Preserved Sheet Joshua Boyd

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@Caelamus Edits once more
  • Aged him up a few years. This character has been around since late 2016 so I figured might as well have him be older.
  • Edited his proficiency points with his age, bumped down his fast blades and added Ceramic arts as his Hobby Points.
  • Added Wald Glamour too his Vampire mutations due to Wald Darkening being removed in my hiatus.
  • Added Sorcery to better fit the new niche I'm going for with him.
  • Updated body stat according with his decreased weapons stat, nothing changed.
  • Today and tomorrow I'm going to finish buffing out his optional pages I've gotten set up.
All edits are in blue!
@Caelamus I had a blonde moment when putting that down, for now I'll be removing it and replacing the eight points with a knowledge skill of some kind!
@Caelamus Time for my hourly update! I completely re formatted his life story. The old one is in a spoiler above it. Though for ages, events and times I purposelessly left those out as he is a time skipped character and some things would not add up. Requesting re review if needed.
  • State the total Proficiency Points: 42 Proficiency points, +5 from Birth, 47 points total
  • Summarize the completeness of your character's Proficiency Points here as stipulated. An example:
    • +15 Fast Blades
    • +15 Stealth Rouge
    • +8 Void Ritualism
    • +11 Ceramic Arts (Hobby Points)
    • +8 Magical Knowledge-Sanguinology and Dimenthism
There are some issues here given you have an 11 point hobby point investment, please go over points!
@Caelamus Updates pedro,
Upped his age and changed some proofs.
Added the first question detail to flesh out his character
Added relationships for flavor.
Request re review
@Caelamus Final update for awhile. With the special permission added on I would like you to give the new points and physical stat a once over. That is all that has changed.

Edit: I also changed the religion to the Arken of Betrayal
Edit of Edit: Josh is also Asexual cause he can't be a simp if he can't simp at all.
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@Caelamus When I said last update for awhile I lied, my B

Aged up to seventy five to better fit the old master vampire mentality I was portraying him as.

Updated points to reflect.

Updated Physical stat.

Updated Barghest Bloodline mutations.

Updated eye color, forgot that one on the last go around.

Added a small section on the life story to cover recent events.

Authors note: will be adding more artwork and updating the optional information in the near future.

All changes are in blue.
@Caelamus Requesting this application to be revoked, for all intents and purposes Joshua Boyd has left for Dorkarth to convert the masses to the will of Betrayal.