Archived In My Opinion, Nagas.

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Jan 2, 2013
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I believe that Nagas should be removed, or entirely powered down.

My reasoning? Their poison abilities.

1. Their poison will kill anyone of another race, no matter the MCMMO levels they acquire. It's severely imbalanced.
2. People are only switching to Naga simply due to the fact that the Nagas are voerpowered. A lot of them aren't switching BECAUSE they're overpowered, but to avoid another Nagas ability.
3. I have personally seen three factions that are the main aggressors on this server. If they aren't a vampire, they're a Naga. Every one of them, at least, the ones that actually play. Even at that, 70% of them are Nagas, nothing else.
4. This is a world of diversity, I support choosing your race, but soon enough people will be forced to become a Naga and forgo their initial and preferred choice. All due to the Nagas abilities. There is NO counter to a Naga, where if you fought an Agni, you could numb the fire touch with Fire Absorbtion, you can't do the same in this situation.
5. Milk. The only cure to poison. "Drink milk!" You might say. During combat, however, Milk isn't viable, nor is it efficient to carry about 6 buckets of it everywhere you go and during every raid that occurs. Let alone the time it takes one to drink it.

Discuss this, without causing a flame war. I disagree entirely with the Naga race and its effect on the server. I WANT to play my Tigran, it's a friggin Tiger Man. What I do NOT want, however, is to be forced to become a Naga simply to avoid others who are one. Which, as it seems, is going to have to occur if there is nothing planned for them.[DOUBLEPOST=1360740068][/DOUBLEPOST]Call me one sided if you like. My points are valid. Even if I were a Naga, I would still think of them as very overpowered.
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Poison can't kill you its only a problem if the fight lasts more than a few moments or if you have multiple opponents.
I tend to avoid pvp like the plague so I'm not speaking from experience, but theoretically it shouldn't have any more of an effect on the outcome of a battle than a damage boost does, less on the outcome of a 1v1, it should mostly just make you die faster in the times that the odds are already against you.
Their poison will wear down your health very easy... and they just need 1 hit you with cookie...
While I still think it is a stupid race and should be removed, it was nerfed and only does about 2 hearts per poison, which is bearable, but still...

If there was some kind of poison resistance potion I'd be ok with this race, but, there isn't, so I'm not.
It was recently nerfed so now it is a 20% chance of poison if you hit them, and it only does around 2-4 hearts of damage rather than 9. I think it is fine now.
I've heard many rumors, some saying that they've been taken down to three hearts, some down to five.

Since the posting of this, I've heard more accounts of people saying "I'm a Naga due to other people being a Naga. It's OP and unavoidable." Etc etc.
Well there are allot of new races, that dont make sense.

Example: in Lord Of The Rings, in the mines of Moria. The fellowship encounters a Ballrog, That's how allot of players feel about those OP classes.

I prefer less races and expand there abilities.

The standard, Human,Orc,Dwarf,Undead,Elf. And cat like race. Increase there racial abilities.
Well there are allot of new races, that dont make sense.

Because you are the total authority deciding on what is sensical in a roleplay fantasy universe amirite?

Naga's will be nerfed, but I need to talk over with cayorion how to do this.
I want Naga kept. I don't care about their poison ability. But you are talking about removing the one Lizard race we now have.
I see naga as almost a tanking class. They put out a debuff by taking damage. You can literally stand still with sword in hand a get kills by doing nothing. Definately characteristics of a tank. So what is the disadvantage? In traditional mmo perspective, tanking classes have extremely low dps compared to a glass cannon dps class like vampire. I suggest nerfing all damage skills of naga to balance them. That makes naga only viable to solo pvp with great enchants only. That is not an easy thing to upkeep. Another option would be extra weakness to bows as that is currently the only safe method of fighting them. Naga does have its place, but the current state makes it extremely overpowered.
Because you are the total authority deciding on what is sensical in a roleplay fantasy universe amirite?

Naga's will be nerfed, but I need to talk over with cayorion how to do this.

No i'm not a authority in fantasy rules. I just post my idea's/opnion. And your post is kinda rude, atleast how i read it. Anyway, i just give suggestions.
No i'm not a authority in fantasy rules. I just post my idea's/opnion. And your post is kinda rude, atleast how i read it. Anyway, i just give suggestions.

Your post is about equal to walking into someone's house and saying a particular painting is nonsentical on the wall. The whole opinion is nonsensical because we create our own universe and don't rehash D&D or Lotr. Sometimes it pays off to look outside the box and create something new as opposed to beating the same deas horse over and over.

As the concepter of MassiveRaces I find your post insulting, which in my opinion warrants a rude response to accurately reflect my opinions of that post.
I want Naga kept. I don't care about their poison ability. But you are talking about removing the one Lizard race we now have.
There are many other ways to go about the naga race. Such as giving their skin a "Weakness poison" effect. Minor weakness for three seconds at a 15%-20% rate of being struck that also has a "Damage" tick to even prevent sprinting without actual damage, which could essentially negate any races "15% boost" as well as the ease of running away.
Although it is insanely OP, I kinda like the RP side of Nagas poison ability. I think along with the recent nerf we had, we should add a weakness. Right now they are like vampires that don't get hurt by wood and the sun. Here are some suggestions:

-Since they deal damage upon getting hit, perhaps increase the amount of damage they take per hit. Maybe 20 % more? I think of lizards as easy to squish.

-A side effect of poisoning: maybe 5 seconds of blindness, weakness, or slowness. Think of it like this: When the Naga releases poison, it loses its own energy.

-Since lizards have a feeble figure, they get hit with knock back 2 every time they get hit.

These are just some ideas, feel free to piss all over them.
In my opinion they should be done away with altogether quickly before people get too attached to them. I've raided a lot recently and I can safely say that everyone who used to be a Dwarf, Tigran or Human is now a damn Naga. At least have it so that they're just immune to poison instead of spreading it
The accounts of people saying "I'm naga due to other people being Naga" is true. I turned Naga immediately after fighting one. It doesn't need to be removed, but nerfed. Only good thing about Nagas: they've gotten rid of a ton of Vampires. Cuz they're all changing to Naga :)
All current naga functions will be stripped and replaced by a hardcap return damage that will be fairly low.

Complaints about too much nerf aside, the whole situation around it almost made me ask cayorion to remove all racial abilities alltogether.
Complaints about too much nerf aside, the whole situation around it almost made me ask cayorion to remove all racial abilities alltogether.

I think the race advantages are fine, as long as made reasonable. The reason why nagas are such a pain in the ass is that there are no poison resistance potions. Some will say there is milk, but that won't prevent you from getting poisoned, just stop it when you already are.
I think the race advantages are fine, as long as made reasonable. The reason why nagas are such a pain in the ass is that there are no poison resistance potions. Some will say there is milk, but that won't prevent you from getting poisoned, just stop it when you already are.

And, as I mentioned in my post, milk buckets are a huge waste of space and time in combat. As soon as you drink it, you'll be dead.
Although it is insanely OP, I kinda like the RP side of Nagas poison ability. I think along with the recent nerf we had, we should add a weakness. Right now they are like vampires that don't get hurt by wood and the sun. Here are some suggestions:

-Since they deal damage upon getting hit, perhaps increase the amount of damage they take per hit. Maybe 20 % more? I think of lizards as easy to squish.

-A side effect of poisoning: maybe 5 seconds of blindness, weakness, or slowness. Think of it like this: When the Naga releases poison, it loses its own energy.

-Since lizards have a feeble figure, they get hit with knock back 2 every time they get hit.

These are just some ideas, feel free to piss all over them.
I like the idea of Naga taking bonus damage per hit.
I was fighting a naga recently and let me just say when you do defeat them and they don't have a weapon MCMMO will just make their unarmed damage to about 1-2 hearts even in armour when it's sufficiently high, plus it does about 2 1/2 to 3 hearts of damage and when it lags the damage stockpiles into a quick succession of damage i'd say nausea or some effect that distorts vision maybe even hunger along with nausea? Just an opinion.
I was fighting a naga recently and let me just say when you do defeat them and they don't have a weapon MCMMO will just make their unarmed damage to about 1-2 hearts even in armour when it's sufficiently high, plus it does about 2 1/2 to 3 hearts of damage and when it lags the damage stockpiles into a quick succession of damage i'd say nausea or some effect that distorts vision maybe even hunger along with nausea? Just an opinion.

You have no idea how much that didn't make sense to me... xD
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