Preserved Sheet Jamie Theodulf Rosendahl

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I have decided to opt for a General Command Education and edited his life story accordingly. I've also added an "archery" talent as I believe it doesn't require too much time to maintain, but I'm totally fine with removing it should it give you pause. All changes highlighted in blue.
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Remove the archery talent, it seems out of place. Archery actually takes quite a bit of discipline and time to maintain. Your fencing already hinders the amount of free time for it regardless. But really this is the General Education which makes the archery near impossible.

Make the single change and tag myself once completed @Nudibronch
I have incorporated the school of statesmanship into Jamie's education, which I believe requires a re-review.
  • Info added to skill section
  • Snippets added to life story
  • All changes made in blue
Please specify which discipline, I assume you mean Realm Statesmanship, but I need you to specify @Nudibronch
I have updated my application to the new proficiency system!
New updates
  • Character has been aged up 2 years in accordance with natural time progression.
  • Proficiency points altered as per the above.
  • Changed thin-blades to longsword.
  • Increased height.
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You forgot to tag me. Fortunately I like reading apps when I'm at work. Approved