Archived Instruments?

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The Trilogy
Apr 22, 2013
Reaction score
I wonder. Dont you get dull from listening to discs over and over again when you are making potions or while drinking in a bar? I have been thinking, if it is possible to add instruments in minecraft. Like a plugin or some sort. We could add like instruments that were used in medieval times such as the harp, flute, and bagpipes? Id enjoy if there was a violin :D. I mean, imagine a harp or a orchestra playing while there was a party or a masquerade! It would seem pretty awesome to me.
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I wonder. Dont you get dull from listening to discs over and over again when you are making potions or while drinking in a bar? I have been thinking, if it is possible to add instruments in minecraft. Like a plugin or some sort. We could add like instruments that were used in medieval times such as the harp, flute, and bagpipes? Id enjoy if there was a violin :D. I mean, imagine a harp or a orchestra playing while there was a party or a masquerade! It would seem pretty awesome to me.
Nice idea
it would require client side mpds if it is adding blocks/items, so until modding API is done (im guessing around 1.7), this wont happen, but i like the idea
As darkev said, this is one AMAZING idea, but it would take a lot of GUI creation and stuff, things not possible for a server at this current time. However, I want this to be added ASAP.
it would require client side mpds if it is adding blocks/items, so until modding API is done (im guessing around 1.7), this wont happen, but i like the idea
Or it could be a plugin, that if a certain tem is named a certain thing, it would make noteblock noise when you left click it
Or a "/play" command that replicates a disc with noteblock noises
Well, maybe when 1.7 is done, we can just all wait and stalk people.
This is perfect for a medieval world, good on you sir!
I would love to hear these instruments in minecraft. You know you can suggest this to the team who help create minecraft?
I like the idea, since Aria was possibly the first musician character I'm definitely hoping this could be implemented in the future!

Nice idea!
Id enjoy if there was a violin :D.
Cello is where it's at.
I mean, imagine a harp or a orchestra playing while there was a party or a masquerade! It would seem pretty awesome to me.

But, we do have note blocks to play music on, that can be tuned to the different notes in the staff. I imagine it is in the Alto clef or treble clef, but instruments might be a bit of a challenge. Because of the fact
1. You need a model for it
2. It might be a bit of a pain to install
3. How can each note be played?
Otherwise, this seems like a very good idea, but I would stick to noteblocks for now because you can lay them out/tune them in like regalia or somewhere where no one can "fiddle" (OMG DAT SO PUNNY JOKE) around with your instruments.
I'm thinking of emailing Mojang with the idea, so if it's not programmable as a plugin it might be made vanilla. This would be an awesome idea, as Silver's learning violin.
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