Preserved Sheet Inkeri Årud

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Sep 30, 2016
Reaction score


Theme I | Theme II | Theme III
"Eigi fellr tré við fyrstra högg."
(A tree does not fall with the first blow).

Art can be found here.







Full Name: Inkeri Bodil Årud.
Årud - Aarud.
Pronunciation: IN-ke-re.
Common Nicknames: Ink, Inky, Inkpot.
Age: 40; born 266 AC.
Race: Ailor.

Culture: Velheim.
Main Ambition: To live a life that is full of adventure and rich with passion.

Religion: Oldt Fayth.






Proficiency Points
  • +40 Proficiency points;
    • +30 Skagger Axe, (+10 from the School of Skagger, +10 from Velheim proficiency points, +10 from proficiency points).
    • +20 Tracking, (+10 from the School of Skagger, +10 from proficiency points).
    • +20 Battle Command, (+10 from the School of Skagger, +10 from proficiency points).
Culture Points
  • +40 Culture points;
    • +20 Carving, (+20 from culture points).
    • +20 Vocal Music, (+20 from culture points).
  • Haak, (10/10).
  • Tunge, (10/10).
  • Skodje, (10/10).
  • Common, (10/10).
  • Inkeri finds herself currently living in the City of Regalia. She ventured to the city from Drixagh after receiving word of the recent deaths of her mother and brother; she left in the hopes of creating a new life for herself and her daughter, pursuing a fresh start. Inkeri has currently been in Regalia for about six years and plans on staying for the majority of her life.
  • This woman of Northern origin was born in Jedmark, located in the Kingdom of Hedryll, to Bryann and Haarith Årud, a couple who belonged to a tribe of hunters and gatherers. At the time, Inkeri had an older brother of three years, Kabira. The Årud's extended family are spread across Jedmark, Drixagh, and Gelehrteheim, though the family as a whole are not close-knit and do not make an effort to stay in touch.
  • As far as a secondary ambition goes, Inkeri finds herself wanting to one day be able to settle down with her daughter and leave her war-filled life in the past, though she will always be a combatant at heart and she knows deep down that pursuing this goal will be recognizably tough.





Eye Colour: Glaucous.
Hair Colour: Ash blonde.
Hair Style: Long, wavy, and slightly messy, sometimes consisting of two braids.
Skin Colour: Fair.
Clothing: Traditional Northern garments.
Height: 5'6.
Body Build: Toned.

Weapon of Choice: Skagger Axe.

  • Inkeri comes to have large oval eyes, full lips, a sloped nose, an averagely sized forehead, and ears that come to be slightly pointed following with a bigger lobe. She usually carries a neutral expression, though her eyes will often offer those among her a rather cold gaze. Inkeri has a numerous amount of prominent freckles on her nose carrying onto her cheeks, and a set of notable dimples when she decides to smile. Now in her forties, Inkeri's fine ageing details have started to show, though the woman still looks very youthful in appearance and could be mistaken to be much younger.
  • When it comes to Inkeri's body, the North woman comes to have appalling scarring that decorates her right shoulder from a previous bear encounter on a hunting expedition which she is considerably ashamed of.
  • This young woman prefers to wear traditional Northern garments, specifically, that come to be in a shade of blue. Inkeri will almost always carry a small blade of any kind in one of her equipped boots, whether it be for cautionary reasons or conventional paranoia.
  • When speaking, Inkeri carries a relatively thick Northern accent, remains at a typical speed and tone, and will oftentimes stutter when in an uncomfortable situation or in a situation that puts her under-pressure or on the spot.






Inkeri tends to be perceived as a young woman who is brutally honest, independent, honourable, and one to be quite neurotic. She can go anywhere on the scale from being a delicate flower to a solid brick of ice. Those who are new to her notable presence may come to think that Inkeri can be quite brutish and cruel. Though, the ones that have been lucky enough to have made their way into her heart know that she is but a lamb in wolf's clothing.

This woman of Northern origin constantly feels as if her soul is being lost from underneath her frosted skin. Inkeri is afraid of much more than she leads on; continually putting on a mask before her many battles in the hopes her fellow comrades in arms and enemies will not be able to sense what she fears the most: Death. Though she may fear more than most, Inkeri balances her troubles with her plausible confidence regarding her many skills such as her hunting and Skagger capabilities. Inkeri sees herself as a woman who is capable, downright erratic, and generally good-natured despite it all. After being victimized by two life-altering injuries, (an unfortunate bear attack and having her legs shattered in 305 AC), the Velheimer was forced to deal with the rather cruel aftermath that followed: Arthritis in her right shoulder and having acute compartment syndrome in both of her legs. These injuries have taken quite a toll on Inkeri, leaving her quite self-conscious about her scars and the hindering disabilities that came with them.

When it comes to friends who are close and the distant remaining family Inkeri has left, she acts as if the hypothetical armour she is prominently wearing has been broken and smelted down into nothing; the wolf's clothing she once wore now gone, exposing a fragile yet mighty lamb. This Northern flower that was once bloodless and turned into a crisp by the frost, now blossoming and existing near the sun. Inkeri tends to present herself as more content and relaxed when she finds herself in a friends presence, whilst with family, though she will act much the same, she will find herself to be withstanding and moreover cautious when it comes to her private or personal matters. Inkeri is both protective and watchful when it comes to those who she considers a friend or a loved one.

Inkeri's morality truly lies in the good, though her moral compass tends to face many difficulties that sometimes come into play; her overall moral compass can easily become cracked and/or damaged. She comes to view the corrupted and evil deeds of others as though the ones who are carrying them out have been possessed and are not in control of their actions or themselves, whether it be due to their lack of willpower or certain demoralizing events that have followed them from their past.






Arthritis in Right Shoulder: During a rather unfortunate hunting expedition with her brother, Kabira, back in Jedmark, the two siblings found themselves in conflict with a grizzly bear. Though the creature more so did a number on her brother, the bear managed to latch onto the young woman's right shoulder with its incredible knife-edged teeth, ripping open pale flesh and crushing Velheimer bones. Luckily enough, other than this specific endeavour, the rest of Inkeri remained relatively intact, though to this day, as you could imagine, her shoulder still affects her and is decorated with painful scarring. Due to mainly the bone breakage and the lack of medical assistance that was provided at the time, arthritis developed, impacting the joints surrounding the shoulder itself. This weakness brings the Velheimer pain and a decrease of available motion in the said shoulder.

Acute Compartment Syndrome in Legs: When Feathered Dragons returned to Regalia and Dragonblood and Aspects walked the holy streets, Inkeri being part of the Violet Guard, more formally known as the Order of Hightower at present, was taken hostage with a few others at the Bastion by those who served Rikkira, the Dragon who could turn into an Ailor woman. The north woman was brought to the Bastion's balcony with a noose around her neck, whilst those who served Rikkira made their demands known. Surprisingly, Inkeri was able to manage to get the noose off from around her neck, and to her own discretion, she jumped from the balcony's edge out of pure instinct. This, of course, left the woman's legs severely fractured, seeing that it was over a twenty-foot drop to the ground below. Though the woman healed from her injuries, slowly but surely, she was left with acute compartment syndrome in both of her legs. This syndrome occurs when the tissue pressure within a closed muscle compartment exceeds the perfusion pressure and results in muscle and nerve ischemia, typically occurring subsequent to a traumatic event, most commonly a fracture in Inkeri's case. The condition is without a doubt painful and generally comes to affect the woman when participating in any physical activity, hindering her general movement.





Youth | 266 AC - 276 AC
Somewhere in the vast lands of Jedmark in the Kingdom of Hedryll, a child of Northern blood was born to Bryann and Haarith Årud, a couple who belonged to a tribe of hunters and gatherers along with their firstborn son, Kabira. They decided to name their second born, a daughter, Inkeri, a name that came to mean "beautiful goddess" over the passing centuries.

Further down the line, Haarith, a member of the Skagger order, began to mentor and train his daughter in the art of wielding an axe as soon as she was able to take her first steps into the cold and brisk world. Inkeri's father wanted her to be able to hold her own as the years past; he wanted her to be able to fend for herself and not have to rely on others to do her bidding and/or protect her. Although she was quite young when she started to train, Inkeri quickly grasped this form of combat as the many summers and winters past her by.

Teen Years | 279 AC - 285 AC
As Inkeri hit her teen years, the young Northerner was given the responsibility of hunting with/for the rest of the tribe with the guidance of her older brother. During the time of a rather unfortunate hunting expedition with Kabira, the two came across a devil of a creature, a grizzly, leaving Inkeri with a torn up shoulder which still affects her to this day due to the lack of medical aid and assistance that was provided and the severity of the wound. Unfortunately, arthritis developed around the joints surrounding said shoulder over the next few passing years because of this.

At the young age of fourteen, Inkeri's father fell ill to an unknown disease; Haarith later passed on to join the spirits after just a few days, involuntarily leaving his family to deal with the grief and sorrow that followed. During this time of misfortune, Inkeri decided to follow in her father's footsteps by leaving to Drixagh to attend the School of Skagger, in the hopes of bringing honour to his name.

At eighteen, the young North woman still attending the school met a man at a nearby village by the name of Eske Ulfmaerr, a man that would change her life forever. The two Velheimer fell quickly and madly in love with one another, soon welcoming a new Årud to the world: Eydis, their bastard daughter at the time. Before the young woman found out she was pregnant, the two Velheimer's decided to end things with one another; they lived two completely different lives. This resulted in Inkeri raising her daughter on her own, making the severe decision to keep her father's name and story from her as she grew old enough to ask questions about who and where he might be.

Adulthood (Present) | 286 AC - 306 AC
The young Northerner remained in Drixagh attending the School of Skagger for a total of sixteen years. After the completion of her training, Inkeri left to the City of Regalia with her young daughter in the hopes of a fresh start; she was forced to bear the recent news involving the deaths of her mother, brother, and the rest of her tribe after they were allegedly found lying motionless in the snow with multiple weaponry related wounds from another possible tribe.

A few years into living in the Holy City, Inkeri was reunited with her former lover and her daughter's father, seeing as they were all now living in Regalia. Inkeri now being forty, and Eske being thirty-eight, she was given the chance to tell him of his daughter, who was now twenty-two and ever since then, Eske had made the decision to continue to fight to be apart of Inkeri and Eydis' life and eventually succeeded. The two now found themselves engaged to be married, Inkeri becoming his Sol-Kvinne, though not all would have been so simple. The love of Inkeri's life, Eske Ulfmaerr, was brought to the block and beheaded for his past and current crimes a month or so in, once again leaving the north woman alone.
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Overall this is a fantastic Character application! There are only a few minor tweaks needed and based on the great showing in the initial app I am sure you will make quick work of it! The format is good and overall the character is extremely well balanced.

All of that established, the specific areas to tweak are:

Basic Info
  • Race: Ailor is too broad of a description of race. I see in the life story that she is Northerne, but there are actually four subtypes of this as well. Do a little reading on the four types and pick one of these to go along with her race.
  • Personality Traits: The essence of the personality traits are all well balanced, but I am left wanting just a little more. While they do meet the minimum requirement of 3 sentences, the first sentence of each sort of just states what the trait is, so only two sentences is really used to describe each trait. Try to expand 1-2 sentences on each of these to really flesh it out.
  • Swordsmanship and Archery are really two strengths. Being talented with a blade does not inherently make you talented with a bow or vice versa so Combat needs to be separated into two strengths (requiring a 4th weakness or dropping another strength to maintain the balance). It is worthwhile to note that removing Archery would not mean that Helena is bad at Archery, it just means that she would not be exceptional at Archery. An average archer could functionally hunt, for instance, but they may not impress others with aim or skill.
  • Ambitious is really more of a personality trait than a strength specifically. I would recommend moving this to personality traits section and replacing it with a different strength. Aspiring for great heights doesn't specifically enhance her ability to reach said heights, so it is not a valid strength. (hint hint, replace this with Archery if you want to keep it as a strength).
  • Family is not a valid weakness because it relies to much on external factors to actually weaken her. One could also argue that she is simply experiencing grief which does not weaken her above and beyond an average person. You would expect her to be a bit grief stricken about her family. She may become very emotional about her family, but if they are Northerne and she is in Regalia is very unlikely to come up in a way that truly hinders her in any goal she has. This weakness will have to be completely removed and replaced.
  • Emotions is a bit too broad. What specific emotional problems does she have? Does she have extreme mood swings when given upsetting news or difficult emotional challenges? How does that effect her in social situations? What triggers might be quick to anger her? How/Why do her emotions make her easy to manipulate? After fleshing this out you will probably be able to pick a work a bit more specific than Emotions such as Unstable/Gullible/Hypersensitive/lots of possibilities there
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Overall this is a fantastic Character application! There are only a few minor tweaks needed and based on the great showing in the initial app I am sure you will make quick work of it! The format is good and overall the character is extremely well balanced.

All of that established, the specific areas to tweak are:

Basic Info
  • Race: Ailor is too broad of a description of race. I see in the life story that she is Northerne, but there are actually four subtypes of this as well. Do a little reading on the four types and pick one of these to go along with her race.
  • Personality Traits: The essence of the personality traits are all well balanced, but I am left wanting just a little more. While they do meet the minimum requirement of 3 sentences, the first sentence of each sort of just states what the trait is, so only two sentences is really used to describe each trait. Try to expand 1-2 sentences on each of these to really flesh it out.
  • Swordsmanship and Archery are really two strengths. Being talented with a blade does not inherently make you talented with a bow or vice versa so Combat needs to be separated into two strengths (requiring a 4th weakness or dropping another strength to maintain the balance). It is worthwhile to note that removing Archery would not mean that Helena is bad at Archery, it just means that she would not be exceptional at Archery. An average archer could functionally hunt, for instance, but they may not impress others with aim or skill.
  • Ambitious is really more of a personality trait than a strength specifically. I would recommend moving this to personality traits section and replacing it with a different strength. Aspiring for great heights doesn't specifically enhance her ability to reach said heights, so it is not a valid strength. (hint hint, replace this with Archery if you want to keep it as a strength).
  • Family is not a valid weakness because it relies to much on external factors to actually weaken her. One could also argue that she is simply experiencing grief which does not weaken her above and beyond an average person. You would expect her to be a bit grief stricken about her family. She may become very emotional about her family, but if they are Northerne and she is in Regalia is very unlikely to come up in a way that truly hinders her in any goal she has. This weakness will have to be completely removed and replaced.
  • Emotions is a bit too broad. What specific emotional problems does she have? Does she have extreme mood swings when given upsetting news or difficult emotional challenges? How does that effect her in social situations? What triggers might be quick to anger her? How/Why do her emotions make her easy to manipulate? After fleshing this out you will probably be able to pick a work a bit more specific than Emotions such as Unstable/Gullible/Hypersensitive/lots of possibilities there

Thank you for your feedback. I've started making some adjustments in purple.
@JennaLikesCoffee The additions to the personality traits really help. I feel like I understand Helena's personality much better now! I also took a peak at the selected Northerne subculture and it looks like it fits her well! If you want, you may wait have Ponya review it to get her take as well, but I still think the Strengths/Weaknesses still need a little work (I am not Lore staff so my opinion doesn't really matter in the scope of things). If you are all done with edits until after Lore staff review, tag PonyaWantHam so she doesn't think you are still working on the peer review.
Overall this is a fantastic Character application! There are only a few minor tweaks needed and based on the great showing in the initial app I am sure you will make quick work of it! The format is good and overall the character is extremely well balanced.

All of that established, the specific areas to tweak are:

Basic Info
  • Race: Ailor is too broad of a description of race. I see in the life story that she is Northerne, but there are actually four subtypes of this as well. Do a little reading on the four types and pick one of these to go along with her race.
  • Personality Traits: The essence of the personality traits are all well balanced, but I am left wanting just a little more. While they do meet the minimum requirement of 3 sentences, the first sentence of each sort of just states what the trait is, so only two sentences is really used to describe each trait. Try to expand 1-2 sentences on each of these to really flesh it out.
  • Swordsmanship and Archery are really two strengths. Being talented with a blade does not inherently make you talented with a bow or vice versa so Combat needs to be separated into two strengths (requiring a 4th weakness or dropping another strength to maintain the balance). It is worthwhile to note that removing Archery would not mean that Helena is bad at Archery, it just means that she would not be exceptional at Archery. An average archer could functionally hunt, for instance, but they may not impress others with aim or skill.
  • Ambitious is really more of a personality trait than a strength specifically. I would recommend moving this to personality traits section and replacing it with a different strength. Aspiring for great heights doesn't specifically enhance her ability to reach said heights, so it is not a valid strength. (hint hint, replace this with Archery if you want to keep it as a strength).
  • Family is not a valid weakness because it relies to much on external factors to actually weaken her. One could also argue that she is simply experiencing grief which does not weaken her above and beyond an average person. You would expect her to be a bit grief stricken about her family. She may become very emotional about her family, but if they are Northerne and she is in Regalia is very unlikely to come up in a way that truly hinders her in any goal she has. This weakness will have to be completely removed and replaced.
  • Emotions is a bit too broad. What specific emotional problems does she have? Does she have extreme mood swings when given upsetting news or difficult emotional challenges? How does that effect her in social situations? What triggers might be quick to anger her? How/Why do her emotions make her easy to manipulate? After fleshing this out you will probably be able to pick a work a bit more specific than Emotions such as Unstable/Gullible/Hypersensitive/lots of possibilities there

Yea, I'm still going to add more to my character sheet from your peer review as I think you gave me a lot more to think about. I will also go back over my application once Ponya submits her review and fix anything that needs fixing.
Sorry for the wait! Here's my review
  • Add another weakness of any sort.
  • I don't see why having her be Balltarc fits Helena at all. She lacks the Northerne name, stereotypical customs and traditions, not to mention mindset of a Northerner. I'd suggest that you change her culture to Ceardian.
  • Make the edits in a different colour and tag me when you're done!
Sorry for the wait! Here's my review
  • Add another weakness of any sort.
  • I don't see why having her be Balltarc fits Helena at all. She lacks the Northerne name, stereotypical customs and traditions, not to mention mindset of a Northerner. I'd suggest that you change her culture to Ceardian.
  • Make the edits in a different colour and tag me when you're done!

Thanks for the review!

Why should I add another weakness?? Or would you like me to change one, if so, which one?
Here's my review -
  • While I complement you on your creative writing style, the third personality paragraph essentially conveys little if not no meaning at all. Try to get more to the point without abandoning the high quality of your writing. Furthermore, try to distinguish between friends and family, as I don't think she would treat them exactly the same.
  • Please choose a single body-build. I see that you somewhat hint at toned, but the answer needs to be clear. Moreover, I'd like to ask you to remove the weight given the existence of the body-build on the sheet. The entire reason as to why the staff team added body-build to the character sheet is to prevent people from putting ridiculous weights for their characters. Whilst you have placed a reasonable weight, on the principle of uniformity it should be adjusted.
Mark these changes in red and tag me when you're done.
Moreover, I'd like to ask you to remove the weight given the existence of the body-build on the sheet. The entire reason as to why the staff team added body-build to the character sheet is to prevent people from putting ridiculous weights for their characters. Whilst you have placed a reasonable weight, on the principle of uniformity it should be adjusted./QUOTE]
Really quick peer review because this app is really good. :DDD Let's go!
  • Combat school/ body build
    • While I guess it may be possible for a skagger to be toned, I don't see it as much for a champion Skagger. The school of Skagger is a very physically demanding and rigorous school, and toned is meant for people such as farmers. Not a warrior.
  • Paragraphs
    • I would suggest adding one or two sentences to the paragraphs as currently you don't even quite hit three.
    • Fourth paragraph hits three exactly. Could go for a fourth and be an over-achiever!
Aaaand that's all I can really find. The body build being the biggest of my concerns. A gorgeous app, have a great night!
Really quick peer review because this app is really good. :DDD Let's go!
  • Combat school/ body build
    • While I guess it may be possible for a skagger to be toned, I don't see it as much for a champion Skagger. The school of Skagger is a very physically demanding and rigorous school, and toned is meant for people such as farmers. Not a warrior.
  • Paragraphs
    • I would suggest adding one or two sentences to the paragraphs as currently you don't even quite hit three.
    • Fourth paragraph hits three exactly. Could go for a fourth and be an over-achiever!
Aaaand that's all I can really find. The body build being the biggest of my concerns. A gorgeous app, have a great night!
Thanks for the feedback, Muggy Moo. Mind if I ask what paragraphs you're talking about because in Personalities and Abilities, as well as Talents, all paragraphs are at least three sentences and plus. If you're referring to Inkeri's Life Story, having three sentences per paragraph isn't really required, seeing as most people tend to stick to just making bullet points.
School: School of Skagger.
Level: Champion.
Arthritis in Right Shoulder:
his weakness mainly affects the Velheimer's combat efficiency.
Noticed a contradiction in your sheet. If her consistently hurt shoulder greatly affects her proficiency in combat, I would believe this would lessen her chances of maintaining a Champion level in the School of Skagger, given she would be less capable in wielding her weapons. That being said, this is simply a peer review point that I thought I would bring up for the sake of review(ing).
Noticed a contradiction in your sheet. If her consistently hurt shoulder greatly affects her proficiency in combat, I would believe this would lessen her chances of maintaining a Champion level in the School of Skagger, given she would be less capable in wielding her weapons. That being said, this is simply a peer review point that I thought I would bring up for the sake of review(ing).
This weakness brings the Velheimer pain and a decrease of available motion in the said shoulder.
I went ahead and altered that statement a tad to hopefully remove any major contradiction. ↥
Thanks for the feedback, Muggy Moo. Mind if I ask what paragraphs you're talking about because in Personalities and Abilities, as well as Talents, all paragraphs are at least three sentences and plus. If you're referring to Inkeri's Life Story, having three sentences per paragraph isn't really required, seeing as most people tend to stick to just making bullet points.
I was referring to the personality paragraph. The first one, with your font doesn't quite reach three lines in length. Though, with the standard font it does. My bad~.
'ello, I'm claiming this for staff review.
Staff Review!

I'd be happy to mark this again as approved but before I do, I'd like to stress that it would be difficult to maintain an 'Athletic' physique with such strenuous injuries.

And therefooooore-

- I'd like you to edit your second paragraph to include any inner thoughts or frustrations Inkeri might have as a result of her injuries and the stark difference between her health before and after these incidents.

Looking forward to reading your edits.
Staff Review!

I'd be happy to mark this again as approved but before I do, I'd like to stress that it would be difficult to maintain an 'Athletic' physique with such strenuous injuries.

And therefooooore-

- I'd like you to edit your second paragraph to include any inner thoughts or frustrations Inkeri might have as a result of her injuries and the stark difference between her health before and after these incidents.

Looking forward to reading your edits.
I had her body build set as toned before, though I changed it after Mug's suggestion, so I'll just go ahead and change it back as well as make the Personality and Abilities edits!
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A champion skagger in no way would have a toned body build. That build is designed for farmers and people that do some physical labor. Not an intensive combat school that does vigerous activities and requires a certain amount of muscle. Her body build is not an issue, and if it is then in my opinion her fighting level should drop with it.

Sorry if this seems as arguing, but I don't really want to see stick figure skaggers running around.
@Belgrade @JennaLikesCoffee
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A champion skagger in no way would have a toned body build. That build is designed for farmers and people that do some physical labor. Not an intensive combat school that does vigerous activities and requires a certain amount of muscle. Her body build is not in issue, and if it is then in my opinion her fighting level should drop with it.

Sorry if this seems as arguing, but I don't really want to see stick figure skaggers running around.
@Belgrade @JennaLikesCoffee
Having a toned body build isn't making someone a stick figure, seeing as it's adding muscle. Realistically, people are built in different ways and don't gain or lose muscle how someone else might would, even if they were doing the same activities and exercises. Perhaps she was athletic before whilst attending the School of Skagger, but her body build could have always changed afterwards, especially due to her recent injuries involving her legs where she was bed bound, being temporarily shelved at the time.
Would her combat ability not drop with her build, then? As if she's stopped training skagger during her extensive injuries that apparently shelved her long enough to lose muscle mass. To upkeep a combat ability it requires daily practise. Anyways. I'm not lore staff nor am I trying to force you to change anything. I just feel a build that as the wiki puts it is for " deckhands of ships and farmers or shepherds" Isn't the best choice for a champion ability skagger. I still suggest lowering the combat level if you plan to keep her so weak in means of physical exercise. Especially since it seems your reasoning is that she isn't able to keep up her build. Kinda implying she hasn't been training.

Love ya. Don't lynch me.
Would her combat ability not drop with her build, then? As if she's stopped training skagger during her extensive injuries that apparently shelved her long enough to lose muscle mass. To upkeep a combat ability it requires daily practise. Anyways. I'm not lore staff nor am I trying to force you to change anything. I just feel a build that as the wiki puts it is for " deckhands of ships and farmers or shepherds" Isn't the best choice for a champion ability skagger. I still suggest lowering the combat level if you plan to keep her so weak in means of physical exercise. Especially since it seems your reasoning is that she isn't able to keep up her build. Kinda implying she hasn't been training.

Love ya. Don't lynch me.
She has been training, though not since her leg injuries, seeing as she couldn't walk. I don't think her combat level should be dropped because of that, seeing as I'm going to have her get right back into it. I understand there might be some slight contradictions in terms of her weaknesses, but I believe I have altered them enough in terms of removing them. I suppose I'll give Belgrade some time to reply regarding the matter, though I feel his current review pretty much covers everything.
My initial review stands, although I would like to clarify some things.

- Inkeri can be a Champion level Skagger with a toned or athletic build post-injury.
- Between injury and lessened physical ability in terms of build, she will no longer be able to compete against other Champion level Skagger. This does not mean that she just loses any knowledge she had regarding Skagger combat beforehand though, think of it as if a Skagger Champion made it into their 70s or 80s, they would no longer be able to compete with younger Champions, but they would be able to teach people for example.
- Inkeri could compete however with Skagger combatants at a lower level of skill.
- I would like to stress the importance to portray these injuries accurately.

Aside from that, I look forward to seeing your edits and hopefully seeing this character in game. It sounds like she's in for a whole lot of personal development.

Edits in pink! please.
Thank you for the re-tag, approved!
I have edited and altered the character application accordingly to fit the new proficiency system. Changes have been made in blue! Requesting a re-review.