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Played Character Indah Solehaya Svassaril

This character is actively played.


Mar 8, 2021
Reaction score
Character Information

  • Full Name: Indah Solehaya Svassaril

  • Heritage / Culture: Kota-Allar

  • Race: Nang Allar

  • Age: 19 (Born AC 293)

  • Gender / Pronouns: She/Her

  • Religion: Draconist

  • Occult: Mageborn (Exist)

  • Character Occupation: Student
Appearance Information:

  • Eye Color: Black

  • Skin Color: Dark Teal

  • Hair: She has frills on the sides of her face that resemble hair.

  • Height: 4'9

  • Body Type: Petite

  • Additional Features: Indah has a fishy tail.

  • Clothing Style: Indah dresses simply. She favors Regalian styles of clothing, but wants to branch out more to express herself. She wears her mother's circlet to remind others of her status.
Skill Information:

  • Hobbies and Talents: Singing, Songwriting, Acting, Painting, Tailoring

  • Mechanics: Exist magic manifests in her performances. When acting, her appearance and surroundings change as if what she was pretending was really happening. For example, if she improvs with a stick, pretending it's a sword, it really takes on the form of a sword.

  • Languages: Common, Pidato, Altalar, Sign Language

Indah was born in AC 293 into a wealthy household full of children. Her mother was the daughter of Digmaan Imzzl of the Cay of Pantai and her father was his steward. Her older brother Balaputra always took interest in the natural world. He explored the Cay of Pantai with Indah as children. The Svassaril children would act out scenes of legend, and this always inspired Indah. Indah got her thespian streak from this pastime, and when Blubzz left for school in AC 303, she kept up her practice of pretending with her younger sister Diah. Indah learned a number of crafts on the Cay of Pantai from her mother and other elders.

Indah's mother, Amisha, was an Exist mageborn, and that magic passed down to some of her children. Indah's Exist magic soon began to manifest itself in her performance, whenever she sang or acted, but magic incurred the hostility of their peers in the families of other Digmaan, as well as their subjects. How unlikely was it that mages would live in the high houses of Hadar—mothers and daughters no less? Amisha taught her the nuances of magic, but made sure their powers were kept no more than rumors, for Amisha words were incredibly powerful: each one was magic. Her mother held a long silent vigil for Caius, the dragon dying from the Void, and devoted herself to arts without words, and encouraged Indah to do the same. This discouraged Indah from public performances when she grew up in Hadar, but she continued in the Svassaril household, practicing privately.

When her father and grandfather were assassinated in AC 309, her brother Balaputra evacuated their family to Regalia. He was absent from the household for a few years, serving Regalia's military.

When Caius died and returned as Cinerius, Balaputra encouraged her to invest in her abilities, and he set aside some money in the Svassaril coffers to pay for her schooling in Amontaar, where magic from the plane of Exist was more accepted. She is currently studying performing arts in Sollandë Helëssa in Amontaar, writing enchanting songs that foster harmony in her audience.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: Magic

Defense Stat: Dexterity

[0/14 points spent]

Proficiency Points:

  • Strength: 0

    • [Ability Name]
  • Constitution: 0

    • [Ability Name]
  • Intelligence: 0

    • [Ability Name]
  • Wisdom: 0

    • [Ability Name]
  • Dexterity: 6

    • [Ability Name]

    • Fleet Footed

    • Sharp Reflexes

    • Escape Artist

    • Fancy Footwork

      • Ranger Stance

        • Ranger Wallop

        • Ranger Dismount

  • Faith: 1

    • [Ability Name]

    • Unseen Prayer
  • Magic: 7

    • [Ability Name]

    • Magic Bolts

    • Magic Cleanse

    • Magic Bolster

    • Magic Warp

    • Magic Revive

    • Magic Summon

    • Magic Barrier
Context for the Svassaril Noble Family: