Archived Join Max

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Feb 28, 2013
Reaction score
Hi, This is kinda a complaint and a suggestion i go on your server alot and love it, but at night if you log off for a second you have to wait like 5 hours just to get on again if you could raise it just abit or make something so premiums are like minused from the join count that would be great
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There are about a dozen suggestions like this. If we raised it the lag would be crazy.
They did actualy raise it a period, up to 175. It wasn't easier to get on the server, but the lag was a nightmare. Soon thought, they will release sharding and that will make it posible to have more people on the server.
Yeah lots of threads have been made about this. You could always buy premium or if you are only going to be offline for a second just go somewhere safe in game before you go AFK.
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