• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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    2. Posts are in-character.
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In Recant


massivecraft's chappell roan
Nov 27, 2021
Reaction score
the door to your mom's room
New letters, new parchment, tinted pink. An apology brought to light, pinned over the torn remains of previous texts.

• • • • • •
In Recant.
• • • • • •​
༺●˚ To the Elders.
I wish to offer my deepest apologies to my Order's Elder Council. My regret cannot be heavier on my conscience, for a place of heated panic brought choice words you may have read. In my rush to explain myself, I misjudged the accusations levied as an opening to speak, and should not have been so visceral. The words I relied on meant more than what I deemed, and it brought forward a venom I wish to apologise for properly. Never did I wish to go against the Order, or deem myself of position to argue.

I made an error, a lapse in my own judgement, and deign to apologise as publicly as the original missive.
I didn't mean to retort, or state you were wrong about the claims. The Order is my career, as much as it is my life. I will continue to put myself at the forefront of adversity and action for those I call family in our ranks. The Order has brought me kindness in the places I thought it least deserved, and for that I am thankful.
༺●˚ A Brief Thanks.
While I have the mind to spare and the parchment on hand, I wish to thank one Sergeant Lord-Protector Otto Delmotte ( @Apictos ) for his thorough and professional investigation the day of what happened. House Delmotte ( @Arhbi ) continues to be a wonderful example of the Regalian peerage.
In Earnest, I hope that my ill-processed comments can be forgiven.
Yours always,
Ward-Knight Sera Lisbeth Lovette,
Aelrrigan Order, Regalian Chapter.

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