Preserved Sheet Juliette Howlester

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Added some aesthetics, could the 'Approved' tag be reset, please? Thanks in advance.~
@Valentinian (I think you're the one I tag.)
Are you seeking a re-review?
Approved tag restored.
@Valentinian @HydraLana
I made edits to Juliette's application which include:

  • Added new weakness; Postpartum Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (P-PTSD) due to Juliette facing a horribly difficult childbirth with her daughter. (Rolled a 1 out of 100, worse you can get)
  • Added another paragraph to her life story about the P-PTSD and her losing her job in the Inquisition
  • Edited paragraph 2 for personality and abilities slightly
All changed are made in red!
In need of a full re-review! In need of new reviewer since Valentinian is no longer staff!
  • The third paragraph has mention of her being a sassy eighteen year old. I'm not sure if this was intentional or not. If it wasn't, could you please change it to reflect her current age.
  • Put these in a spoiler.
Life Story:
  • There is an 'it' in the teenage paragraph that doesn't really belong. Please remove this.
Make the above edits and tag me afterwards!
A long term issue of Juliette, is the fact that she has been suffered the behavioral issue, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), since she was a young child. This means that she is aggressive, easily annoyed, and bad being told what to do. While she is able to bite her tongue a little bit and hold in her words, many times (especially around those she knows better such as her cousin-in-law, Leonzio Wodenstaff) she's known to sass and snap back. Sadly, this condition isn't really able to be controlled with current medicine, Juliette has to live with it and struggle with keeping it under control.
I changed major emotional issues to Oppositional Defiant Disorder as it is (when I researched the symptoms) basically how I was playing her and it gives a more definite meaning of 'emotional/behavioral issues'. If you need someone to vouch that I play her having this disorder, then you could ask @Timisc. Edit made in purple.
I don't know why I never winner'd this before, but I have now. There you go, Attic. <3
Just need a quick re-review- and a new staff reviewer due to the fact that my last reviewer is no longer staff! Edits were made in red, I switching the talent of writing to dancing due to the fact that the latter has been in RP meanwhile there has been no application of the former talent!
Re-Approved! (Also I believe her loss of feeling of one hand could be a weakness, may be fun to have!)
Full rewrite and change of format to match new one! @Rochelle_
Review time!
  • Please edit the life story to include that she began the school of Mariposa at age ten!
Update to points in accordance to update made by MonMarty! (+10) @Rochelle_
Religion updated to Order of Submission!
Character is now shelved! (Permanently.) It was a great time playing her, but I've moved on and I rather not have her hanging over my head- thank you, everyone, that RP with me as here and made her such a great and fun character! <3
