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Played Character Jandar Gilphyra

This character is actively played.
Jan 21, 2021
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Jandar Gilphyra. (Takal is his Vampire Alias)
  • Race: Isldar (Unaligned)
  • Age: 473
  • Gender: Male
  • Eye Color: Blue
Core Concept
  • Jandar is your classic Void worshiping, evil aligned sanguine sorcerer guy. Meant to create conflict and terror, and serve as an antagonist or foil for the more well meaning characters of the world.
  • Strength: 7
    • Weapon Throw Pack (Free)
    • Steady Body Pack (Heritage)
    • Technique Parry Pack
    • Building Scale Pack
    • Bruiser Feint Pack
    • Bruiser Rampage Pack
    • Bruiser Flurry Pack
    • Bruiser Parry
  • Constitution: 2
    • Iron Will Pack
    • Breather Pack
  • Dexterity: 0
    • Quick Reflexes Pack
  • Magic (Void): 5
    • Shapeshifter Pack
    • Magic Cleanse Pack
    • Magic Summon
    • Magic Disengage
    • Magic Snare
  • Vampirism (Bremnevel):
    • Bremnevel Mechanic 1
    • Bremnevel Mechanic 2
    • Bremnevel Mechanic 3

Common (Free)
Sulvaley (Mother Tongue)
Altalar (Mother Tongue alsooo???)

Appearance Information
  • Jandar is a mundane looking Teledden , safe for blackened patches of draconic scales across different parts of his body, namely the arms and legs which have taken the form of hooked talons and his hair is has been mutated black.
  • Jandar stands at 6'6 with an Ripped Body Shape and Built Body Fat. Often found wearing formally done suits, usually favoring reds, blacks, and blues in their darker shades.
  • (Vampiric Form): Jandar's skin flakes away and rapidly replaces itself with a sheen of metallic greys and blacks. His pupils turn into narrowed slits and of course, he sports the glowing red irises of a vampire. Two of his fingers conjoin leaving him with 4 fingered talons and his physic takes on an exaggerated musculature. Lastly, his head is malformed and replaced with a draconic shape and he grows a likewise, dragonic tail.
Life Story
  • Born on August 8th, 143 BC, in the Isldar hold of Essälejollona far to the north of Ellador. Jandar was the firstborn of Yunaesa Gilphyr, his mother and Vulwin Gilphyra, his father. He was born communally in the home of family friends while his parents were visiting.
  • By age eight, Jandar was introduced to the Pillar of Isldar culture and their history. It was also the age he was given lessons of combat from his parents. They were something he struggled with at such a young age but eventually grew accustomed to.
  • By the age ten, Jandar's parents decided to introduce him to the more social aspects of Essälejollona. Jandar took a particular interest into the many songs and dances of his people. Eventually taking up the latter in his time of leisure.
  • By age sixteen, his father, as a caretaker of Essälejollona's Wyverns, brought him to work at the same keep as himself. Jandar helped raise multiple hatchlings, eventually taking on one for himself.
  • By age eighteen, Jandar believed if he was to be caretaker of Essälejollona's Wyverns he would need to be capable of defending them if a time ever arose. To this end, he took up training from his father and other caretakers in battle.
  • By age twenty-one, many of Jandar's siblings had become quite competitive. They all wanted to know who among them was best and so spars often turned to brawls and those participating, gave everything they had.
  • By age twenty-three, Jandar began to study in the lexicons of Essälejollona about the Isldar's enemies, the Void specifically. He chose to jump from book to book in an aim to learn more about it and, as if to prove himself that the texts held truth, eventually taught himself a spell of his enemies, {Darkness II}. He also took up the Violet Harmony to further devote himself to his path of improvement.
  • By age twenty-four, Jandar chose to engage his Wyvern and himself in mounted combat training. The two of them found little success in the beginning. Neither were used to the kind of maneuvering and mindset needed to properly battle while mounted, but eventually grew accustomed.
  • By age twenty-six, a retinue from the Pillar of life and their Elder visited the Gilphyras to ussure along some they believed ready for their own Pillars. Jandar, given his devotion to battle and the study of enemies, was chosen to enter the Pillar of War. He chose to unify himself under a venerable Lessay, spending time among them and the other followers, who did well to grow his talents.
  • By age twenty-seven, Jandar had grown a rivalry amongst the followers of his Lessay. One Isldar, Jandar could not match in mounted battle. Not to be outdone, Jandar returned back to the tomes of the Void. Book to book he went until he taught himself a spell to overcome his opponent at range {Magic Bolt 1}. When they fought, Jandar proved victorious.
  • By age twenty-eight, Jandar, concerned with his own strength which he gained from the Void's influence, chose to research a spell which would counteract his own {Magic Sight 1}. A precaution he took in case he ever came to blows with one who could use the same magic.
  • By age twenty-nine, Jandar came to blows with his younger sister Eletha. What was a spar had turned vicious and real, weapons drawn and bones broken. The aftermath would have been grave if their other siblings had not gotten involved.
  • By age thirty-four, Jandar's research of the Void turned from pragmatism into pure interest. He began researching beings born from the void, the ones which ruled it, items which held the dimension's power and others like it, those who worshiped it, and more.
  • By age forty-four, Jandar accepted a duel from his sister Eletha. He used {Darkness II} just as he did in their first fight and went about mocking and belittling her. However, just as he noticed the glow in her eyes he was on the floor, beaten. Eletha had learned {Magic Sight 1} since their first battle and with it, she had soundly won.
  • By age forty-five, Jandar, outraged by his loss, turned back to the Voidal books which gave him strength in the past. Pouring over every last tome, eventually uncovering a sinister ritual which would transform him into a being of the void, the Void Blood Ritual. Jandar performed it, transforming into a vampire in a play for more strength. In the end however, his family rejected his choices and rejected him. Jandar then set out from Ellador entirely then off into the world where he continued his research and worship.
  • Age forty-six on, Jandar, after years of being away from his home made a brief return and on it he caught wind that his parents were doing the same. Elated by the news, he worked alongside a retinue of sanguine and slew them.
  • Whispers in his ear told that another of his family, his dear sister Eletha, the one who defeated him in the past was within the city of Regalia. So then, Jandar set out for the metropolis intent on another family reunion..
  • Childhood: Born on August 8th, 248 AC, in the Isldar hold of Essälejollona far to the north of Ellador. Jandar was the firstborn of Yunaesa Gilphyr, his mother and Vulwin Gilphyra, his father. Though he'd have many siblings in the years to come, numbering up to nine in total. Early on, about by his eighth birthday he was introduced to the Pillars of Isldar culture, history, and schooled very lightly in combat. Also being tugged along to the social gatherings of Essälejollona.
  • Adolescence: By age sixteen, his father, as a caretaker of Essälejollona's Wyverns, brought him to work at the same keep as himself. Jandar helped raise multiple hatchlings, eventually taking on one for himself. He also pursue lessons in combat by this time, seeing it prudent as he was supposed to be a caretaker of the Wyverns.
  • Early Adulthood: A few years after adulthood, Jandar started researching the Isldar and their enemies, taking a particular interest in the Void as the most dangerous enemy he could find in the lexicons he had. A small time later, a retinue from the Pillar of life and their Elder visited the Gilphyras to ussure along some they believed ready for their own Pillars. Jandar, given his devotion to battle and the study of enemies, was chosen to enter the Pillar of War and thereafter, he e chose to unify himself under a venerable Lessay.
  • Advanced Years: Further still, Jandar began to research more into the Void and sought to harness power from it. Eventually his research led to him uncovering the means to become a Vampire but also to his family rejecting him. Jandar then set out from Ellador entirely then off into the world where he continued his research and worship of the Void and its powers. In that time he did indeed manage to harness a few more talents from the Void, but also, being a Vampire in Governed lands, found himself dealing alongside more underhanded folk, and learning more underhanded tricks..
  • Reason for going to Regalia: Jandar initially came to the borders of Regalia when he heard that a sibling of his had settled there. Though, it would be false to say that the Vampiric Insurrection that was ongoing during his arrival didn't have anything to do with his decision.
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Hey there.
So, first off, your Combat Proficiencies throw me off a bit. You've got about 34 points in total here, I would like you to scale it down to 25. You've also got a handful of solely Combat spells, so I would like you to choose one or two to shift into something more aesthetic or support. Consider relocating these points into Hobby, something to more flesh out your character other than Combat.
What was a spar had turned vicious and real, weapons drawn and bones broken. Jandar decided he would not just go against Eletha, but crush her beyond measure. He casted {Darkness II}, and blinded her. He mocked, tormented and beat Eletha. Blind and helpless she was practically shaking in her boots she was so scared, and yet she still wanted to fight him. This angered Jandar to such a degree that he brought an axe to Eletha's face, and would have brought it a second time if the other siblings didn't intervene.
This seems like a bit much for a Life-Story. I would like you to simply cut it down on the graphics and say he had a toxic relationship with his sister and there was a spar that got out of hand. Left her super crippled.

Otherwise, this seems alright. Please make these changes and tag me afterwards.

There we go! I've removed the 8 Light Ranged Combat points entirely and lowered One-Handed Axes by 1 in order to go from 34 to 25.
For the spells I've removed Super Self 2 and replaced it with Elemental Control 6 for some snazzy getups.
And with the 9 points gained from light ranged and axes I've invested into Dark Curse 2, I think it fits him quite well, Light Mend 1, a support ability for some contrast with his other spells, and True Path 1 as another piece of contrast but also to sync and contrsat with his sister Eletha's own Blue Lightning True Path 1.
Lastly I've removed the part in his backstory about learning ranged combat since he doesn't have that anymore!

All changes highlighted in Violet have a good one!

So, the only problem I have now, is that you've shoved the most of your points into Sorcery. Please take two spells and put them into Hobby points or Talent points.

There we go! I've removed both Elemental Control 6 and Dark Curse 2, taking those respective points and filing them into Vocal Arts. I've also added a small blur to the background as to where he found that intersest. All changes highlighted in Violet.

As a side note, no worries about the ping. When I made the changes I forgot to ping you so I added in ping in edit, but I don't think it actually pings people so that's my bad. Anyways, have a good one!
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I've went ahead and made a small change to Jandar. I've added on Clockwork Engineering Hooking, sacrificing 3 points from One-Handed Axes to do so. I've also added a blurb to the background as to where and why he had learned Clockwork Engineering specifically. All changes highlighted in Violet

With the new magic bolt update I've removed magic bolt and replaced it with Super Self 2. All changes highlighted in Violet. Have a good one!

There we go! I've removed Arken Knowledge and Artifact Knowledge and put 2 of those 6 points into Axes while putting the rest into Husbandry. I've also deducted 1 point from Vocal Arts and put it into Husbandry for those sweet whole numbers. All changes highlighted in Violet, have a good one!
    • 10 Fist Combat | 5 Racial Points, 5 Core
You need to have 10 points in a Core Prof before getting your racials.
3 Arken Knowlege | 3 Core
Arken Knowledge and Artifact Knowledge is no longer a thing, and I want you to rearrange your points to fit something less clustered than the abilities being there, because it's a little hard to read. That's what the Special Abilites section is for.
+12 Sorcery
+3 Arcanology​
Like that.
(33 core points used)
Only 27 points are used here, if you'd like to fix that.
Magic Bolt is dead.
Physical Stat Calculation: 8 X 0.5= 4 (Light Bow Combat). 16 X 1 = 16 (Axe Combat). 10 X 1 = 10 (Fist Combat). 16 + 10 + 4 = 30
Should be 24, but you have to change your points anyways.
Darkness 2
Light Mend 1
Magic Bolt 1 (Red lightning strike)
Magic Sight 1
Power Curse 2
Super Self 2
True Path 1 (Red Lightning Aesthetic
Your abilities here don't match. Again, if you shift points around, keep only your 18 in Sorcery.

I've went ahead and given the changes you asked for. Fist combat now has 10 points to get the +5 racial. Sorcery is all in one blurb as '18 sorcery'. Arken and Artifact knowledge has been removed. The top parts I put for the total points spent in each column are accurate now. And re-calculated the physical stat.
I've also lowered Husbandry by 5 and added those spare points over to Fist Combat. And the other change I did was swap Vocal Arts for Dancing arts, adding a blur that mentions him favoring it over singing as his hobby. All changes highlighted in Violet have a good one!

I've went ahead and update Jandar to the new Character Application template. I've also swapped out Super Self 2 for Binge Curse 1. Changes highlighted in Violet. Have a good one!
In accordance with the new Vampirism update, I've went ahead and given Jandar a Vampiric form and updated his abilities to the new one. All changes highlighted in Violet. Have a good one!
I've given a quick ol' update for Jandar due to the new prof update. Everything is mostly the same save for a few things. He's Fin'ullen now, rejecting Frisit and Aspha. And he no longer has clockwork since I realize it would probably be better for RP to get his tech from the engineer players. The full-length backstory hasn't been updated quite yet (It still references old spells from the previous prof system) but all of that is removed from the presentation background. Have a good one!
@microwavemmm I swapped Jandar's Sand Magic for Nature Magic, and his Cosmic Magic for Improvised Weapons Pack. That would be all! Changes highlighted in Violet have a good one!
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@microwavemmm I have once again swapped around Jandar's proficiencies. I've replaced Nature magic with Whimsy magic, replaced Heartbeat Pack with the new Breaking Magic pack, and Improvised Weapons Pack with Blunt Weapon Pack. I've also removed the Mount Husbandry Pack and replaced it with Thin Blades. Unfortunately, in all my years of playing Jandar, from the very first day I've made him, I have never, not ever, used his Husbandry Packs. I'd like to keep the parts about him tending Wyverns, but, just that he's lost touch with that, being away from any kind of animal care for over 20 years. Anyways, all changes highlighted in Violet have a good one!
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@microwavemmm I have once again swapped around Jandar's proficiencies. I've replaced Nature magic with Whimsy magic, replaced Heartbeat Pack with the new Breaking Magic pack, and Improvised Weapons Pack with Blunt Weapon Pack. I've also removed the Mount Husbandry Pack and replaced it with Thin Blades. Unfortunately, in all my years of playing Jandar, from the very first day I've made him, I have never, not ever, used his Husbandry Packs. I'd like to keep the parts about him tending Wyverns, but, just that he's lost touch with that, being away from any kind of animal care for over 20 years. Anyways, all changes highlighted in Violet have a good one!
Sorry about the wait, was on hiatus. Re-approved. @FolkFume
@microwavemmm With the new BANGER of a ability update I've re-arranged some of Jandar's kit. He now has Blades Pack, Evasion Pack, Ice Magic, Shadow Magic (as a core ability and not one granted by afflictions), and Flesh Magic. Otherwise, that's about it. All changes highlighted in Violet have a good one!
@microwavemmm Okay BIG sorry for this, but I had a brain fart while re-working him. Very minor change; Swapped Ice Magic for Improvised Weapons. That's about it all changes highlighted in Violet. Have a good one any apologieeeeesss!
@microwavemmm I've done two minor changes to Jandar.
1; I swapped his Disguise Pack for Glamour Pack. I really like the Disguise Pack, but I also really love Glamour. Trying Glamour out to see which I prefer. Both fit with Jandar.
And 2; I swapped Flesh Magic with Healing Magic because hooOO HOO BOY, let's just say there aren't a lot of healers among the Bralona and especially the vampires.
All changes Highlighted in Violet, have a good one!
@microwavemmm I've made a rather large re-spec of Jandar's kit this time around. I decided to make his kit a lot more selfish, like Jandar himself! As always, all changes highlighted in Violet.

1: Improvised Pack swapped with Blunt Pack.
2. Glamour Magic Pack swapped back with Disguise Pack. Glamour is cool, but I have a file of mundane disguises that I'd like to try out.
3: Dimenthist Pack swapped with Arcane Magic Pack. I originally picked Dimenthism for Jandar due to it's ability to ask entities questions. Now it's more of an exorcist/anti mutation kit, which Jandar is very much not.
4: Healing Magic Pack swapped with Cosmic Magic Pack. Healing is one of my favorite RPs, but I want to remove it from Jandar to help get it in my head that he's not a selfless and helpful friendo like many of my other characters.
5: Breaking Magic Pack (bought with afflicted point buy) swapped with Time Magic Pack. I originally took Breaking Magic as means to help other jailbreak, but that hasn't happened yet. Also, Time looks very nifty, I'd like to give it a go.
@microwavemmm Another very minor change. With the new Defensive Packs I've decided to toss Arcane Magic away in order to play with the Counterplay Pack since it is oh so spicy. All changes in Violet, have a good one!
@microwavemmm I've went right ahead and updated Jandar's sheet to be in line with the new Spell Update. Only his points have been shuffled about with no other alterations. All changes highlighted in Violet, have a good one!