Preserved Sheet Jeanette Katharine Arundell-baptiste

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Absent, Indefinitely
Feb 9, 2016
Reaction score




asic Information

  • Full Name: Jeanette Katharine Arundell

  • Age: 22 years of age

  • Gender: Female

  • Race: Ailor-Daendroque

  • Main Ambition: She wants to find the love of her life, and she wishes to gain some form of power. Deep in her heart she wants respect.

  • Special Permission: N/A
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Chocolate brown; but red whenever she feeds

  • Hair Color: Simple brown

  • Hair Style: Loose; she lets it hang to her shoulders

  • Skin Color: Naturally it a nice tan colour but she is porcelain

  • Clothing: Wears usually a victorian-age like black dress that comes down to her lower thighs. Around knee high boots and stockings.

  • Height: 5'8

  • Weight: 135 lbs

  • Body Build: Athletic; she has a pear build with wide hips.

  • Weapon of Choice: Her favourite weapon is the bow and arrow; in her free time she practices with it. Also, she throws knives.

Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits

  • Cunning: She will go to great lengths of deceit, cruelty, lies, to get what she wants. If she wants something she will do whatever it takes to get it. This excludes people she holds dear; she won't deceive people she holds close. Jeanette will find certain people and consider them pawns to get what she wants.

  • Faux: Jeanette is good at pretending to be what she is not. Most of the time she is doing this just to get to a certain goal. She is not out to impress anyone; just works for her own self. Of course she doesn't do this to everyone, but if they find out it usually means she made another ex-friend.

  • Charismatic: Sometimes she feels the need to up and start a conversation with a person she doesn't know.She loves to speak to new people; the tavern is her favourite place to go. When she isn't trying to manipulate people she can be a lively person to talk to. When people aren't on her pawn list she treats them like good friends even if she just met them.

  • Volatile: Jeanette is known to change just like that. Her mind can be set on one thing, though she can make an unpredictable decision out of nowhere. This confuses and bewilders some people. Earning her a slightly infamous amongst her friends for making the most random and unpredictable decisions.

  • Charged: Somehow, Jeanette has an endless supply of mental energy. She is full of emotion and excitement all the time. Jeanette can give endless support for people because she rarely gets exhausted mentally. However, this ends up tiring her friends most of the time because she is all over the place; it's hard to catch up with her.

  • Restless: She is super excited and full of energy all the time so she will sit up at night, thinking about everything she can do. This can ultimately end in her being able to get caught off guard more easily since her mind will move slower. It also annoys her neighbours because she will be bounding around her house all night making a racket. After that is all over she usually is in a daze for an hour in the mornings.

  • Empathy: When she isn't making plans to manipulate or trick people; she can be a good person to talk to about problems. Since she is such a charged person she can go on for hours giving sympathy and talking about one's situations. This kind of allows her to make more friends.

  • Tough: She isn't the strongest person physically, but she has an incredible mental barrier. One can say horribly cruel things to her and she will start bursting into laughter. Then of course, she will slap them and walk away without another word. However, there isn't many people who have been able to put her in a bad mood.

  • WoC: Her favourite weapon is her bow and arrow. She can hit a target point on; she has a very sharp gaze. When she isn't talking to people she is practicing her archery. Archery somehow relaxes and calms her; so it ends up being her favourite thing to do. She can nock an arrow very very fast, and the time it takes for her to knock the arrow-pull the string back-and then release it, is within seconds. Its lethal how fast she can fire an arrow. Most of the time if she isn't distracted (see weaknesses) she can hit a target point on from a fairly long distance. However, a lot of her free time goes into practice with archery.

  • Fickle: She is notorious to change her mind a lot. Sometimes she will be trying to make an important decision and she will stop and suddenly change her mind to do something else. This makes her random and unpredictable; at the same time extremely frustrating. This has to do with her always having her father insulting her decisions and such. She will stop and think, "Hm, maybe something else will work better" and just like that something that has been decided on is different.

  • Capricious: Jeanette can go from 0-100 within seconds. One second she can be angry, the other she can be boisterous and happy. This always ends up confusing people she knows. It also can affect some of her decision making. Seeing her mother get killed in front of her screwed up her emotions. Now she varies in between sadness, anger, and overly happy.

  • Featherweight: She doesn't weigh much for her height; this allows her to move quickly and efficiently. However, this also means she takes blows more worse. Someone can knock her off her feet with ease if they're strong enough. Also, she doesn't have a whole lot of muscle to help her fight someone. Kind of fragile in the sense.

  • Easily Distracted: This mostly harms her abilities with an arrow. When there is too many targets she is looking at it messes up her aim and concentration. Usually moving targets don't worry her too much, however, if they are on horseback going at full speed that is kind of hard. Currently she is trying to get better at firing at a target surrounded by moving targets. Example; she is in a fight in the Sewers and she is up high and has not been spotted yet. She takes aim on a single person when suddenly others start moving in her line of fire. This frustrates her especially when it is either bystanders or civilians. Also, this weakness affects other aspects in her life such as important conversations or important information gathering.
Life Story

Early Years~

Jeanette grew up with just her mother most of the time. Her father was always out with other women at the bar. When he came home he would beat her mother and yell at Jean. She was only five when she realized he was beating her mother. At the time she was unsure of what to do to help her. So she would always just hug her mother afterwards and pat her head. Her parents came here when she was little and they are both from the Daendroque culture. Jean's parents were Emmalin and Zakary Arundell. The pair were in their very early twenties when they had Jean. Zakary considered Jean to be a mistake and had only married Emmalin for convenience. Emmalin loved Jean more than anything and shielded her from any beatings.

Teen Years~

Jean grew a hatred for her father but she remained loving of her dear mother. She began to train herself so she could punch her father one day if needed. After a while, she grew a determination to reach her goals. One of her goals was to kill her father and take his money so she can get her mother free. Zakary came home one day and saw Jean punching the wall; he grabbed his belt and began to walk over to her. Emmalin stepped in and grabbed Jean, pulling her into a corner. Jean was screaming hateful curses at her father while Emmalin was sobbing. Zakary tore Jean from her mother's arms and started beating her repeatedly, breaking ribs and such. Afterwards Jean was a bloody pile on the floor, her mother next to her petting her head and weeping. She went into town the day after and stole a knife from a man. When she got home she hid it under her pillow; the next time he touched her or her mother she would kill him. At age seventeen, Zakary came home more drunk and angry this time. He had been kicked out of the Tavern and a harlot stole some of his money. Yelling at Jean's mother and slapping her across the face was the straw that broke the camel's back for Jean. When she grabbed her knife and lunged for Zakary her mother watched in horror. The struggle ended with Jean having a dislocated arm and fractured hip. She had killed her father in cold-blood; her mother grabbed Jean and the cash horde and ran from the house. Jean became friends with a sanguine in town two years after after they relocated in an apartment in the poor district. She had the Ombratore infect her when she was nineteen years of age. Someone tipped the Guards that Jean had murdered her father and they came after Emmalin and Jean. Emmalin was killed during the struggle and Jean was too quick for them to hurt her, she retreated and ran to the Sewers. Since there has been a change of Guards and power no Guards are after her. She never speaks of what she did either.


Jean spends her days finding victims and maybe looking for a slave. She enjoys meeting new people but has too many secrets for her own good. Note; she considers men to be toys and things to manipulate. Her respect for men was lost due to her father. So the majority of her friends are female more so than male. Now, if she ever sees a man hitting a woman she will do everything she can to cause the man horrible pain. She has gone to great lengths to protect other women. The reason she hates the idea of sleeping so much is that she thinks she will see her mother getting beaten and her death all over again. Every day she visits her mothers grave, or she will send a silent blessing in her mothers name. The amount of respect she had for her mother was commendable. Currently she belongs to a new group of Sanguines named the Aguila's. She holds all of the members in high respect and honors them.

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Note: I am not sure if being the sanguine bloodline Ombratore is a special permission.
The only issue I found when skimming (not thoroughly reading, mind you, skimming, i'm in a rush oops) this over was that Pine isn't a very good weakness. Perhaps replace it with a physical weakness to balance out her two physical strengths?
The only issue I found when skimming (not thoroughly reading, mind you, skimming, i'm in a rush oops) this over was that Pine isn't a very good weakness. Perhaps replace it with a physical weakness to balance out her two physical strengths?
Do you think there may be anything else wrong with it? Like maybe the personality traits?
You know what, Imma peer re-view you, fairs fair, you did it to Oli's soooo... XD

- Fickle, Capricious and Low Tolerance to Boredom I feel could be expanded a bit more.

- Personly, I think that having her mother killed would affect her more in her recent years, since having the parent you were attached to killed, that has some serious effects. Just ask Oli :P

- Maybe expand on it a bit more in 'Now'. Has she forgotten about it? Has she gotten over it? If, so how? Does it still bother her to this day?

Hope I was of some help! (Keyword 'Hope')
You know what, Imma peer re-view you, fairs fair, you did it to Oli's soooo... XD

- Fickle, Capricious and Low Tolerance to Boredom I feel could be expanded a bit more.

- Personly, I think that having her mother killed would affect her more in her recent years, since having the parent you were attached to killed, that has some serious effects. Just ask Oli :P

- Maybe expand on it a bit more in 'Now'. Has she forgotten about it? Has she gotten over it? If, so how? Does it still bother her to this day?

Hope I was of some help! (Keyword 'Hope')
Okie! I'll get right to it
(Soo, Imma just wait then... Until you log of course :P)
Me here is just too lazy to do a character sheet for Shan boohoo ;^; me sad now me knows me is lazy