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Imperial Proclamation To The Slums


Staff member
Jun 29, 2012
Reaction score
An Imperial Proclamation to the slums, pinned in dozens of posters on the slum side of the Slum Gate announces:

"By Imperial decree of the Emperor, the court has been made aware of anti-crown sentiments in the slums that are brewing, particularly against individuals that are close to the Emperor and the Imperial Court with their service to the crown and the Great Way. The Emperor has also been made aware of repeated issues with individuals of the same family, the so called Perrot, who have issued a bounty on the head of the Imperial Court Arcanist.

The Emperor now extends an ultimatum both to the Perrot family and the slums, that if the person responsible for this bounty does not turn themselves in within 48 hours for public repentance and lashings, the entire Perrot family will be declared grand heretics, guilty by association to evil and wicked sin, and the Emperor shall decree to remind the slum dwellers that they exist in relative free isolation at his prerogative, by turning the mortars on the slums and raining fire and brimstone from the sky on these so called "Gang Bases", should the slums prove that there are indeed no righteous souls left that would bring forward the person who dared to cross the crown.

The Emperor further wishes to underpin a final personal message from the crown directly, for those involved with the Perrot businesses, to enforce the sincerity of this message and underline the Emperor's personal investment in the matter:

"Don't screw with the crown."
Rain down-poured creating a sickening percussion against the walls of the safe house, the painted Mu-Allar, Zyylgo paces about a dimly lit back room accompanied by a few. His eyes drifting over the other hunters he had assembled, "Patience is what separates good hunters from dead ones. We've waited, now it's time to collect." he would drive a dagger deep into the table map setup of the Slums.
At the sight of the posters, Moji's saunter to the Fox had all but come to an absolute stop. She ripped one down, clutched it between her fingers as she read it, over and over again. Shoulders tensing with stress, the Chi folded the poster up and tucked it beneath her arm before resuming her stroll to the Emporium; her gait had certainly picked up speed. This was every bit bad news. It was time for a business meeting.
Ozzidyl let out a long sigh, while tapping his fingers on the small and overall cheapish looking table inside his slum-property.

"May the Emperor'z mortarz.. mizz my lovely houze. Pleaze.. Pleaze, pleaze."