outside, Juliette is extremely difficult to deal with it and often has to bite on her tongue to keep from blurting out angry or crude words. She is extremely quick to act rather than think as well as quick to judge others which makes first impressions an important matter with the Howlester. While it might also not appear it as she is the type to dirty herself in armor, Juliette is rather vain when it comes to her appearance and will often fret over her hair or clothing if given the chance, not to mention she often states that she has undying beauty when given the chance- though most assume that the woman is simply joking about her views.

Family and friends are extremely important to the noblewoman and she often judges herself off what she hears them say about her. While she can be a bit crueler or mean to her family, she does hold them dearly and often regrets any cruel actions she's taken on them, making it her goal to quickly make up for it. It should also be noted that while Juliette will accept many people and speak to them often, it's a tad hard to actually become what she considers a friend. In all honesty, Juliette likely only has a handful of people that she'd consider close enough to be friends and out of that handful, three of them have managed to make their mark on her enough for her to consider them part of her family. She'd do anything for her loved ones, whether that means taking a blade, bolt, or her own life for them.

Juliette would fall mostly into the 'lawful neutral' side of the charts as she is fairly good at sticking to the laws of Regalia. Juliette is not exactly a good person though at heart when it comes to the actions that she'd take without a second thought. Juliette has been around the motto of 'no one is higher than the law' since she was a child, and as such is unaffected by harming, torturing, or killing others that have broken said law. While she is generally a polite woman or extremely loving towards those she considers close, get on the wrong side of her and you often find yourself facing some trouble or another as she'd not afraid to get a little dirt to get what she wants.

Juliette is definitely a religious woman at heart, going so far as naming her children after religious figures such as the Herons. She has acted as an Inquisitor in the past, personally approved of by the Sanchella of that time to work as a protector and enforcer of the Unionist religion. When it comes to relationships between nobles and non-nobles or Ailors and non-Ailors, Juliette has slowly become more on the side that they are not really that important and that non-Ailors are not really people that she wants to socialize with, save for a select few. Why she doesn't ever outright ignore non-Ailors, except for a few times, she is not against the idea of putting them down if they try to act higher than they are.
The only real quirks that Juliette have been crossing her arms when in nearly any situation, especially when in something stressful because she's known to fidget, which ends up distracting her greatly. The other more recently made habit of hers is twisting of wedding ring when she's bored or nervous, using it to distract her.
❁ Likes
Canines- especially Ceardian Bloodhounds

❁ Dislikes
Reminders of her physical stature
Being cut off in conversation

"We're all someone's monster." -Six of Crows

❁ A long term issue of Juliette, is the fact that she has been suffering the behavioral issue Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) since she was a young child. This means that she is aggressive, easily annoyed, and bad being told what to do. While she is able to bite her tongue a little bit and hold in her words, many times (especially around those she knows better such as her cousin, Leonzio Wodenstaff) she's known to sass and snap back. Sadly, this condition isn't really able to be controlled with current medicine, Juliette has to live with it and struggle with keeping it under control.

❁ Following recent events, Juliette also suffers from Postpartum Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (P-PTSD). This was caused by the extraordinarily difficult birth of her daughter, Mathurine, which left her beaten mentally and physically. While she's had and will continue to heal on the outside, the woman is still plagued by anxiety, nightmares, depression, and occasional panic attacks. Due to the lack of knowledge on how to deal with things like this, it's severally unlikely that it will be significantly better as there is no modern medicine to fix it and while she might get a grip on her depression or panic attacks- anxiety and night terrors still keep her in a bad position.

❁ While Juliette shares many mental issues having to do with her behavior, she also is troubled by one major physical issue: a paralyzed right hand. Since an incident as a child where shards of glass sliced all the way through Juliette's hand, she has slowly lost feeling of it until today where she no longer can use it at all. This calls for some awkward moments for Juliette as she has to explain to people why she can't carry as much stuff or fight well in hand-to-hand combat. Nevertheless, she tries her best to not let this disability get in her way of her goals, but she cannot ignore the fact that it will difficult with it holding her back.


Randulf Howlester: "Be a little more thoughtful, my love."
Juliette's second husband whom she married despite the disapproval of her previous patriarch, Benjamin Miramonte. Despite her habit of insulting him in private, she loves him dearly and is certainly glad that she got the chance to marry him even though several people, within nobility and her own family, dislike him.@StarkFromAway

Darcie Miramonte: "I love you, sister, I love you more then you could know." Juliette's oldest living sibling and her closest sibling, she has been around Darcie since she was fifteen and moved in with her in Regalia. Darcie has been by her side through thick and thin, during the births of both her children and the deaths of her first husband and their eldest sister. @WalnutNinja

Leonzio Wodenstaff: "It's terrifying that you, of all people, is someone I trust so greatly." The last husband of Juliette;s eldest sister and the current husband of Sigurna Wodenstaff- Juliette's previous cousin-in-law when she was married to Lautaro Wodenstaff. She holds him close despite their shaky background and while there was several physically abusive situations between the two, they've forgiven and... mostly forgot. @Timisc

Jamie Rosendahl: "How have you been, Jam?" The father of Juliette's oldest nephew and one of her best friends, he was the man that got her originally interested in swordsmanship. She considers him much like a brother and often holds lighthearted conversations with him anytime she can. @Nudibronch

William Howlester and Annelise Howlester: "Being your family, that is a blessing." After years of staying underneath them as a student and friend, Ania being much like a mother towards Juliette, she finally became their real family after marrying Randulf Howlester and considers this much like a blessing.@BillyTheScroofy @MantaRey

Valbrand Haagenvig: "Mon frère." Juliette's best friend in the whole world, she considers him a dear brother and would go out of her way to protect them. While he is a pure Northerner and she is a noble court lady, they fit well together as best friends and often go to far lengths to protect one another. @Jouster

Garth Viduggla: "You're a good friend, even if you're a little annoying, pft." Her cousin's husband and someone that she has found to be an interesting friend, she often tries her best to be friendly towards this Northerner after her inital mean streak towards him. @BeashSlap



Life Story
❁ On the morning of September 16th of 275 AC, Juliette Vauclain was born in her birthplace of Ithania as the last and third child of both Eadmund and Eloise Vauclain; her older siblings being Marianne, Darcie, and Fredrick- with an older bastard sister, Colette.

❁ From a young age, Juliette picked up on adventuring through the wild, and usually- once she could walk and talk- would travel about her family gardens to investigate the outside world. Her older sister, Darcie, would often take her birdwatching as well, though she eventually found herself more intrigued with the landscapes rather than the animals.

❁ By the time Juliette turned ten in 294 AC, she had begun working on sketches of maps of the outside world- even traveling about the roads just outside of her estate property. Within two years, though, her interest in adventuring began to die down and Lady Eloise, Juliette's mother, decided to begin her daughter in dance lessons- which, much to her surprise, the young Vauclain found much love in.

❁ For the next few years, she continued to study dancing and found it quite enjoyable- though she also began to fall in love with her father's studies of warfare as he was a general himself. Despite this, the love was only enough that she would skim his books and her boredom soon rose to cause a rather life changing event at the age of fourteen in which, during a house party at her estate, she went to play on her own and ended up stealing a wine glass from her mother. The girl ended up falling with it though and smashed her right hand through the glass- slicing nerves in it that eventually caused permanant paralization.

❁ After the accident that destroyed her hand, she spent a year more living with her parents and healing until finally, after several instances as Juliette became fifteen, her mother became too overwhelmed and sent Juliette to live with her sisters, Darcie and Marianne, in Regalia.

❁ Not long after she came to Regalia though, Juliette took up a large interest in the military- especially after she began her lessons in swordsmanship with Jamie Rosendahl, who was the husband of Marianne Vauclain at the time. Out of love of her sister, Marianne decided to pay for Juliette's schooling at the School of Marshalry after being certain that her sister could handle the possible insult that could come to her for attending a mostly male school.

❁ Despite her sister's warnings, Juliette decided to attend the school and excels well in it- though as she ages and turns sixteen, she mets her first courtship, a young noble named Lautaro Wodenstaff.

❁ Between her studies, she met with Lautaro Wodenstaff and as she turns eighteen, two years after meeting him, they marry, giving a pause to her studies for a few months. Despite this, she returns not long after and continues between her training with Leonzio Vauclain- Marianne's new husband- and her job as a guard.

❁ Juliette later becomes approved by the Church and becomes an Inquistor for the Ivory Inquistion until its downfall- which she discovers she is pregnant not soon after with her first child.

❁ Her first child, Ellora Mathurine, is born nine months after the collapse of the Ivory Inquisition, which brings about Juliette's own downfall into depression that last several years and puts another pause to her studies in the School of Marshlry.

❁ After two years, at the age of twenty-one, Juliette reintroduces herself into the court and is once more a present face despite her years of struggling with depression. She returns to schooling as she assists in raising her no-longer infant daughter.

❁ Not a year later, her husband dies mysterious during a hunting trip with her and Leonzio- though the story was that he was killed by a wild boar. The Wodenstaffs then fall shortly after and Juliette follows several members of her family into a cadet line, the Miramontes.

❁ She graduates from the School fo Marshlry at the age of twenty-eight as she continues her dancing and falls in love with gardening. Darcie and her become ever closer and a rather large role model for Ellora.

❁ At twenty-nine, Juliette meets another nobleman named Randulf Howlester- soon enough deciding to court him and they become quickly engaged. Despite the word of her patriarch, Benjamin Miramonte, Juliette decides to marry Randulf and becomes a Howlester herself.

❁ Juliette leaves Ellora in the hands of Darcie as part of an agreement with Benjamin due to her marrying against his word, moving in with the Howlesters and not long later having another child- a son named Greysen Aldwin.
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There is a lack of Nathaniel Bigge here..... hmmmm.
Here's my review -
  • Visual Information:
    • It seems to be missing as to why this sixteen year old girl would be using a sword and shield. While I understand that she joined the Vigilant Shield, it is somewhat irregular for that to be the sole training they've received (especially if they were a high ranking member). If they attended some sort of school which explains this, then that should be added with the 'skill information' section.
  • Talents:
    • How does drawing maps casually in her free time lead to being a talented cartographer? I suggest some sort of
    • Being intelligent isn't really a talent, and can probably be covered in the personality portion of the character sheet. Yet with that in mind, there are a few questions that need to be asked regardless of where it is on the character sheet.
      • Did your character have formal education? If so, why was that the case? If not, then what is the explanation for her 'intelligence'. Is it just genetic or something else?
  • Weaknesses:
    • "While this does affect her life in a major way, she's overcome most of her obstacles with it, even in combat as she's taken to having her shield strapped to her right arm which she can still use."
      • There's no reason to even include the weakness if you're just going to negate it entirely. The purpose of a weakness is to be roleplayed as a genuine impediment to their goals and life. A good way to rectify this would be by removing the above quote entirely, especially the bit about overcoming most obstacles that have come with this problem. I also suggest providing examples as to when this weakness would be applicable.
  • Backstory:
    • Sixteen is a very young age, especially for a female (but also for males), to be doing all the things that Juliette has done. I strongly suggest aging her up to account for this breadth of accomplishments thus far.
    • Starting to learn how to shoot a bow at age seven and then somehow becoming a 'deadshot' at the age of ten years old isn't going to be acceptable. As it stands, this is a very loaded character for the age that she is. I understand having an intelligent character, but this is a fairly ridiculous development for anyone.
Mark these changes in blue and tag me when you're ready.
seems to be missing as to why this sixteen year old girl would be using a sword and shield. While I understand that she joined the Vigilant Shield, it is somewhat irregular for that to be the sole training they've received (especially if they were a high ranking member). If they attended some sort of school which explains this, then that should be added with the 'skill information' section.
I think it says somewhere that she was taught by Jamie and she never went to a school

How does drawing maps casually in her free time lead to being a talented cartographer? I suggest some sort of
Some Sort of?

Being intelligent isn't really a talent, and can probably be covered in the personality portion of the character sheet. Yet with that in mind, there are a few questions that need to be asked regardless of where it is on the character sheet.
Can replace then

"While this does affect her life in a major way, she's overcome most of her obstacles with it, even in combat as she's taken to having her shield strapped to her right arm which she can still use."
  • There's no reason to even include the weakness if you're just going to negate it entirely. The purpose of a weakness is to be roleplayed as a genuine impediment to their goals and life. A good way to rectify this would be by removing the above quote entirely, especially the bit about overcoming most obstacles that have come with this problem. I also suggest providing examples as to when this weakness would be applicable.
Guess I'll remove the quote

Sixteen is a very young age, especially for a female (but also for males), to be doing all the things that Juliette has done. I strongly suggest aging her up to account for this breadth of accomplishments thus far.
Not aging her up because that would mess up my roleplay with her and because the people that promoted her know she's 16 and neither of them have had a problem with it (Manta and Billy)

Starting to learn how to shoot a bow at age seven and then somehow becoming a 'deadshot' at the age of ten years old isn't going to be acceptable. As it stands, this is a very loaded character for the age that she is. I understand having an intelligent character, but this is a fairly ridiculous development for anyone.
Was being dramatic and half asleep will remove.

Quoting because some of them I need you to know like the not aging up part.
I wouldn't age her up, makes her unique that she's come this far on her own and it's all been IC she doesn't really act mature either, i mean she had her moments but she plays the role of a teen very well... (sorry just felt like commenting)
I wouldn't age her up, makes her unique that she's come this far on her own and it's all been IC she doesn't really act mature either, i mean she had her moments but she plays the role of a teen very well... (sorry just felt like commenting)
That may be, but the problem becomes when you play a teen really well and then start doing all kinds of things associated with a 35 year old battle hardened warrior. There is a reason the reviewer requested a change, and it's because the character is cited to do things that just aren't physically possible for a 16 year old girl.
That may be, but the problem becomes when you play a teen really well and then start doing all kinds of things associated with a 35 year old battle hardened warrior. There is a reason the reviewer requested a change, and it's because the character is cited to do things that just aren't physically possible for a 16 year old girl.
I should probably edit to the fact that she isn't the best at fighting - she isn't the strongest person, trust me. She was given a high position because she has leadership skills. I put she knew how to fight and didn't think anyone would automatically say "oh yeah, she's a beast" (lol) and I don't mean anything mean, just pointing it out
That may be, but the problem becomes when you play a teen really well and then start doing all kinds of things associated with a 35 year old battle hardened warrior. There is a reason the reviewer requested a change, and it's because the character is cited to do things that just aren't physically possible for a 16 year old girl.
I agree that it should be slimmed down on what she should be able to do. Like not being the best at fighting which attic suggested. I just did it recommend the age change, sorry for the interruption.
Might want to fix this.
OH lol oops
I agree that it should be slimmed down on what she should be able to do. Like not being the best at fighting which attic suggested. I just did it recommend the age change, sorry for the interruption.
Like I said, I didn't mean to suggest she was the best at fighting - as well as I wrote this when I was half asleep so I except some mistakes which I'll fix later today most likely
I made all the edits in blue! The edits are in life story, talents, and skills! @Valentinian
In response to recent changes:
  • Talents: Perhaps it wasn't clear with my previous review, but things like being strong-willed and determined aren't talents. A talent is a specific skill or knowledge they have received/trained over the years. Strong-willed and determined can be included in the four personality paragraphs of the character sheet.
  • Backstory: There are specific muscles in the body required to actually pull back the bow string. It would be impossible to start this at age seven, much less be "fairly competent" at age 10. I'll be pretty straightforward and just say that this needs to be removed entirely. If you really want to have a character good at archery, then have them put in the appropriate years for training instead of forcing it into the childhood.
Mark these changes in blue and tag me when you're done.
In response to recent changes:
  • Talents: Perhaps it wasn't clear with my previous review, but things like being strong-willed and determined aren't talents. A talent is a specific skill or knowledge they have received/trained over the years. Strong-willed and determined can be included in the four personality paragraphs of the character sheet.
  • Backstory: There are specific muscles in the body required to actually pull back the bow string. It would be impossible to start this at age seven, much less be "fairly competent" at age 10. I'll be pretty straightforward and just say that this needs to be removed entirely. If you really want to have a character good at archery, then have them put in the appropriate years for training instead of forcing it into the childhood.
Mark these changes in blue and tag me when you're done.
Removed both
Added expansions!
Updated some things, don't think it needs any reapproval.