Jerome Mios

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by spartanx2x2, Jul 28, 2014.

  1. spartanx2x2

    spartanx2x2 The Sun King

    Mar 15, 2014
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    Basic Information
    • Jerome Mios is a 20 year old male Human.
    • Jerome was born to Susan and Gregory Mios, Susan (NPC) still alive and well in Northern Ithania. Gregory Mios is unfortunately deceased due to an attack by raiders.
    • He currently lives in a abandoned room in the poor district in Regalia.
    • Jerome's current goal in life is to find work, hoping to be able to get enough money to bring his mother here to Regalia, even though his mother wants him to get a better life here instead. So far, he doesn't have enough money.
    Visual Information
    -Body Description
    • Jerome has a smaller or leaner body type than most people his age. He is thin, he has small shoulders and a flat chest. But, he also has slightly more pronounced muscles, also he has a strong bone structure. Currently, he is 5 feet 10 inches, and weighs roughly 150 pounds. His has strong legs which allow him to be a decent runner, and would give him an edge in things such as acrobatics and swimming. But, he hasn't put any time or effort into these things, beside running, so that would be more of a no-go. Unfortunately, his upper body strength is significantly lower than average.
    • Jerome has pale skin, due to the fact that he is a Northerner (Skin tone 12 on wiki),which is understandable, seeing that he came from Northern Ithania. He has a scar on his left cheek, which was unfortunately put there by raiders.
    • Jerome has very little body hair, the only hair that can be found is at his armpits and maybe a hair or two on his chest. Also some on his arms, and some on his legs. At these places, it is thin.
    -Head Description

    • Jerome has a heart shaped face that is quite slim. He has large eyes, a small nose, normal sized ears, and a prominent chin. He also has high cheek bones.
    • Jerome has large, light blue eyes, almost ice blue. His usually expression is nonchalant, or neutral, some people may call it relaxed.
    • Jerome has no facial hair. But, he does have nicely combed blond hair, although it's quite shaggy, and his mother disapproves it, that he usually combs to the right, and he takes good care of it, at least in his own opinion.
    • Jerome has the scar on is left cheek, its straight from near his ear to his chin. Other than that, he has no facial flaws.
    -Clothing and Accessories

    • Jerome wears a white, wool shirt, and tough leather leggings that are padded. He also wears leather boots. He also wears iron and leather gloves on his hands. He also wears an iron and leather belt. Finally, he wears a fur cloak on top of it all.
    • Jerome wears a necklace with a shard of lapis on it that he wears under his clothes, his father wore it, and it is one of the few things Jerome has left of him.
    Behavioral Information
    -Personality Traits
    • Respectful: Jerome was taught to be respectful at a young age, and keeps those lesson close to his heart. Although, his impulsiveness sometimes gets in the way of being respectful. Sometimes, they cancel each other out, one moment Jerome is being nice and respectful, the other, he speaks his mind. But, he tries to stay respectful, because a little respect can get a man far in this life, as his father always said.
    • Impulsive: Jerome tends to be impulsive at times, he fights for what he thinks is right. This mindset comes from his father, he was a bit impulsive as a child as well, but he wasn't ashamed of it. Most of the time he tries to suppress his impulsiveness, but sometimes he says what's on his mind, usually with a quick "sorry" afterwards. Unfortunately, during these days, sorry doesn't make up for anything, landing Jerome into trouble.
    • Determined: Once Jerome has his mind set on something, he will not stop until he completes his task. He absolutely will not give up. This trait comes from his mother, since as a child, she was very independent, and did what she needed to do. She didn't rely on help from others very much, and neither does Jerome.
    • Innocent: Jerome has very little experience when it comes to things like women and dating. In fact, he has no experience at all. There were only a few girls in his village, and none of them he thought about. So, he might hurt a woman's feelings quite easily, and this could hurt his chances at finding a wife, although, he hasn't been thinking about getting one soon.
    • Dense: Jerome isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to understanding other people. He is quite bad at it, and someone could probably lie to him easily, unfortunately. Or he could hurt someone's feelings without knowing it quite easily. He never had problems with dealing with things like this as a child, whenever he said something hurtful accidentally, they would cover it up quickly, so he wouldn't notice he did something wrong. After all, he was only a child.
    • Careless: Jerome is a bit careless, clumsy, even. In combat, with adrenaline going through his body, his focused and controlled. But when not in combat, he can be very careless and a bit forgetful on things. Sometime, unfortunately, this can lead to him getting in trouble, especially if he is working when he gets a job. Or rather, if he gets one.
    • Playful: Although Jerome does try to be respectful, he loves to have fun as well. He probably got this from having fun with his parents so much as a young boy. His father and him loved to make jokes with the other villagers at Jerome's village. Now, he would enjoy playing or having fun with anyone, at least if the game is fair and fun for everyone.
    • Gallant: Jerome is quite gallant, even if he doesn't know he is. He is kind and courteous to anyone he meets. If he was asked why he acted like this, he would say that his father would do this, so he should too. His gallantness would probably relate with him tending to be respectful, they go a bit hand in hand.
    • Fishing: As a child, Jerome loved to fish in his village, it was one of his favorite hobbies. He could fish for hours on end, and he still could today. He also enjoyed eating fish, it was one of his favorite foods as a child.
    • The Cold/Winter time: Jerome likes winter time very much, it reminds him of home, where most of his free time was spent outdoors, playing with his friends and having a good time.
    • Weapons: Jerome is fascinated by weapons. At least, all their technical specifics, seeing that learning about them could be very beneficial. Swords, knives, whips, bows, he'd be very eager to be in a profession where he can make them, he actually does not care about using them.
    • Respect: Jerome has been taught very strongly at a young age to show respect to others. As a child, he didn't understand much about it or why he should be respectful, but now as an adult he values respect, and thinks very highly of anyone who shows respect to others.
    • Heat/Summer time: Jerome truly does hate heat, it's so different than what he is used to back in the North. He never liked the idea of spending the day in the hot, hot sun. Also, his pale skin means that he is quite prone to burning up and getting sunburn, so not only does he not like heat, it's sort of bad for his body.
    • Senseless Violence: Although Jerome wants to learn how to make weapons, he also does not want them to be used in the wrong way. One of the things Jerome detests is senseless violence, or violence for no reason. But he understands things like war and in battle, like if one was fighting for his or her country, or friendly (and sometimes unfriendly) sparring, because that's training to defend yourself. He does not tolerate things like murder or fighting when there is things like prejudice involved.
    • Racism: Jerome number #1 pet peeve is when one race is looking down on another no matter what race it is. He truly does not understand why one race would think itself better than the other, or others, in some cases. He simply hates things like this and refuses to take any part of it.
    • Over Complication: Making things excessively elaborate is something Jerome does not like doing, because making things complicated gives him a headache, and he isn't fond of those either. He would rather spend time with a simple farm girl than an overly dressed noble woman. He likes things simple, nothing complicated, just ordinary things.
    Abilities and Disabilities
    • Due to his strong legs, Jerome is naturally a good runner. He is also good at things like acrobatics and swimming as well. He also, when fighting with no weapons, tends to kick the opponent more than actually hitting them with his fist.
    • Gregory, Jerome's father, taught Jerome to be very respectful at a young age.Some people may actually think of him as a bit chivalrous. And this trait is a very lucky thing to have, since respect can get a person far, as his mother told him.
    • Jerome is a very fast learner. He was actually praised by his mother and father for this, but was envied by the other children for this skill, they being not as bright as he was.
    • Jerome does not have the best hand-eye coordination, at times he could be grabbing for something, say, a loaf of bread, and miss it completely. His mother always did find it funny.
    • Although he tries to remain respectful, Jerome is a bit impulsive, and at times something may slip, he may say something that he shouldn't, probably because he thought it felt right to say that. He also may rush to help someone, and unfortunately not ask for details on the matter, possibly getting him into trouble.
    • Jerome, although he has strong lower body strength, has upper arm strength the is significantly below average. This means that he would not be very useful in something like a fist fight.
    Combat Style
    • Hit and Run: Although Jerome may try to be respect full about everything else, fighting is another matter. Jerome will win a fight by any means necessary, and his favorite thing to do is to hit his opponent, dodge and hide from them, then strike again when they look away. During combat, Jerome tends to act serious, fighting is not a joking matter. He wants to take his enemy out as quickly as possible, and does not stop to gloat abut how he wounds the opponents. After a fight, Jerome regains composure and actually tries to help his defeated opponent up, or if he lost the fight, he would comment on his or her fighting methods, if Jerome isn't too badly wounded, of course.
    Weapons of Choice
    • A crossbow that his father used.
    • A iron dagger.
    (All of these are NPC)

    • Susan Mios: Jerome's mother, she is living still in Ithania, healthy and happy at the age of 54. She was the one who sent Jerome to Regalia so that he could make a living there, but Jerome wants to bring her here so that she could be with him here, because he loves his mother.
    • Gregory Mios: Jerome's father, he was the man that Jerome looked up to, who he wanted to be when he became older. He was the one who taught most of Jerome's lessons on respect, and they would have fun together all the time. Gregory sacrificed his life for Jerome, when raiders attacked, he fought them off, but he had so many wounds that he died by bleeding. Jerome still looks up to the man, he wants to make him proud.
    • Jonathan Garnes: Jerome's best friend, he was one of the reasons why Jerome was reluctant to leave; the two of them did practically everything together from a very young age. Finally, he told Jerome it would be best to leave to Regalia, and, after a long time of consideration, Jerome listened.
    Life Story

    Gregory paced back and forth, over and over, almost terrified that something might have gone worng with the baby. His friends that sat with him chuckled slightly, they had gone through this too.What's taking so long, he thought, very worried and apprehensive. It was Susan's first baby, and Gregory had no idea what would happen. Suddenly, he heard a loud sigh of relief coming from inside the small hut. He peeked his head inside, and saw Susan smiling, holding a small baby that was crying. Gregory had nothing to say at that moment. He jumped for joy, elated that he has a son, then quickly came over to see the baby. The group around him cheered and congratulated Gregory, but waited outside so that the Gregory could enjoy it's first moments with the small one. The baby actually stopped crying, and opened it's eyes, looking at it's new father. Gregory smiled widely, kissed his wife, then took a good look at the baby, then said,
    " He's pretty handsome. Looks like me, in a way." Susan laughed, then said,
    " He sure does, now we will have to beat away all the girls in this village, they will all want him, of course." Gregory laughed this time, this boy was going to be fun.

    Jerome is a 20 year old human, born in Northern Ithania, where it is cold most of the year. He was born to Gregory and Susan Mios, two quite loving parents. Where Jerome lived there was a small village, where the total population there was roughly 150 people, so everyone was familiar with everyone else. Jerome's father, Gregory, was a strong man and was part of the hunters that patrolled the wilderness, hunting for food that would provide for their families and friends. Gregory was Jerome's hero, Jerome always looked up to him and never stopped talking about his father and telling stories about Gregory's hunts and whatnot. Unfortunately at times, Gregory would have to be out hunting for long periods of time, leaving Jerome at home. At home, Jerome still had his mother, Susan, and his best friend, Jonathan. Jerome would help his mother cook and pick out vegetables and help her with everything, he enjoyed time with his mother just as much as he adored his father. Also, Jerome would spend lots of time with his other friend, Jonathan. The two would have the best of times together, playing, fishing, and basically being boys. But the best times Jerome ever had was with his father.
    Jerome and his father had so much fun together, they hiked out in the snow, they fished in a small boat that Gregory owned, they even played some jokes on other villagers. Although the latter of the list sometimes ended up badly for the two, but they laughed anyways. But, getting in trouble seemed to worry Gregory, so he started teaching Jerome lessons on respect. It wasn't as much fun as what they usually did, but Jerome went along with it anyways. After, a few months of Gregory's lessons, he was a very effective teacher, Jerome's personality changed. He became more respectful, a bit more of a gentleman. He still kept some of the more impulsive behavior, but otherwise, he was a bit different. It was very beneficial for him, he rarely got in trouble, yet he still had fun with his friends often. Unfortunately, trouble came to town.
    It was a average day. Jerome was helping his mother in the garden, his father out hunting in a local area, when suddenly, warriors iron armor came out of nowhere, killing the women and children while the men where away. Then, they found out where Jerome was hiding, he was only fourteen years old, and brutally beat him, which is where the scar came from. Then, when they were about to kill Jerome, he was unconscious, bruised, and bloody at the time, his father attacked. He attacked the raiders with his crossbow from a distance, striking where the raiders least expected it. He slew at least half of them single-handedly, there where about 15 of them, firing from a distance. Finally, though, some of the trespassers sneaked up on Gregory from behind, and struck him down.
    The village was scathed, maybe 50 people were left from the attack. But, they survived. They started to regroup, rebuild. They would get better. At least, most of the village would. When the attack happened, when Gregory was about to be struck down, he was conscious. He had to watch his father die, when he could've saved himself and left Jerome behind. Therefore, technically it was Jerome fault that his father died, at least in Jerome's mind. He blamed himself for the death of his hero, and it was killing Jerome inside. He lived with this guilt for three years, his depression increasing more and more. His family tried to help him through the grief, but Jerome could not just let it go. Finally, Jerome's mother decided to send Jerome to Regalia, so he could have a real life, make friends, and possibly find happiness. At the proposition, Jerome immediately refused, but after a while, and a bit on convincing from Jonathan, Jerome finally agreed, although he didn't like it one bit, leaving his family and friends, it wasn't his ideal plan for life. Before he left, though, he swore to his dead father that he would live like he did, helping the innocent and saving lives by any means possible.
    The journey through Ithania to get to a more ideal place to take a ship to Regalia was a long and hard one, it actually took half of a year until he finally arrived to the port because during the journey, Jerome was hit with blizzards and was attacked by some animals. Then there was the actual travel time, in which a number of massive storms delayed the arrival time of the ship immensely. Finally, when he arrived at Regalia, he had a small amount of money, so he had to live in a abandoned house in the poor district of Regalia. He searched for a job so he can earn more money to live, when he meet the Lantern Council. He learned of their purpose in Regalia, which was to protect the people, not only of Regalia, but of all Aloria, he immediately joined them, and is now a member of the Council. He still lives in the abandoned house at the poor district, but now, it was slightly better.
    Now he had a purpose.
    Now, he will make his father proud.

    #1 spartanx2x2, Jul 28, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2014
  2. LumosJared

    LumosJared Around

    Jul 17, 2012
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    I am reviewing this character!

    • Your personality traits are a tad short; lengthen it to about 4-5 sentences per individual trait.
    • The entire character app is about 1 font too big, makes it difficult to read. Please correct that!
    • Other than that, looks good. Please make the above edits, and tag me when you're done. @spartanx2x2

  3. spartanx2x2

    spartanx2x2 The Sun King

    Mar 15, 2014
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  4. LumosJared

    LumosJared Around

    Jul 17, 2012
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  5. spartanx2x2

    spartanx2x2 The Sun King

    Mar 15, 2014
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    You mean, this is accepted?
    As in, for real?
    -explodes into confetti-

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