In Regard To Premium Changes.


Officer of Insani
Oct 6, 2012
Reaction score
For all of those who are extremely angered by the changes to premium, understand that this is required by Mojangs EULA. I think, more likely than not, that this is to push their realms on us. So if you want to take action, cancel a realm subscription you may have, and send that money to Massive instead. Don't pay these greedy scumbags at Mojang anymore.

Edit: For those curious, although I'm not premium, I care because this will directly effect the income of massive. Thus, if Massive has no income, no server. So I just want the server to survive.
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Numerous things, including but not limited to:
  • Keep Inventory
  • /fix without cost
  • Keep XP on death
  • Mcmmo bonuses
  • Money on premium purchase
There are other things but those are the main points. They conflict with the Mojang EULA.
Before everyone starts up about what changes may or may not happen, please wait for the news post to go up first. This way you will all be properly informed and will know exactly what is and is not changing.
where did you see this?
I know because there's the biggest flame war of the century in game right now, you can check Massives website if you want to see whats left, as the website recently removed the "What was changed section".

If you mean how I know that Mojang does this to push realms on us, it's really just speculation, but I don't really see any other reason for it.

Edit: Massive removed the "What was changed" section because it was being moved elsewhere.
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  • PvP flag: PvP is triggered on both attacking and getting hit. The PvP flag only affects the use of backpack and workbench.
So you can't get raided as a premium pacifist faction anymore without the knowledge you won't lose anything? You will lose items regardless now? I don't understand the logic behind this, please can someone explain this to me/us? If anything it should be PVP flag on attack only for everyone, rather than just open warfare.

  • Loss on death: Everyone keeps their armor on death. XP points and inventory contents are dropped
Very fair, I like this.

  • Fix command: The /fix command is enabled for everyone – fixing will now cost 1 Regal per 1% of the item durability.
Costly, I don't like it, but again very fair. The tools and armour we frequently /fix should cost a lot more to replace in theory.

  • Money: Premiums will no longer receive 750 Regals monthly.
Before this change to EULA was made, I used the 75o donation regals of mine to sustain the faction tax so I did not have to tax my players any more heavily than I currently am. I want my faction members to enjoy making money and trading on massivecraft without fear of forcefully losing tax to my faction just to keep the land they are based on. It feels like massivecraft is fixated on money-sinks and while I can understand this 110% it seems like this change will slowly cripple factions whose only income is voting and premium cash. I am well aware voting gives you enough to sustain a faction from members, but again, I wanted my members to enjoy their regals and I paid 80% of the tax my self. Will faction tax change in any way to reflect the money changes?

  • Chat Cooldowns: Shorter cooldowns in serverwide chat channels.
I'm on the fence with this change... this will give premiums a louder voice and thus give them the advantage, but at the same time, it's not much of a change I suppose.

  • Personal Time: Set a visual fake time using /ptime.
I lol at any vampires who use this and forget... then burn...

The last thing I want to be seen as doing is whining, I do understand this is a crippling time right now on massivecraft, you will probably lose a bunch of donations as there is essentially no benefit anymore. I do not wish to flame staff with my above comments, I wish to have a discussions in the hopes that we come to the best resolution possible for all players. I am sure the majority of players wish to work with the staff to accomplish this. My major concern is the PVP flagging on being attacked, it seems arbitrary...
I will continue to donate regardless, massivecraft is a great server, some rules are iffy, but the staff are brilliant and the upkeep is phenomenal. Keep it up.
I'm sorry but these changes are HORRIBLE. 1 regal per percent? Ok, so now with the changes to 1.9 - go to the dark room for 10 minutes? That will be approximately TWO HUNDRED REGALS!

Don't want to participate in PVP? Too bad - now you lose items no matter what!

TL;DR: massive, massive loss of items and regals on the horizon
  • PvP flag: PvP is triggered on both attacking and getting hit. The PvP flag only affects the use of backpack and workbench.
So you can't get raided as a premium pacifist faction anymore without the knowledge you won't lose anything? You will lose items regardless now? I don't understand the logic behind this, please can someone explain this to me/us? If anything it should be PVP flag on attack only for everyone, rather than just open warfare.

  • Loss on death: Everyone keeps their armor on death. XP points and inventory contents are dropped
Very fair, I like this.

  • Fix command: The /fix command is enabled for everyone – fixing will now cost 1 Regal per 1% of the item durability.
Costly, I don't like it, but again very fair. The tools and armour we frequently /fix should cost a lot more to replace in theory.

  • Money: Premiums will no longer receive 750 Regals monthly.
Before this change to EULA was made, I used the 75o donation regals of mine to sustain the faction tax so I did not have to tax my players any more heavily than I currently am. I want my faction members to enjoy making money and trading on massivecraft without fear of forcefully losing tax to my faction just to keep the land they are based on. It feels like massivecraft is fixated on money-sinks and while I can understand this 110% it seems like this change will slowly cripple factions whose only income is voting and premium cash. I am well aware voting gives you enough to sustain a faction from members, but again, I wanted my members to enjoy their regals and I paid 80% of the tax my self. Will faction tax change in any way to reflect the money changes?

  • Chat Cooldowns: Shorter cooldowns in serverwide chat channels.
I'm on the fence with this change... this will give premiums a louder voice and thus give them the advantage, but at the same time, it's not much of a change I suppose.

  • Personal Time: Set a visual fake time using /ptime.
I lol at any vampires who use this and forget... then burn...

The last thing I want to be seen as doing is whining, I do understand this is a crippling time right now on massivecraft, you will probably lose a bunch of donations as there is essentially no benefit anymore. I do not wish to flame staff with my above comments, I wish to have a discussions in the hopes that we come to the best resolution possible for all players. I am sure the majority of players wish to work with the staff to accomplish this. My major concern is the PVP flagging on being attacked, it seems arbitrary...
I will continue to donate regardless, massivecraft is a great server, some rules are iffy, but the staff are brilliant and the upkeep is phenomenal. Keep it up.
We are simply not allowed to give regals with the donation/purchase based on mojang EULA the PvP flag only affects the use of /bp and /wb the fact that anyone lose items on death is in the loss on death now
It's not born out of an idea to sell realms (that's silly), it's (supposedly) born out of the fact that really abusive servers let kids charge up to five thousand dollars on their parents credit cards to win every pvp match on their server. Mojang couldn't force the servers to refund the people, so they are now forcing servers to follow this EULA which stops lawsuits from parents towards mojang, save said parents some grief, and generally protects the user and their enjoyment of the game. In the process of making this air-tight to save Mojang the trouble of having to edit loopholes, they basically screwed most servers relying on donations to survive.

Obviously they could just be doing it for their own reasons but the reasons they have given make sense, even if they are used to try and justify something as heavy handed as this, I don't believe they are lying. Obviously they could be making a mistake but that's always debatable.
You pretty much just lose all of the gameplay benefits you originally paid for. I think that the price for Premium should be brought down substantially to accommodate the changes, seeing as your only benefits now are purely aesthetic or only visible to you.

Personally, I am okay with the changes. I have never liked pay-to-win, and only bought Premium because it was almost necessary in order to stand a fighting chance. I'll happily be giving up my Premium subscription so that I may play fairly among all the other players at no additional cost to me.