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Played Character Ingemar

This character is actively played.


Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main
Nov 20, 2013
Reaction score
Where ever the wind blows, literally sometimes.
Character Information
Full Name: Ingemar [clan name pending] of Neylaria.
Heritage/Culture: Urlan, mixed culturally between Freefolk and Velheim with Selvath being the dominant cultural influence in his life.
Age: 53.
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him.
Religion: He is a Draconist and more closely aligns with Silas, Gaia, Cinerius and Aurora, but, isn't super religious. Religion does not exist in the forefront of Ingemar's mind and isn't a guide of how he conducts himself but a faith he keeps to during his own time. Some syncreticism exists with Estelley, namely among the three who dwell in the forest; Mana, Gilan, Soma, but to some extent a dash of Sapphora as well after having met her directly.
Occult: Archon, He was born a Hammer Archon of Silas.
Character Occupation: Smith, Hunter, Ranger and Scout. Ingemar is a master of the first two being both an incredibly skilled smith who specializes in forging and designing weapons and pairs this well with his skill as a hunter. Ensuring he always has the tool necessary to bring down the prey he seeks. He spends much of his time away his home wandering the woods but when he is home, you can rest assured he's striking steel.

Appearance Information
Eye Color: Glowing Draconic Purple.
Skin Color: Olive-Tan, despite being covered head to toe in fur, he does have a natural skintone underneath.
Hair: Rusted Red with a pale white-cream color underbelly.
Height: 7'1.
Body Type: Built like any other Urlan with muscle-upon-muscle but with a more lean and agile disposition that makes him more suited to hunting through dense forests.
Additional Features: Ingemar's head appears more modelled after a goat, ram, ibex or even to some extent a deer but more like ice-age versions of these animals with goat-like pupils. His horns curl like a ram's. He resembles exactly what might come to mind at the mentioning of a "Beastman". With hooves, claws, tusks and a short-fluff tail. But what isn't seen as often, is that Ingemar as an Archon can manifest wings, which his wings are of a mix of fur/feather ending in tips that share the same color as his underbelly. These wings expand from his arms like a wyvern's, without growing a second set of arms to accomodate them on his back.

Skill Information
Hobbies and Talents
Athletic Hobby
Magic Talent

Urlan Heritage Traits
Archon Affinity Traits


Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: Strength.
Defense Stat: Constitution.
[15/15 Points Used]

Strength 7
Free. Weapon Throw Pack
1. Technique Parry Pack
2. Diving Tackle Pack
3. Reflecting Strike Pack
4. Shrug Off Pack
5. Magebane Strike Pack
6. Shattering Strike Pack
7. Wounded Ego

Constitution 6
1. Thick Hide Pack
2. Shield Cover Pack
3. Shield Slam Pack
4. Shield Snare Pack
5. Fortitude Pack
6. Rage Counter Pack

Intelligence 0

Wisdom 0

Dexterity 2

1. Sharp Reflexes Pack
2. Improvised Attack Pack

Faith 0

Magic 0

Charisma 0

-Ingemar was born in the capitalist cultural melting pot of the world; Regalia, to a rather interesting multi-cultural household of two differing cultures from opposite ends of the globe. Both of his parents have their own rich storied past and long family history that spans back many generations and many more yet to come. His father is an Urlan Smith who comes from a long line of Archon dedicated and in service to Silas and had worked tirelessly to keep hold traditions alive throughout the centuries. It's commonplace to pass down, well, not only Archonism but also the smithing trade to every child in the house. It's said that no family member on his father's side doesn't know how to smith in some form or capacity, all of them do-- as all of them are also Hammer Archon, even if some of them have chosen different paths in their lives, the ancient family skills and knowledge continue on. Not all of his father's side are Urlan however, about half of the family there are Urlan while some are just Velheim but they are all culturally Velheim centric and put a heavy emphasis on keeping tradition alive. His grandmother was the one to suggest the name; Ingemar, which both of his parents agreed with and decided on naming him when he was born.

-While on his mother's side there's also a lot of rich history and tradition to be derived from there as well- much of it within the lines of the Selvath culture as a whole with some more unique traditions and habits passed along by his Mother's clan who were more focused on being the best hunters they could by any means but particularly favored the bow and killing prey from afar. They lived more or less nomadically across the walds both hunting and keeping out outsiders around the forest borders with long ranged guerilla tactics. While Ingemar's father has more of a rich history steeped in familial traditions of keeping an ancient art alive, his mother's history are more her personal experiences and accounts. His father very seldomly left home or the forge, but even long before ever having met Ingemar's Father, she had acquired several lifetimes worth of experience in the eyes of the average Ailor. She was a master ranger and hunter who spent literal centuries of time prowling the forest for the next worthwhile hunt. It's not particularly clear why she chose to leave the Walds and venture out to Regalia, be it boredom of the same old, itching to see more of the world, wanderlust, etc, though Regalia wasn't her original destination but a stop along the way for her. It however became her destination when she met and fell in love with Ingemar's father, who she was a regular customer for. She'd always go to him to have her kit repaired, new equipment made, eventually they grew a friendship that turned into a relationship that led to Ingemar being born.

-Ingemar is an exact product of both of his parents' love and their union. He is a master huntsman comparable to his mother's level of skill and prowess-- aided further by his heritage as an Urlan, and he is just as skilled and as talented of a smith as his father who passed onto him ancient techniques kept alive through tradition and habits. Those two combined skillsets are what defines him and makes him who he is today going forth on the path to life. He's experienced much himself just like his mother-- having survived many of the different crisis, war, and hardships to plague the state. He's been a soldier, a leader, a lone wolf, a mercenary, a hunter, a father. a guard, metropolitan officer, a myriad of different forks in the road upon his path in life. There's a litany of potential to have encountered Ingemar at some point in another person's life. Many of them in recent years alone. As much of his history is still being written and told to this very day.
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