Preserved Sheet Jeanette Katharine Arundell-baptiste

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Apologies for the wait. I'll be reviewing this character sheet.

I find that her current ambition is innocent enough, but given her list of personality traits, is there another/secondary ambition she has in mind? Is it just love she's after, or does she want any wealth and-or power with it? All of that's just a bit of food for thought.

I'd like to see this trait expanded upon with more thorough detail. I feel that you've hit a good, general idea of her knack with a bow, but how exactly good is her aim? How quick can she draw on the string? Consider a few cases like these.

Low Tolerance to Boredom

Change this to something that correlates with her seemingly extensive/obsessive practice with archery. Sure, it's neat she can hit targets pretty well, but every person has their flaws. Where is her flaw with archery? Where does she struggle? Would she get unnerved if a target was intimidating enough? Does she rely too much on keeping distance and could it be easy to throw her off guard? Make sure to make this a combat or physical type of weakness.

Make your changes in blue. Tag me to let me know when you've completed the following. @Zytus

Apologies for the wait. I'll be reviewing this character sheet.

I find that her current ambition is innocent enough, but given her list of personality traits, is there another/secondary ambition she has in mind? Is it just love she's after, or does she want any wealth and-or power with it? All of that's just a bit of food for thought.

I'd like to see this trait expanded upon with more thorough detail. I feel that you've hit a good, general idea of her knack with a bow, but how exactly good is her aim? How quick can she draw on the string? Consider a few cases like these.

Change this to something that correlates with her seemingly extensive/obsessive practice with archery. Sure, it's neat she can hit targets pretty well, but every person has their flaws. Where is her flaw with archery? Where does she struggle? Would she get unnerved if a target was intimidating enough? Does she rely too much on keeping distance and could it be easy to throw her off guard? Make sure to make this a combat or physical type of weakness.

Make your changes in blue. Tag me to let me know when you've completed the following. @Zytus

Made all of these changes, also changed her weakness so that it affects her accuracy with archery. Made them all in blue, thanks for the Review! I hope these changes were all made to what you were looking for. @MantaRey
In the picture, looks like you're trying to say that Jean wants to grow up and be one of those old ladies on the street with all the birds flocking over her.

And awwww, it's Jean <3
Congrats Zytus! Can't believe I'm just now reading this, incredible work