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In Earnest


massivecraft's chappell roan
Nov 27, 2021
Reaction score
the door to your mom's room
This notice is pinned over the following one.
The following missive has been hastily torn from the boards in the city;

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In Earnest.
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༺●˚ Forewords of the Accused.
My name is Lisbeth Lovette, Elizabeth of Basta, Ward-Knight Sera of the Aelrrigan Order, and Paladin of Our Lady of Burden Elen. I speak from a place of heart, I speak with conviction of my choices, nary an ounce of regret, for multiple important aspects were left unspoken on or unannounced before the mess of a scrap in the Arena Sands today. I owe everything to the Aelrrigan Order. I devote my every sun-rise-and-set to the efforts of those I call family. My Knighthood is my purpose; my Code is my sworn oath.
༺●˚ Regarding the Duel Today.
On the evening of August twenty-seventh, I duelled Lord-Protector Riftan Mekrov over the debacle spoken of below. The terms agreed on were as follows; I win, and the Lothar under Purger Mekrov's directive will stop their antics and not touch my relationship. He wins, he were allowed to enact his judgement, bar murder. The duel ended in a draw. These will be revisited taking into account the happenings later in the day.
༺●˚ Regarding the First notice.
On the evening of August twenty-seventh, it was proclaimed by the Aelrrigan Order, to whom I owe my education and my life beyond Basta's walls, that I were fraternizing with a Purist and Lothar family, engaging in romantic endeavors with a member.​

This is true, in part. I have and admit to romantically pursuing one Sina (ex) von Kepler. I will not, however, admit to 'fraternizing with her family', of which I have and will continue to have the utmost disrespect for, as a family comprised near entirely of knights specifically ordered to sabotage my own Order. I do not trust them. I do not like them. Multiple attempts on innocent Occult life by their patriarch, and at minimum three random assaults on unarmed persons' by the Baroness, I have little care for them at large.

The order for the Regalian Branch of Aelrrigans to terminate the romance should be, by all accounts, rescinded for the following;
↳ Sina has, publicly, wished to sign her denouncement of the Purist lifestyle and ideals.
↳ Sina has been disowned by the von Kepler family.​

༺●˚ Regarding the Second notice.

As above, though I have much less to say. Shortly, Sina is no longer a von Kepler. The von Keplers, for all I despise their antics and efforts, have stuck by their beliefs and disowned her.
༺●˚ Regarding the Third notice.
Emile is not a Renegade Mage, per the issue of the Elder Council. Once a Renegade, the Order itself deigned to revoke the status given new guidelines from Kintyr, earlier this year. Additionally, the Order at large here in Regalia has, knowingly, taken them in under 'repentance', with regards to allowing them a platform to grow as a person following his public denouncement of Death Cultism and Regalian beaurocratic 'blank slate' pardon from the Palace. Emile has showcased a wish to improve, and the drive to do so.

I, and Sera Killian, submit ourselves to exorcism and testing and what-have-you, simply and handedly. I will speak little on my brother's behalf, but he is and has been a member of the Aelrrigan Order longer than even I, and any romantic endeavors with a mage willing to grow to be better shouldn't be treated with such viscosity, in my opinion.
༺●˚ Parting Words.
I love who I love. She is no Lothar, Purist, or von Kepler.
Best regards,
Sera Lisbeth Lovette,
Sera Killian Lovette,
& Sina.

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"A Knight's spine is his character. A Knight who recoils in the face of adversity is no Knight. A Knight who recoils in the face of difficulty is no Knight. You cannot be true to yourself if you are not brave to others." - Wydd-Knight Sera Signe Losnedahl.
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༺●˚ Regarding the Third notice.
Emile is not a Renegade Mage, per the issue of the Elder Council. Once a Renegade, the Order itself deigned to revoke the status given new guidelines from Kintyr, earlier this year. Additionally, the Order at large here in Regalia has, knowingly, taken them in under 'repentance', with regards to allowing them a platform to grow as a person following his public denouncement of Death Cultism and Regalian beaurocratic 'blank slate' pardon from the Palace. Emile has showcased a wish to improve, and the drive to do so.

July 31st, 311 AC.

Mothcrow was witnessed by multiple to have concluded the farewells to his dead relatives with a prayer to their Death God, despite their plea to the Imperial Bureaucrat being made on July 16th, 311 AC.

Evidently, he has not.
July 31st, 311 AC.

Mothcrow was witnessed by multiple to have concluded the farewells to his dead relatives with a prayer to their Death God, despite their plea to the Imperial Bureaucrat being made on July 16th, 311 AC.

Evidently, he has not.

Leaving prayers for the dead and being accused of death worship in the same breath is ironic, at best. To be accused of worshiping anything, prayer is not done by word. If I were, as accused, a malefica cultist, these supposed dead relatives would be undead and not... well, dead. If I were, as accused, an avarael cultist, I would be more enthralled with making death traps than busying myself with praying to the deceased. Additionally, I don't have any dead relatives, not that I know of, anyway. If you want the otherside of your 'report', i'm free to talk about it.

As stated, everything I have said and done in Sera Avarael's name has gone against the practice of Death Cultist worshipping him.

Either way, I have no word on this beyond what Sera Lisbeth has said and Sera Killian is free to make his peace with it as well.

Leaving prayers for the dead and being accused of death worship in the same breath is ironic, at best. To be accused of worshiping anything, prayer is not done by word. If I were, as accused, a malefica cultist, these supposed dead relatives would be undead and not... well, dead. If I were, as accused, an avarael cultist, I would be more enthralled with making death traps than busying myself with praying to the deceased. Additionally, I don't have any dead relatives, not that I know of, anyway. If you want the otherside of your 'report', i'm free to talk about it.

As stated, everything I have said and done in Sera Avarael's name has gone against the practice of Death Cultist worshipping him.

Either way, I have no word on this beyond what Sera Lisbeth has said and Sera Killian is free to make his peace with it as well.

The thrum and stutter of Vivitech is heard in the Graveyard under a large tree. A paperboy hat falls from its branches, clumps of hair still stuck in its seams.