Indy's Kitchen ( Custom-made Food For You!)


I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
Hello! Indy, here! I like to cook. I'm opening up this shop to act as an antithesis to Beetroot's "Custom Made Bread" store ( ), made with their permission. This shop will focus on other sorts of food and drink so as to not directly compete. Found a recipe online you'd like to have prepared for your forum thread? Commission me!

*I cannot ship you the food. You only get the image of the completed food item. This is great, however, for a more custom touch to your business thread!

Some examples are here:

I will take several pictures for you to decide which one you like best. Obviously, some of these photos aren't so beautiful. I will try to take more dynamic photos like the first two.

I'm willing to try a lot of stuff, and usually try to make from scratch whenever possible. My ingredients are a lot more expensive than simple bread flour, so overall, the shop will have higher prices. Please allow for a few days to a week for me to get stuff done.

Pricing- 500-2,500 regals/dish. A meal will cost more, depending on what is being asked for, cost of ingredients (some spices and such are very expensive!). Give me a description or recipe of what you want.

I reserve the right to turn down commissions if the food item being asked for is something neither I nor my family would try. I don't want to waste money and food. Also, don't ask for super hard-to-get ingredients, like truffles. I live in small-town Pennsylvania. Some things I simply cannot get.

I am going back to college soon, so I may not be able to make food after then, depending on various things. I will certainly resume during the summer.