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It's Treason, Then.


As Useless As SupremeCripple's Legs
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
New Zealand
von karlisle crest small.webp
Statement from Count-Sera Volkner von Karlisle, 02|24|311 AC

Today on my morning stroll while conversing with esteemed members of the peerage on the dangers that foreign entities and impure magicks possess in our most Holy City, an individual of both backgrounds made a sudden attempt on my life. Sparing the gruesome details of the injuries inflicted upon me, this assassination attack has left me scarred, yet my resolve has never been greater. It is clearer to me now more than ever before that our Glorious Empire has been infiltrated by Allorn operatives. The assassin in question? Naravan Felaadar Bel-Evalond, a known criminal, proven Allorn Spy, and the dear brother of our very Law Minister despite her own apparent disownment of him. In his attempt, he made it clear that he was working on the behalf of Her Eminence, a statement also overheard by Lady-Sera Catherine Vaedra & Lady Violetta Beauchene.

Days ago, the Truth Minister confessed to me the sins of this Assassin, the Law Minister, and other members of the State Government. Confessions I commanded him to release to your ears instead of immediately taking his head for treason, as it is your right as citizens to know that those you look up to for leadership have been abusing such positions of power for their own gains in the Courts of Allornavaal, or the Courts of Great Demons, fracturing our Regalian Court from the inside. I have no doubts that this is a retaliation by the Minister of Law against my intentions to expose their treachery against us all.

One might ask, how have days gone by without justice being taken? Will the demoralized Metropolitan continue to sit on their hands, only aiding in the spread of corruption, or will they finally act for all that is good and pure in the Holiest city of all? Perhaps so, dear citizen, but it is unlikely. Worry not, for we should all rejoice and anticipate the arrival of the Grand Vigil's Host and the Great Purge that awaits.

Today, I make the following appeals & recommendations as a Lothar Knight and Loyal Count-Sera to his Emperor and Empire, to The Lord Commissioner His Imperial Highness the Second Prince Frederick, the Metropolitan Commissioners, and the members of said Guard that remain pure and true to the Lessons of Taal & Kristoph to formally investigate the 'Diplomatic' House of Felaadar on charges of treason against the Empire and the Assassination Attempt of Count-Sera von Karlisle, and to formally arrest the Law Minister Suzenvaela Felaadar bel-Evalond on High Law charges of treason against the Regalian Empire, their allegiance to the Allorn Empire, and the ordering of the attempted murder of Count-Sera von Karlisle. I also highly recommend the execution of said traitors, or their deportation back to their False Empire.

The Scholar's Court has all but confirmed to us that magic establishes and encourages delusion, misbehavior and criminality. Regalians should not be complacent as such criminals dictate your very laws, dabbling in deals with Demons and hiding afflicted individuals from the law. With more confirmations from the Truth Minister, I would also make the following appeals and recommendations to formally investigate the House du Poncaire for suspicion of breaking High Law by assisting Greater Entities against Regalia, and Occult Law by accepting deals with Arken, as well as being illegally afflicted or previously illegally afflicted with Vampirism. I would also recommend acting to formally arrest the State Governor on these High Law charges for questioning and the security of the Regalian Empire.

House von Karlisle will not stand idly by as the Regalian way of life is uprooted by Allorn sympathizers and those who support Mage-Appeasement, both cancers that seek to eradicate our Empire. We salute the works of the Hallowed Order and Ostwald Circles in their work to ensure a pure Empire for All. May Taal grant you everlasting strength and willpower.

Glory to the Empire. Glory to the Emperor.

Signed by,
The High Well Born Count-Sera Volkner von Karlisle zu Hinterberg, Count of Hinterberg, Alderman of Brückenburg & Knight-Confidant of the Prestigious Lothar Order.
With Witness by:
Lady-Sera Catherine Vaedra, Knight-Confidant of the Prestigious Lothar Order.

Prince Frederick: @MonMarty
Commissioners: @HeyoBiggums @HeyItzAPotato @Stellarrix @Yigit
Accused: @Rowet @Lorvikar @Halsi @kirishark

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To Count Volkner the Ravaged,

Your face was a fair and plain one, it did not match the rotten soul inside. Be thankful that, through my assistance, your halves are now better aligned.

As for my vile, farse of a sister-

A letter would be nailed to the sign below the primary post, stamped with the seal of House Petrou.


Count von Karlisle,

Where I am from, we burned those who sought to harm the Empire at the stake. It is not so common here, but there is still time for cultural exchange between our two cultures. Perhaps you and I should meet? I think it would be a lovely time. Respond at your nearest convenience. Or not. I'll find you either way.

Signed, Avox Petrou
Baroness of The Athosian Celacy
Daughter of Amandaros

A letter arrives from --REDACTED LOCATION--,

Count-Sera, Knight-Purger Riftan of House Vaedra sends the following correspondence.

"Let it be known that Naravan also commands Cahal to do his bidding. It comes to no surprise that he himself may be a Cahal. Thus, Afflicted Sympathies should be rooted out swift and brutally."​
View attachment 180190
Statement from Count-Sera Volkner von Karlisle, 02|24|311 AC

Today on my morning stroll while conversing with esteemed members of the peerage on the dangers that foreign entities and impure magicks possess in our most Holy City, an individual of both backgrounds made a sudden attempt on my life. Sparing the gruesome details of the injuries inflicted upon me, this assassination attack has left me scarred, yet my resolve has never been greater. It is clearer to me now more than ever before that our Glorious Empire has been infiltrated by Allorn operatives. The assassin in question? Naravan Felaadar Bel-Evalond, a known criminal, proven Allorn Spy, and the dear brother of our very Law Minister despite her own apparent disownment of him. In his attempt, he made it clear that he was working on the behalf of Her Eminence, a statement also overheard by Lady-Sera Catherine Vaedra & Lady Violetta Beauchene.

Days ago, the Truth Minister confessed to me the sins of this Assassin, the Law Minister, and other members of the State Government. Confessions I commanded him to release to your ears instead of immediately taking his head for treason, as it is your right as citizens to know that those you look up to for leadership have been abusing such positions of power for their own gains in the Courts of Allornavaal, or the Courts of Great Demons, fracturing our Regalian Court from the inside. I have no doubts that this is a retaliation by the Minister of Law against my intentions to expose their treachery against us all.

One might ask, how have days gone by without justice being taken? Will the demoralized Metropolitan continue to sit on their hands, only aiding in the spread of corruption, or will they finally act for all that is good and pure in the Holiest city of all? Perhaps so, dear citizen, but it is unlikely. Worry not, for we should all rejoice and anticipate the arrival of the Grand Vigil's Host and the Great Purge that awaits.

Today, I make the following appeals & recommendations as a Lothar Knight and Loyal Count-Sera to his Emperor and Empire, to The Lord Commissioner His Imperial Highness the Second Prince Frederick, the Metropolitan Commissioners, and the members of said Guard that remain pure and true to the Lessons of Taal & Kristoph to formally investigate the 'Diplomatic' House of Felaandar on charges of treason against the Empire and the Assassination Attempt of Count-Sera von Karlisle, and to formally arrest the Law Minister Suzenvaela Felaadar bel-Evalond on High Law charges of treason against the Regalian Empire, their allegiance to the Allorn Empire, and the ordering of the attempted murder of Count-Sera von Karlisle. I also highly recommend the execution of said traitors, or their deportation back to their False Empire.

The Scholar's Court has all but confirmed to us that magic establishes and encourages delusion, misbehavior and criminality. Regalians should not be complacent as such criminals dictate your very laws, dabbling in deals with Demons and hiding afflicted individuals from the law. With more confirmations from the Truth Minister, I would also make the following appeals and recommendations to formally investigate the House du Poncaire for suspicion of breaking High Law by assisting Greater Entities against Regalia, and Occult Law by accepting deals with Arken, as well as being illegally afflicted or previously illegally afflicted with Vampirism. I would also recommend acting to formally arrest the State Governor on these High Law charges for questioning and the security of the Regalian Empire.

House von Karlisle will not stand idly by as the Regalian way of life is uprooted by Allorn sympathizers and those who support Mage-Appeasement, both cancers that seek to eradicate our Empire. We salute the works of the Hallowed Order and Ostwald Circles in their work to ensure a pure Empire for All. May Taal grant you everlasting strength and willpower.

Glory to the Empire. Glory to the Emperor.

Signed by,
The High Well Born Count-Sera Volkner von Karlisle zu Hinterberg, Count of Hinterberg, Alderman of Brückenburg & Knight-Confidant of the Prestigious Lothar Order.
With Witness by:
Lady-Sera Catherine Vaedra, Knight-Confidant of the Prestigious Lothar Order.

Prince Frederick: @MonMarty
Commissioners: @HeyoBiggums @HeyItzAPotato @Stellarrix @Yigit
Accused: @Rowet @Lorvikar @Halsi @kirishark

The one eyed Fin'ullen is back with his graffiti writ "Another family of Lothar to be expunged. The list keeps growing. More fire to come." Then a funny image of a bottle with fire at the top.
River rolled his eyes, grumbling to himself.

"Another reason I should stay hidden. You Lothar are getting ridiculous."

There was a bloodied handprint on the entire page itself. He had enough.