How edgy are YOU as a person

  • Not Edgy At All

    Votes: 12 25.0%
  • Did you just assume my race?!?!?!

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • I'm the Edgiest Edgelord to Ever Edge

    Votes: 4 8.3%
  • Edgier Than You

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Batman Edgy

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • Take Batman. Throw him in Toxic Waste. Clone him ten times. Fuse his clones together. That's me.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Edgy af.

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • Edgier than MrSpideyPool

    Votes: 6 12.5%
  • Did you just assume "Mr" SpideyPool's gender?!

    Votes: 3 6.3%
  • I'm edgy enough to tell you that you have too many choices

    Votes: 16 33.3%

  • Total voters


Coming Soon
May 24, 2016
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I can't believe I'm fricking doing this So, how edgy is your character. Simple concept, right? Well let me tell you there are three types of edginess we'll be using. Backstory Edgy, a character who has a backstory that would be "Edgy", Personality Edgy, a character who's personality is edgy, self-explanatory, and then there is Mixed Edgy, which is both Backstory and Personality Edgy. To play, just put your characters name, what type of edgy they are, and why.


Alf Cooper, AKA, That Edgy Nerd

Mixed Edgy

I swear, he a Wrath Void Sick, Black Market Trader, who insults anyone whenever he gets the chance. Oh, and his parents were kILLED BY FRICKIN VAMPIRES.

Luthon Iorston, AKA, That One Edgy Void Mage Shendar

Personality Edgy

I mean, his backstory is pretty chill to be perfectly honest. Other than the fact that he learned shadow magic as a child and he's a frICKING SHENDAR Other than that, he's an annoying man-child who's mage level in the edgy Blood Magic subschools (basically everything but hemostasis), and mage level in Shadow Meld of Shadow Magic.

Lysan is a pervert, cannibal, void worshipper for purely lolz, murderer, stalker, yandere, and emo af. That edgy?
I guess I'll throw in my first character Walthur.

He grew up in the slums, but a fortunate apprenticeship from distant family got him out. I suppose you could say his mom dying when he came back from a job is kinda edgy. But her death was when Walthur was around 20 and already set in his profession. All it did was make him not go to the poor district again, which isn't something too hard to believe.

So edgy? Maybe? The idea behind him losing parents as backstory could be seen as edgy. Or it could just be personifying the dangers of living in the slums. I'll have you guys decide.
I guess I'll throw in my first character Walthur.

He grew up in the slums, but a fortunate apprenticeship from distant family got him out. I suppose you could say his mom dying when he came back from a job is kinda edgy. But her death was when Walthur was around 20 and already set in his profession. All it did was make him not go to the poor district again, which isn't something too hard to believe.

So edgy? Maybe? The idea behind him losing parents as backstory could be seen as edgy. Or it could just be personifying the dangers of living in the slums. I'll have you guys decide.
Depends on what kind of poverty edgy. Is it Kassim edgy (actual backstory edge) or Alibaba edgy (who while still edgy, isn't edgy 'cause of poverty).
p sure Naushe is just appearance edgy. he has too many scars to count, he's missing a foot, and he's got dark skin AND red hair. also, his ears are pierced with like, modern-day gauges and industrial bars. i like to think i make him believable enough as a person to not come across as too special snowflak-ey, but that's up to those that have experienced his behavior ic.
dark skin AND red hair
I'm pretty sure that's incompliant. Unless he's a former Maleir (a vampire bloodline), it'd be impossible for an Ailor since only the Claith culture can have red hair, and only Daendroque, Barcal, and Dressolini can have dark skin, and it can't even get very dark at that, the only race that can have full on dark skin is the Qadir. The only way this character can have Dark Skin & Red Hair is if they're a Qadir who was formerly a Maleir vampire.
I'm pretty sure that's incompliant. Unless he's a former Maleir (a vampire bloodline), it'd be impossible for an Ailor since only the Claith culture can have red hair, and only Daendroque, Barcal, and Dressolini can have dark skin, and it can't even get very dark at that, the only race that can have full on dark skin is the Qadir. The only way this character can have Dark Skin & Red Hair is if they're a Qadir who was formerly a Maleir vampire.
He could be a solang.
Demonicly Possessed, isldar ice mage, full out horns, darkened eyes, and may have vampiric tendencies.
I'm pretty sure that's incompliant. Unless he's a former Maleir (a vampire bloodline), it'd be impossible for an Ailor since only the Claith culture can have red hair, and only Daendroque, Barcal, and Dressolini can have dark skin, and it can't even get very dark at that, the only race that can have full on dark skin is the Qadir. The only way this character can have Dark Skin & Red Hair is if they're a Qadir who was formerly a Maleir vampire.
oh. pff. it's a fantasy setting and i figured it was ok if he had qadir roots with a real-world irish background (i think it's ceardian?). anyways. naushe has been around for like 2 years now-- and genetics can be crazy, yo ;u ;
oh. pff. it's a fantasy setting and i figured it was ok if he had qadir roots with a real-world irish background (i think it's ceardian?). anyways. naushe has been around for like 2 years now-- and genetics can be crazy, yo ;u ;
Okay. Crazy genetics could mix up a lot and become that, it's okay then.
hi there. I, the famous pasta have come to answer ur questions.

u may become edgier than spidey through hard work, determination, having like 3 demonically possessed chars at once (like moi), and wearing all black all day every day.

I hope I was helpfulz.
Okay. Now do the character study.
u got it boss.

Khareema Alphadi
Admittedly not very edgy. She may be possessed and all, but Forgiveness Possession isn't that edgy. And her backstory is pretty calm with like 0 conflict lmao.
Saelihn An'Kaynan
Mixed Edge. I mean. She's a Saivalthar Shadow and Slither Mage with a semi traumatic backstory and a life that got way worse when I actually started playing her. "saivalthar are for bullying."- pastel 2k16 @Pastellanar
Cynsosiel Vogel
ANNOYING SHENDAR MOM. Personality Edgy, unless you count being a Blood Mage tutored by Ungvald himself to be edgy. OK SO MIXED EDGE.
Teresa Grimaldi
Honestly, not that edgy despite being a Te'suik vampire. Yeah, she may be super manipulative and power hungry, and yes she fits into the alignment of Neutral Evil, but... tbh she's probably one of the bubbliest and generally most friendly sanguines to be approved by staff. Even if that is mostly a façade, she is genuinely loyal and caring when it comes to family and close friends. So probably undecided, since it depends on your personal definition of edgy. However her backstory is generally p calm, aside from her father going to the dork dark side and getting into illegal business.
Ecaeris Morzorwyn
Basically Teresa without the redeeming qualities lmfao. Definitely personality edgy, though she has a pretty calm backstory.

All in all. My chars usually have p chill backstories and edgy personalities.
Being taught by Ungvald himself doesn't count. It needs to be some sort of traumatic experience or something to be backstory edgy.
(I was looking up at my TV while typing that and I had no mistakes. I'm doing the same with this. Help. I still haven't made any mistakes) I feel so accomplished.
@MrSpideyPool @rocktheflock @Beash@AtticCat @krios41 @hetalianpasta

Can you all delete the spam please so this thread can become an actual character study that isn't cluttered? Since ratings are so commonly used for sarcasm, just go ahead and drop a "Constructive" rating if you've done so.

I'll rate any posts you missed as "Constructive".
Last edited:
I'd Say Saelethil's a justified edgy. He's a war veteran, struggling with the task of dealing with his actions, and the things he saw on the frontlines. He then moved away for a quiet life, found love, and became a father. His son was sick all the time, and his wife ended up running away, leaving him as a single father.
His son died at the age of six, to a disease Saelethil, regardless of his medical knowledge, couldn't prevent.

He's a one handed, scarred alcoholic, that shuts up his feelings behind walls of anger and hatred. he shies away from people, to avoid gettning too attached.

I do hope I wrote his backstory so that it justifies his actions, and his personality traits in away so that it's clear how it all bloomed.
I'd Say Saelethil's a justified edgy. He's a war veteran, struggling with the task of dealing with his actions, and the things he saw on the frontlines. He then moved away for a quiet life, found love, and became a father. His son was sick all the time, and his wife ended up running away, leaving him as a single father.
His son died at the age of six, to a disease Saelethil, regardless of his medical knowledge, couldn't prevent.

He's a one handed, scarred alcoholic, that shuts up his feelings behind walls of anger and hatred. he shies away from people, to avoid gettning too attached.

I do hope I wrote his backstory so that it justifies his actions, and his personality traits in away so that it's clear how it all bloomed.
Mixed Edgy is still...

Depends on what kind of poverty edgy. Is it Kassim edgy (actual backstory edge) or Alibaba edgy (who while still edgy, isn't edgy 'cause of poverty).
I don't think he'd fall into any of these. So I guess he never was edgy to begin with. Just shit happened when he was away and sucks to suck.
Lusile is kinda edgy???????

She's literally a sibling-jealous, "been in private school half my life", wanna-be seamstress lmao
The only edginess she carries is that she loves to be a deadass "give me a regal and I'll tackle some poor Klein" idubbbz dupe.

then Marg is a loser alcoholic baker who overpours her wine whether the recipe has it or not lmao gotta do the cookin' by the book #drinkinggivesmeedge
Rei is pure edge. She's just gotten into so much drugs and shit that it affected her.

Dahae is a little edgy. I wouldn't say her edginess is justified, but some things happened.

Fenic isn't so edgy. He's probably just a generic hairy half-orc man with a kind personality. He could probably pass off as a baker or a smith.
Natasha is edgy in some sense because she hides a ton of information for the sole purpose of making herself look innocent.

Asta is just edgy because she's northerne and it's a character mostly for developed CRP.

Morgan is just not that edgy because he's a depressing write-up to portray the spoils of the Bone Horror Apocolypse.

Annette, Katalina, and Christine are the edgiest of the edge category which I know exists in the Approved Section.