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Imperialisation Declaration


Benedictus "The Silver Bear" d'Vaud
Jun 26, 2017
Reaction score
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds
Fighter's Guild

Imperialisation Declaration
Penned by Benedict d'Vaud,
House Patriarch of that Comital Name,
Minister of War Affairs & Count of Erbtaublierwald,
29th April 306AC.

Let all those with sight bare witness to this declaration.

A shroud of cultural disunity has loomed and enveloped over the Regalian Archipelago as of late, stifling our righteous and hard-won labours with petty squabbles of opposition and discurteous discourse, which do naught but distract the Nobility and Common Folk from their Unionist Teachings.

Enough is Enough.

To become caught within conflicts based on notions of Cultural Opposition, regardless of generational history between our Ailor brothers, is tantamount to betrayal of Our Great Way & the Imperial Spirit. As segments of the Third & Fifth Creeds read respectively:

"All must contribute to the Great Way, from the highest noble to the lowest street beggar. All must also contribute to each other's Great Way however, the noble must give alms to the poor and the poor must take up the sword and spear and bow when the noble is in need of men and women for their banner."

"One day our fair race shall rule all the world and all the known lands and all the known seas and so too shall we take to the skies and conquer anything that can be seen and even that which cannot be seen. It is by the labor of the man, woman and child, and by the direction of the Imperial Spirit and the hands of the Emperors that we shall achieve and bathe in the Divine Fate"

Our Great Way is not an Easy Path.
It is a road filled with many an obstacle that would bar us our Divine Fate, one of which stands before myself this day, when I have to come to the realisation that my own heritage can act as an unwelcome barrier to the destiny which awaits us. As such, I do not take this decision lightly.

I have been a proud man of Opper-Calemberg. Proud of the Alt-Regalian and Leutz-Vixe History that flows through my blood, more surely than water's dance down the fall, cascading to the calmer river below. We too are in such a flight, where we must begin to realise our Imperial Cultural Heritage & true potential under the guidance of the Imperial Spirit.

In doing so, I renew my utter obedience, respect, and deference to His Imperial Holiness, Cedromar I, as the supreme authority of the state. I shorten my birth-name to one taken by eleven former High Holinesses of the Unionist Sancella & I resolve the following:
In Accordance with the Establishment of the Imperialized Standard, as set out in the Imperial Edicts of April 306AC, His Excellency, Benedict d'Vaud, doth hereby adopt & adhere to Imperial Culture.

Improvidus, Apto Quod Victum

May the Spirit bind us in Unity as we face the future.

Glory to Regalia!

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"Nice of you to speak to your family on the matter, Ben. Hamelin f*cked up by giving you the reins." Czys said to the wall, as Benedict was nowhere close to her.