Jardín De Hojas Caídas - ( Yanar Community )


The Crazy Lore Writer of Worlds
Jan 2, 2016
Reaction score
Somewhere with crayons...
"The fallen leaves sway in the air like fair maidens dancing in their bright golden dresses. Oh how I long to see the autumn trees flutter their branches of their ruby wings and bring peace from the chaos of the summer heat. Fallen leaves show the moment that nature takes its rest and prepares, a time when all races and genders dance in the sunlight, a time when Yanar and Ailor alike tend to their final gardens.
Fallen Leaves are the last truth of the garden."
- Elliya Nyin

---{IC Poster}---
Jardín de Hojas Caídas is a small Yanar community that operates within the walls of the crown city, Regalia. This small group wanders the city and the crown isles, creating gardens and researching anything to do with nature.
If you are interested in joining our little community, please come by to Marigold Park 3 in the north-west part of the city.
Yanar and Non-Yanar are welcome within our garden

---{OOC Information}---
This thread is a recruitment and information page for my Yanar and nature lover community, Jardín de Hojas Caídas. This nature community plays host for freelancer gardeners and Yanar civilians alike and welcomes both into its ranks. The group holds three main rules:

1) Faith, race, gender, possession or affliction means nothing to the community and all are welcome.
2) Besides a few select forms of magic, the Void and anyone who uses it are heretics to all faiths, communities and people alike.
3) Construct magic is worse than the most demonic of magic and completely unethical. The use and manipulation of souls of the dead for fuel and anyone who uses said magic is to never enter the community.

As stated, the community is for those who like nature and serves as a way for people who support nature, botany and natural alchemy to gather and help each other. The base for Jardín de Hojas Caídas is located in the garden area of marigoldpark3 and people can come here to spend time and roleplay together.

---{How To Join}---

To join, feel free to leave a character submission in the comments below or confront Elliya Nyin in-game about joining.

IG Name:
Character Name:
Character Race:
Character Gender:
IC letter to Elliya Nyin: