Archived Indefinite Lore Prices

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A lost Architect of an ancient Helvetican Empire
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
Massivecraft has a player based economy, meaning if it's needed, it's worth more and vice versa. However items with Lore, the rare, the common, are unusual and pricing them can be difficult. What this Suggestion is focused on is a set of commands or a location, that gives prices for Lore Items specifically. This would make it easier for both sellers and buyers a-like at adjusting the prices without "scamming" another player who is eager to dress in Lore. EDIT: The prices would only give an average, a typical buyer would pay for it, prices can be higher or lower, regarding how the sellers feels about it.

Possibly commands:

/Lore,l {item} - Gives Price of Lore item in hand.
/Lore,l list - Gives list of Registered Lore items.
/Lore,l Price [Item Name] - After scrolling through the list, this command allows the player to check lore items that others may have.

Now you might ask, why would the staff waste time on something so silly? Well for starters it helps the community with making sales easier. One thing I've personally found awkward is selling Lore Items to another without truly knowing the price/worth of it, thus cutting myself short or scamming the other player {Insert FeelsBadMan}.

Only items found in the Lore list treasury would be those that are registered, mainly created by staff found through voting and killing mobs.
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I do not like this idea. Not only is price important to the buyer but also to the seller. Something might be more important to me and thus I would sell it for more. Plus items change value over time. Some items are available through quests or voting... but others like the festival items or old vote items aren't available anymore and only get more valuable over time. I see this as something that needs to be constantly tended to for it to be successful but I don't see the need for such a system.
The socialist calculation debate was technically won by Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich von Hayek because they have proven that fixed prices and exchange rates can be the bane of an economy.

Laissez-Faire! Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it.

Leftist economists experimented with fixed prices. But fixed prices couldn't keep up with the fluctuation and shops /illegally/ changed prices still.

In easy words, real life has proven that fixed prices won't work.

The true way to go is trial & error, which means experimenting with different prices until you find the equilibrium/optimum price for each. Or try auctions.
Here's the main issue I'm seeing with this idea: How's it supposed to function, plugin wise? You've stated the basic commands, that's great and all, but from what I'm seeing, there's no real way to determine an average price of a lore item without the staff closely monitoring the trading of all lore items. Now that'd be requiring a ridiculous amount of work from the staff, more than they currently do and more than I'd be willing to ask them to do just for the economy behind lore items.
Now you might be thinking "Why not just have the plugin have ties with the trade plugin?", well to put it simply, that'd not do too great for this idea. Seeing as the trade plugin is a more recent plugin on the server, some of us still go through the old means of trade, by doing so "in person". The "average" rate that this idea would present, wouldn't include the prices used in trades done "in person" rendering the "average" not very accurate.
Plus, this idea's problem would be better solved by a minimum price list of the lore item tiers on the voting page. Anyways, you can always "Price Check" an item that you don't know the value of; no need to add another plugin to the server, just for this.
I don't like the idea for reasons already stated by others.


Write a book about current lore item prices and sell it. You could also update the book with newer versions .. voila, no plugin needed + you get rich. :3
Too much work for the developers. They'd have to give an average price for every single lore item there is and there are thousands. It's a player run market like you said, so id say let the players decide the prices, but the idea is great, but in all honestly I don't think it'd happen.
I bought a nenyarina tome for 1000r just because I wanted one so badly... I didnt want anyone else to take away the oppertunity... A heavy price for a highly wanted item. (note I asked 1000r for it xD) probs could have gotten it for less x3
I am going to have to outright reject this suggestion for the following reasons:
  • Unfortunately (and yet at the same time fortunately) the price of lore items vary much too vastly for something like this to be possible. For instance, you may see a lore drink which is no longer available, in theory was originally worth 5 regals. Some people may see this as only worth 5 regals, while others may be willing to pay 150 regals for this lore drink. Many lore items are like this. Many will see the items worth the price as dirt, while others will be willing to pay an arm and a leg to get their hands on one.
  • Lore prices fluctuate depending on how many are in existence, if they are event items, new, staff items, etc.
  • Selling lore items is all about supply and demand, selling to the right person at the right time for the best price. There's no way to predict this other than through experience and knowing who's looking for what.
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